Kurando, O. S.2018-12-272018-12-272018Вісник Одеського національного університету = Odesa National University Heraldhttps://dspace.onu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/20722The article is devoted to the study of the foreign policy views of representatives of the Republican Party in the period 2008–2016. There were three major tendencies in the Republican Party: anti-interventionist, internationalist and nationalist. All three groups were conservative, but they did not agree with the consequences of the American «Grand strategy» under President Barack Obama. The aim of the article is to study the Republican tactic under Obama and to reveal the features of the intellectual contribution of each of the three main groups as an opposition of the party to a democratic president.enObama Doctrineforeign policyUSARepublican Partyдоктрина Обамизовнішня політикаСШАРеспубліканська партіядоктрина Обамывнешняя политикаСШАРеспубликанская партияObama doctrine: did the republican alternative exist?Доктрина Обами: чи існувала республіканська альтернатива?Доктрина Обамы: существовала ли республиканская альтернатива?Article