Xie Yupeng2024-03-182024-03-182023Xie Yupeng. The role of online marketing in creating global supply chain networks = Роль онлайн маркетингу в створенні глобальних мереж ланцюгів постачань : qualification project (thesis) master's / Xie Yupeng. – Odesa, 2023. – 88 P.https://dspace.onu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/37916Online marketing plays an important role in creating global supply chain networks. With the help of online marketing, companies can effectively attract and retain customers, as well as establish and maintain relationships with suppliers and other partners around the world. Online marketing allows companies to promote their products and services over the Internet, reaching a wide audience of customers in different countries. With the help of various online marketing tools, such as search engine optimization, content marketing, social networks and electronic advertising, companies can increase their visibility and attract new customers. Online marketing also allows companies to establish and maintain relationships with suppliers and other partners around the world. With the help of e-mail, video conferencing and other means of communication, companies can easily communicate and cooperate with partners from different countries, which contributes to the creation of global supply chain networks. Thanks to online marketing, companies can also effectively monitor and manage their global supply chain networks. With the help of data analytics and other tools, companies can get information about sales, inventory and other factors affecting the supply chain. This allows companies to make more informed decisions and optimize their supply chain to achieve maximum efficiency and meet customer needs. Thus, online marketing plays an important role in creating global supply chain networks, allowing companies to effectively attract and retain customers, establish and maintain relationships with partners and effectively manage their supply chains.en073 менеджментonline marketingрольcreatingsupply chain networksThe role of online marketing in creating global supply chain networksРоль онлайн маркетингу в створенні глобальних мереж ланцюгів постачаньDiplomas