Кононенко, Оксана ІванівнаKononenko, Oksana I.Кононенко, Оксана Ивановна2018-10-022018-10-022014Вісник Чернігівського національного педагогічного університетуhttps://dspace.onu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/18936У статті розкривається актуальність проблеми перфекціонізму як одного з напрямків дослідження в галузі психології особистості. Досліджено головні вектори негативного впливу перфекціонізму на різні сфери життя особистості. Висвітлено основні сучасні психологічні напрямки дослідження природи феномену перфекціонізму особистості.In recent decades, the phenomenon of perfectionism has been the subject of numerous empirical researches in domestic and foreign psychology. Today it was proved that perfectionism makes a substantial contribution to the formation and maintenance of a range of psychological phenomena. Traditionally perfectionism was seen as universal phenomenon that affects all areas of life, including emotional spheres of person. However, representatives of the major psychological schools distinguish pathogenic role of excessively high standards and requirements of the individual in the development of emotional disorders. The purpose of the article is on the basis of theoretical analysis and synthesis of scientific primary sources to define the features of perfectionism which impacts on the emotional sphere of the individual. Perfectionism is a complex phenomenon; its impact can cover all areas of life. Researchers have identified a number of areas which have a negative impact perfectionism: emotional state, where the effects observed frequently, even chronic, experiences dissatisfaction, depression, anxiety, shame and guilt; following areas – productivity activities where there is often avoidance behavior, inability to act, slow performance, and chronic fatigue because of the generalization of high standards in all activities in the interpersonal relationships and possible conflicts breaks due to excessive demands and expectations of others, comparisons with them , envy, jealousy. Recent studies show that perfectionism is one of the most important personal factors of affective disorders spectrum. Based on theoretical analysis and synthesis of the literature sources, we concluded that in the present study prevails the idea that perfectionism actively influences the emotional sphere of the individual, but in most cases negative. Transformational feature "perfectionism" is a complex psychological structure; in addition to date not formed a clear understanding of the origin and determinants of personal perfectionism of psychological tendencies. However, personal perfectionism affects its different areas, hence the need for further research specificity of this phenomenon.ukособистістьперфекціонізмдосконалістьемоціїемоційна сфераpersonalityperfectionismperfectionemotionsemotional sphereВплив перфекціонізму на емоційну сферу особистостіThe influence of perfectionism on the emotional sphere of personalityArticle