Guan Shuwen2024-03-152024-03-152023Guan Shuwen. Impact of the coronavirus outbreak on global operations = Вплив пандемії короновірусу на глобальні бізнесові операції : qualification project (thesis) master's / Guan Shuwen. – Odesa, 2023. – 83 p. COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound impact on the world economy, not only directly affecting global trade and supply chains, but also indirectly causing uncertainty and instability in the global economy. Goal and tasks The purpose of the master's thesis is to analyze the economic development situation before and after the novel coronavirus, so as to enable managers to better manage the company. To achieve the goal, the following tasks were set and solved:  to study the essence of economic managementto explore the transformation of management and its tools;  to analyze the impact of the virus on various aspects of the economy; - to study the main directions of post-pandemic transformations; - to analyze the trends of green and sustainable development after COVID-19;  to find good examples of coping and learn from themto identify the features of the development of the Chinese market after COVID-19;  to summarize and make suggestions for how managers can complete their work more efficiently after COVID-19. The object of the study is international trade before and after the COVID-19 pandemic. The research subject is Impact of the coronavirus outbreak on global business operations. Research methods. The methodological basis of the study is the general scientific principles of a systematic approach; methods of analysis: logical, factorial, comparative, strategic, etc.; methods of economic and mathematical modeling. The empirical and information base of the thesis is statistical data; periodic business and scientific publications; legislative and normative acts. Information portals and websites were used as secondary information.en073 менеджментimpactcoronavirus outbreakпандеміяglobal operationsImpact of the coronavirus outbreak on global operationsВплив пандемії короновірусу на глобальні бізнесові операціїDiplomas