Мілова, Марія ІллівнаАртеменко, Р. O.Artemenko, R. O.2019-09-302019-09-302019Соціально-політичні студії : наук. альманахhttps://dspace.onu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/25421Статтю присвячено дослідженню політичних аспектів міграційних процесів в Україні. В роботі проаналізовано вплив міграції на політичний процес в Україні. Приділено увагу присутності теми міграції в українському політичному дискурсі. Охарактеризовано бачення міграційного питання політичними партіями України. Сформульовано деякі пропозиції щодо удосконалення міграційної політики України.This article is devoted to the analysis of political aspects of migratory processes in Ukraine. According to the stated material of the article we can make a conclusion that currently Ukraine is actively involved in world’s migratory processes and serves as a donor of labor force for the more developed economies. Taking into account different sources, there are millions of Ukrainians living abroad for various reasons and terms. The exact number of such Ukrainian citizens varies from 3 to 4 million people.It is noted that in the modern world the problem of migration is shifting from socioeconomic issues to political ones and Ukraine is not an exception. Today the problem of migration is largely politicized in Ukraine. The large number of labor migrants leaving the country is rather a negative thing which leads to additional tensions in society. Author underlines that one of the core reasons which make Ukrainians leave is disillusionment with political elites and lack of active citizenship. Ukraine is being leaving by the most educated and mobile part of citizens. This matter is a threat that some political actors can take power and divert the country from European integration pathway. Currently, migration in Ukrainian political discourse is one of the most under discussion issue; politicians tend to simplify the problem that by itself is multifaceted. This brings into political discourse a lot of populistic demagoguery and forms of populism. Viewing the program documents of Ukrainian political parties and other actors it is possible to conclude, that a vision of migratory issues is cursory and there are not offeredthe way of solving this problem in complex. Considering the existing circumstances, State executive and administrative bodies are faced with requests to improve migration policy which has include transformations and be provided with increase in social standards and competitiveness of economy.All of such measures in case of their successful implementation can create a favorable atmosphere for migrants to come back to Ukraine.ukміграційний процеструдові мігрантивибориєвроінтеграціяполітичний дискурсполітичний процесMigrationlabor migrantselectionsEuropean integrationpolitical processpolitical discourseПолітичні аспекти міграційних процесів: запити на сучасну міграційну політикуPolitical aspects of migration: demands for modern migration policiesArticle