Zaharchenko, Alla M.2018-05-242018-05-242009Арабсько-ізраїльський конфлікт: проблеми врегулювання на сучасному етапі: збірник статей / А. М. Захарченко ; Нац. ін-т стратегічних досліджень . – Одеса : Фенікс, 2009. Arab-Israeli conflict is the one of the most complex and difficult international problems, which represents the unique example of deep interrelation of nationalism and religion. On one hand, this is a classic conflict between two national movements claiming title to and vying for possession of the same land. On the other, this conflict has deep religious roots.enthe Arab -Israeli conflictnationalismreligioninternational probleminterrelation of nationalism and religionNationalism, Religion and the Arab -Israeli conflictArticle