Shiryaeva, Yu.Rusakova, Mariia Yu.Русакова, Мария ЮрьевнаРусакова, Марія Юріївна2018-12-272018-12-272018Modern problems of Microbiology and Biotechnology: materials of M78 young scientists international conference (Odesa, 20-23 june 2018). – Odesa : «Odesa I. I. Mecnikov National University», 2018. work was carried out in the Biotechnology Research and Training Center I. I. Mechnikov National University. The various Pseudomonas phenazine synthesis intensity and the compound production dependence on the forms of microbial existence were compared.enPseudomonas genusphenazine-1-carboxylic acidoxychlororaphinepyocianineplanktonic culturebiofilmThe production phenazine compounds by some stems of Pseudomonas aeruginosaArticle