Sadchenko, Olena V.Wang, MaomeiСадченко, Олена Василівна2024-03-202024-03-202023Sadchenko O. China’s environmental protection product marketing / O. Sadchenko, M. Wang // Перспективи регулювання соціально-економічних процесів в Україні [Електронне видання] : матеріали Міжнар. наук.-практ. конф. (Одеса, 6 жовт. 2023 р.) / відп. ред. О. В. Побережець ; ред. кол.: Є. І. Масленніков, О. М. Савастєєва, Л. О. Масіна та ін. – Одеса : Олді+, 2023. – С. 143–148. the 1990s, with the increasing severity of global environmental problems and the increasing awareness of environmental protection, a “green revolution” has appeared in the world. As the product of the “green revolution”, environmental marketing has attracted more and more people’s attention, and has been developed rapidly. Environmental marketing is developed on the basis of traditional marketing. It is a new marketing concept put forward to realize the sustainable development of human beings under the conditions of the rapid development of modern science and technology, the deteriorating ecological environment and the threat of human survival.enenvironmental marketingenvironmental protection“green revolution”China’s environmental protection product marketingArticle