Rodionova, Taisa V.Родіонова, Таїса ВасилівнаРодионова, Таиса Васильевна2019-06-072019-06-072019Social and legal aspects of the development of civil society institutions: collective monograph. Part II. Warsaw: BMT Erida Sp.z o.o., 2019. and systematizes the main theoretical views on the characterization of continuing crimes. The relevant provisions of the criminal legislation of several foreign countries are analyzed. It is established that in the science of criminal law presently there is no clear and unified understanding of the legal nature of these acts and their types. A scientifically substantiated and practically acceptable approach to establishing the place of committing crimes is formed on the basis of consideration of their legal nature.encommittinglong-term crimesproblems of theoryproblems of practicePlace of committing long-term crimes: topical problems of theory and practiceArticle