Джиджора, Євген ВолодимировичDzhydzhora, Yevhen V.Джиджора, Евгений Владимирович2017-11-112017-11-112016Мандруючи світами і віками. Збірник на пошану Юрія Пелешенка / Редактор І. Набитович. – Київ-Дрогобич: Посвіт, 2016. – 332 с.https://dspace.onu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/11287In the article there is researched the phenomenon of Kyivan Rus’ literature of the 11th – 12th centuries. Among the characteristic features, allowing to refer Kyivan Rus’ literature of the 11th – 12th centuries the medieval type are: the origin of literature, conditions for its spreading, external and internal parameters of literary quality, as well as linguistic-stylistic encoding.ukKyivan Rus’ literature of the 11th – 12th centuriestraditionalismКиєворуська література XI – XII століття як середньовічнаKyivan Rus’ literature of the 11TH – 12TH centuries as medievalArticle