Kruchanova, A.Korotaieva, Nadiia V.Limanska, Nataliia V.Ліманська, Наталія ВікторівнаКоротаєва, Надія Володимирівна2017-12-072017-12-072015Actual problems of microbiology and biotechnology: abstracts of the international conference for young scientists (june 1st - 4th, 2015) / chairman: V. O. Ivanytsia; Odessa І.І. Mechnikov National Univ. – Odesa, 2015. gall of dicotyledonous plants causes uncontrolled tumor formation, and is among the most damaging diseases to the rural economy. The main pathogens of the crown gall are bacteria Rhizobium vitis and R. Radiobacter. (Szegedi et al. 2005, Kawaguchi and Inoue 2009).enAlcaligenes faecalis onu 452Rhizobium radiobacter c58agent of bacterial biocontrolAlcaligenes faecalis onu 452 as an agent of bacterial biocontrol against Rhizobium radiobacter c58Article