Seifullina, Inna Y.Martsynko, Olena E.Chebanenko, Olena AnatoliivnaGrydina, Tetiana LeonidivnaFedchuk, Alla S.Mudryk, L.Radkevich, K. V.Марцинко, Елена ЭдуардовнаМарцинко, Олена ЕдуардівнаСейфулліна, Інна ЙосипівнаСейфуллина, Инна Иосифовна2018-02-212018-02-21201629-th International Conference on Antiviral Research (ICAR). – La Jolla, CA April 17- 21. creation of the needed chemical-therapeutic reserve which could provide the prophylactics and treatment in the case of the significant increase of influenza infected persons is the actual task of the contemporary medical science. Now intensively studied properties of metal complexes for detection of new biological properties to create a new anti-infection drugs. New coordination compounds of cobalt bis(cltrato)germanate (Ge) and cobalt bls(citrato)stannate (Sn) have a low toxic that gives the prospect for further research and implementation In medical practice.enAnti-Influenza ActivityNew Coordination CompoundsAnti-Influenza Activity of Argentums Bis(citrato)GermanateArticle