Shtenikov, Mykola D.Ostapchuk, Andriy M.2018-12-272018-12-272018Modern problems of Microbiology and Biotechnology: materials of M78 young scientists international conference (Odesa, 20-23 june 2018). – Odesa : «Odesa I. I. Mecnikov National University», 2018. Endospore-forming Bacteria (AEB) represent an interesting group of mesophilic bacteria for geological and environmental studies. The optimal temperature for their growth are in the range of 25-30 ° C. The main places of their habitation are soil, active sludge and bottom sediments of fresh water basins. In the marine environment they come from land with annual and rainy runoff and through the air.enEndospore-forming Bacteriamesophilic bacteriaBlack SeaStratification of Endosporeforming Bacteria in bottom sediments of Black SeaArticle