Pylypenko, InnaPylypenko, LiudmylaYamborko, Hanna V.Kotliar, YevheniiIlyeva, ElenaЯмборко, Ганна ВалентинівнаЯмборко, Анна Валентиновна2020-02-192020-02-192017Наукові проблеми харчових технологій та промислової біотехнології в контексті Євроінтеграції: програма та тези матеріал. Міжнар.ї наук.-техн. конф. (Київ, 7-8 листоп. 2017 р.). – Київ, 2017. analytical monitoring of sanitary requirements for various groups of food raw materials and products of their processing according to the principles of HACCP and the complex of experimental researches on the identification of microorganismscontaminants of the order of Bacillales as an indicator of compliance of their sanitary quality and safety with Euro-integration criteria has been carried out.enanalytical monitoringvarious groupsmaterialsproductsScientific bases for improvement of sanitary control of safety of food raw materials and products of its processingArticle