П'яткова, Алла ВікторівнаФедорончук, Наталя ОлександрівнаПяткова, Алла ВикторовнаФедорончук, Наталья АлександровнаPiatkova, Alla V.Fedoronchuk, Natalya O.2021-03-112021-03-112020Вісник Одеського національного університету = Odesa National University Heraldhttps://dspace.onu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/30456Представлені основні досягнення, напрямки та перспективи роботи навчально-наукового стаціонару «Кринички» за 40 років його існування. Надана його стисла характеристика, основні сфери досліджень, включаючи ландшафтні, ґрунтознавчі, геологічні, гідрогеологічні, геоботанічні. Представлені програми навчальних польових практик студентів географів та геологів із зазначенням мети та основних завдань. Зроблений акцент на геологічній будові території з метою обґрунтування проведення тут у подальшому низки різних геологічних практик.Представлены основные достижения, направления и перспективы работы учебно-научного стационара «Кринички» за 40 лет его существования. Пред- ставлена его краткая характеристика, основные сферы исследований, включая ландшафтные, почвоведческие, геологические, гидрогеологические, геоботанические. Представлены программы учебных полевых практик студентов географов и геологов с определением цели и основных задач. Сделан акцент на геологическом строении территории с целью обоснования проведения здесь в дальнейшем ряда разных геологических практик.The main achievements, directions and prospects of the educational and scientific center "Krynychky" activity, current programs of educational field student practices and scientific research are presented in the article. 40 years later, a physical-geographical educational and scientific center "Krynychky" was founded on the basis of Krynychanska secondary school of the Balta district of Odessa region. Currently, the center is used by staff and students of the Geology and Geography Faculty of Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University for scientific and/or educational purposes. There were several reasons for the creation of the center in this place, among them the study of the landscape structure of the forest-steppe areas and the study of wetlands (swamps) and solving the problem of their amelioration. Gradually, the range of scientific problems expanded. The composition and level of groundwater, agrochemical and agrophysical properties of soils, capacity, dynamics and spatial distribution of snow gusts, as well as observations of soil moisture and its spatial changeability, soil erosion properties, biotic diversity of landscapes, etc., were studied. Most lectures and staff of the Department of Physical Geography and Nature Management, as well as other departments and research laboratories of the Geology and Geography Faculty of Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University were somehow involved in teaching practice or performing numerous scientific studies in the center. The study area of the center is a key area in the semi-stationary observations of landscapes and agrocenoses and integrated large-scale zoning and mapping of the territory. More than a dozen diploma theses and a number of scientific dissertations have been defended on the materials of field research of the center. Serious and multifaceted work was performed in the development of a digital database of the center study area with the creation of digital elevation maps, soil cover maps, land categories maps, etc. In recent years, the center has been a constant base for educational field practice for geography students of the Geology and Geography Faculty. The purpose of integrated geographical practice is to master the methods and skills of field research and further in-house work, skills with the simplest tools, and more recently - using software applications in gadgets (eg, pedometer, compass, GPS-navigator, electronic maps, space images, etc.), processing and analysis of the received field data and registration of reports on the performed works. Of particular note is the exceptional importance of field practices for geology students. Teachers of the Department of General and Marine Geology studied the geological structure of the territories and developed methodological support for geo-mapping practice in this area. In accordance with the study program of the practice of structural geology and geo-mapping, geology students master the method of route geological survey of the territory, work on outcrops of rocks, study the lithological properties of rocks, make stratigraphic dissection of sedimentary strata, learn to build geological maps of the route and compile geological reports, gain experience in the mining method of mineral exploration, learn to work in a team. As a result, the educational and scientific center "Krynychky" has a long and rich history of geographical, paleontological, geoinformation, geological, botanical and soil research which were made during for four decades of its existence. Annual field practices of students are of great importance for the preparation and education of a new constellation of geographers and geologists - teachers and scientists who receive the most valuable skills to perform field research of natural and anthropogenic complexes and their interpretation. The center could become a base for conducting field practice for other natural students, as well as a base for the exchange of natural science students between higher education institutions in Ukraine.ukнавчально-науковий стаціонарпольова практикастаціонарні дослідженняКриничкиБалтський районучебно-научный стационарполевая практикастационарные исследованияБалтский районeducational and scientific centerfield practicestationary researchKrinichkiBalta districtДо 40-річчя навчально-наукового стаціонару ГГФ ОНУ імені І. І. Мечникова «Кринички»К 40-летию учебно-научного стационара ГГФ ОНУ имени И. И. Мечникова «Кринички»To the 40th anniversary of the educational and scientific center of Geology and Geography Faculty of Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University "Krinichki"Article