Aloshyn, Oleksii M.Pasternak, Valerii O.Tyurin, Oleksandr V.Тюрін, Олександр Валентинович2018-06-072018-06-072005Фотоэлектроника = Photoelectronics optical thin-layer detectors have been used as IR-sensors in the 0,6-3 mm region of spectrum in scientific, industrial and military applications for the last 30 years. However, nowadays the development of non-cooled multi-element matrix modules with PCcompatible interface is a very important task for physicists, technologists and electronicians. In this report we shortly presented all steps of such device had been developed from a single photosensitive photoresistor to a 256 • 256 element matrix module based on PbS layer integrated into the silicon chip with PC-compatible schemes of data processing.enPC-compatiblewell-knownphotoelectricalIR-detectorPbS-based IR-sensitive photoelectrical detectors and matrixes built-in a silicon substrate with schemes of data processingArticle