Sosna, Yu. O.Basiul, Olena V.Merlich, Andrii H.Yamborko, Hanna V.Ямборко, Анна ВалентиновнаСосна, Юлія ОлександрівнаСосна, Юлия АлександровнаБасюл, Олена ВладленівнаБасюл, Елена ВладленовнаМерлич, Андрей ГеннадиевичМерліч, Андрій ГеннадійовичЯмборко, Ганна Валентинівна2017-12-082017-12-082015Actual problems of microbiology and biotechnology: abstracts of the international conference for young scientists (june 1st - 4th, 2015) / chairman: V. O. Ivanytsia; Odessa І.І. Mechnikov National Univ. – Odesa, 2015. alternative of chemical methods to control pathogens is the use of bacteria-antagonists and their metabolites and bacteriophages.The lactic acid bacteria attach to the surface of plant, colonize it and actively affect on pathogens due to the synthesis of a wide range of antagonistic substances. In the soil lactobacilli stimulate the formation of humus, activate the soil microbiota representatives, and as a result substances necessary for plant nutrition are released in soil. These substances and lactic acid bacteria L. plantarum are completely safe for humans and the environment. That is why applying lactobacilli in plant protection is a safe replacement of chemical treatments against pathogens.enLactobacillus plantarumplant protectionTerms of the viability of Lactobacillus plantarum introduced in to the soil and on the surfaces of plantsArticle