Лей Сіньї2023-05-112023-05-112022Лей Сіньї. Економічні фактори розвитку стратегії китайських компаній = Economic Factors for Strategy Development in China Companies : кваліфікаційна робота магістра / Лей Сіньї. – Одеса, 2022. – 94 с.https://dspace.onu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/35100For several decades, research has developed a number of analytical toolstheory in order to understand the processes and strategies of internationalization of businesses.However, these internationalization processes and strategies are evolving, and particularly these decades in a country in full transformation like China. These toolsof theoretical analysis in line with these new realities? And what are theseevolutions, their specificities? Should the tools be adapted to better understand these new developments that we observe in a country like China? In order to immediately perceive the interest of the chosen theme, we will start by discuss the latest events that illustrate the internationalization of the Chinese economy. We will then specify the theoretical framework of our work and our research question, then We will briefly present the various empirical works carried out in an attempt to answer them.en073 менеджментбізнестрансформаціяChinese companiesstrategies of internationalizatЕкономічні фактори розвитку стратегії китайських компанійEconomic Factors for Strategy Development in China CompaniesDiplomas