Sadchenko, Olena V.Yakymyshyn, LiliyaKovalchuk, SvitlanaChernenko, DarynaZaitseva, AnnaDudnyk, AllaСадченко, Олена ВасилівнаСадченко, Елена Васильевна2019-11-262019-11-262019International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) business, development is the key to success. If a company stands still, larger competitors will quickly lure all its customers. To prevent this from happening, the enterprise is being expanded, that is, it is scaling up the business. The article displays the prerequisites for scaling, the main ways, as well as what is necessary for expanding the business. A special role in scaling is played by modern marketing tools and automation of business processes. The article discusses how to simplify the strategy of scaling a business with the help of automation and the latest marketing tools.enBusiness ScalingChatbotsFranchisingMarketing ToolsBusiness Scaling Using the Latest Marketing ToolsArticle