Фомина, Людмила ФедоровнаЯроцкая, Галина СергеевнаYarotska, Galyna S.Яроцька, Галина Сергіївна2017-12-202017-12-202003Слов’янський збірникhttps://dspace.onu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/12192In article phraseological semantics of idioms with a component " the name of letters of cyrillics " which are fixed in phraseological dictionaries of Russian and Ukrainian languages is considered. Research of semantic aspect of data PU has allowed to create the classification which is taking into account ways of formation of transferred meaning! of "alphabetical" idioms.ruhistorical lexicologyphraseologycyrillicsethymologyan idiomФразеологизмы с названиями букв кириллицы в русском и украинском языкахArticle