Біланчин, Ярослав МихайловичБиланчин, Ярослав МихайловичBilanchyn, Yaroslav M.2017-11-162017-11-162017Вісник Одеського національного університету = Odesa National University Heraldhttps://dspace.onu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/11407В структурі геолого-географічного факультету Одеського університету у травні 1967 року була відкрита кафедра ґрунтознавства і географії ґрунтів. Основним завданням новоствореної кафедри було визначено організацію дослідження ґрунтів степової зони півдня України у зв’язку із розгортанням великомасштабної іригації земель та підготовку фахівців відповідної кваліфікації. У пропонованій статті висвітлено піввікову історію становлення і розвитку кафедри та її підрозділів, основні напрямки та здобутки освітньої і науково-дослідницької діяльності.В структуре геолого-географического факультета Одесского университета в мае 1967 года была открыта кафедра почвоведения и географии почв. Основ- ным заданием новообразованной кафедры было определено организацию ис- следования почв степной зоны юга Украины в связи с разворачиванием круп- номасштабной ирригации земель и подготовку специалистов соответствую- щей квалификации. В предлагаемой статье освещена полувековая история ста- новления и развития кафедры и ее подразделений, основные направления и до- стижения учебной и научно-исследовательской деятельности.Problem Statement and Purpose. The Department of Soil Science and Soil Geography was founded at the Geology and Geography Faculty of Odessa University half a century ago, in May 1967. The main task of the department resided in conducting soil researches in the steppe zone of the south of Ukraine in connection with the commencement of large-scale irrigation programs there, what also entailed training qualified specialists. In order to ensure research sufficiency and offer students appropriate traineeships, several units were created at the department: the soil sciences expedition, the problem scientific and research laboratory of geography and soil conservation of the black soil zone (PSCL-4 ONU), a branch of the department at the Odessa hydrogeology and melioration expeditions. The aim of this article is to highlight the major milestones of the half-century history of the department and its units, as well as outline educational achievements and research activities during this period.Data & Methods. Documents and materials on the history of formation and development of the department and its units, documents and materials on the educational and research activities during 50 years, as well as the author’s publications from the previous years. To highlight the half-century history of the department a classic historical-and-research approach has been applied, which combines the principles of historical and analytical assessment of both: historical milestones and obtained achievements. Results. From its first year the department started tutoring specialists with qualification the “Soil Scientist Geographer” within the “Geography” speciality, as well as launched postgraduate programme 11. 00. 05 – biogeography and geography of soils. In 1967-1992, the soil sciences expedition of the department conducted a large-scale (1:10000 and 1:25000) survey and mapping of soils of collective and state farms in the south of Ukraine, Russian Federation, North and Central Kazakhstan in the area of more than 6 mln. ha. For more than 40 years the department’s and PSCL- 4 staff has been studying the impact of waters of different irrigational quality on the chemical composition of the southern Ukrainian soils, as well as properties and productivity of these soils. There has been established genetic nature and negative direction of a number of processes in the black soil under irrigation, there also have been justified and introduced into practice different measures to protect and increase fertility of soils under irrigation and drainage. It is recommended that the environmentally friendly and cost-effective drip method of land irrigation is used for the southern Ukrainian soils. Starting from 2001 under the TACIS aegis the study and mapping of contemporary geomorphologic processes of soils and lands in the lake district of Danube and Lower Dniester have been completed. In 2003 there have been commenced research and mapping of soils and soil cover on Zmiiny island. The studies of modern landscapes and soil-geochemical environments and processes on the liman coasts in the Northwestern part of the Black Sea region as well as city`s soil, fluorine content in the system “natural environment – human”, and history of soil and geographical studies in the region, are considered additionally in the research within recent years. Bearing in mind problems and topics the department addressed during its long-term scientific and research activities there has been developed a scientific school – “Soil Formation Processes in Black Soils of the Steppe Zone.” Over half a century the department schooled 14 candidates and 3 doctors of sciences, published more than 10 books, about 500 scientific articles, scientific and practical recommendations, and training manuals.ukкафедра ґрунтознавства і географії ґрунтів Одеського університету50-річчяісторія становленняосвітня і науково-дослідницька діяльністькафедра почвоведения и географии почв Одесского университета50-летиеистория становленияучебная и научно-исследовательская деятельностьDepartment of Soil Science and Soil Geography of Odessa University50th anniversaryeducational and research activitiesКафедрі ґрунтознавства і географії ґрунтів Одеського національного університету – 50!Кафедре почвоведения и географии почв Одесского национального университета – 50!Department of soil science and soil geography of Odessa National University celebrates 50th anniversary!Article