Барінова, Ліна ЯківнаБаринова, Лина ЯковлевнаBarinova, Lina Ya.2020-01-042020-01-042019Психологія та соціальна роботаhttps://dspace.onu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/27028Стаття присвячена дослідженню особливостей проблемних ситуацій та дій з організації життя моряків далекого плавання як основи їхнього психологічного здоров’я. Виділені найбільш гострі та найменш проблемні для моряків ситуації у житті. Показано, що реалізація психологічного здоров’я моряків відбувається у кожній із проблемних ситуацій шляхом специфічних для неї дій з організації життя.Статья посвящена исследованию особенностей проблемных ситуаций и действий по организации жизни моряков дальнего плавания как основы их психологического здоровья. Выделены наиболее острые и наименее проблемные для моряков ситуации в жизни. Показано, что реализация психологического здоровья моряков происходит в каждой из проблемных ситуаций путем специфических для нее действий по организации жизни.The article is sanctified to research of features of problem situations and operating under organization of life of seamen distant swimming as bases of their psychological health. The psychological aspects are of particular importance, since the concepts of mental and psychological health are closely linked not only with the dynamic state of internal well-being of the individual, but also with the fulfillment of professional duties. Despite the fact that Ukraine is a maritime state, the study of personality and various aspects of the psychological health of sailing pilots is a novel but urgent and timely one for domestic psychological science, since one of the priority tasks of modern Ukraine is the revival of the national fleet. The most acute for seamen turned out to be situations related to their material and social status. By degree of expressiveness, they were inferior to situations that concerned professional activities and health. The least problematic for seamen was the situation associated with intrafamily relationships. The realization of psychological health took place in each of the problematic situations through the actions specific for her organization of life. In the problematic situations of the material and social sphere and the professional sphere, the actions focused on the assessment and solution of the problem prevailed, while in the problematic situations connected with the family environment and the state of health, the actions focused on regulation of the emotional state prevailed. In particular, in situations of material and social difficulties, the most priority strategies are actions to find information about the problem situation and actions to summarize it; the actions that the sailors most often turned to did were action to adapt to the problem situation and emotional and volitional regulation. In situations of intra-family problems, the most priority strategies of seafarers are deactivating volitional actions, actions on summarizing the problem situation and with emotional and volitional regulation; the least priority: actions for planning behavior in problem situations and action to find ways to solve it. The most expressive actions in the organization of life in situations of problems with the state of health are deactivating volitional actions; the least applicable are actions to summarize the problem situation and find information about it. The most priority actions in the organization of life in situations of problems related to the professional activities of seafarers, are actions to find information about these situations, as well as actions on their axiological assessment; the least applicable are actions of emotional and volitional regulation of problem situations.ukособистістьздоров’япсихологічне здоров’япроблемні ситуаціїдії з організації життя личностьздоровьепсихологическое здоровьепроблемные ситуациидействия по организации жизниpersonalityhealthpsychological healthproblem situationsactions on organization of lifeПсихологічні особливості організації життя сучасними моряками як основа їх психологічного здоров’яПсихологические особенности организации жизни современными моряками как основа их психологического здоровьяPsychological features of organization of life by modern seamen as basis of their psychological healthArticle