Zhmai, Oleksandr V.Жмай, Олександр ВолодимировичЖмай, Александр ВладимировичVashkovskaya, Maria2021-08-042021-08-042021Розширюючи обрії : зб. тез 16-го міжнар. форуму студ. і молодих учених, (Дніпро, 21 – 22 квіт. 2021 р.). –Д.: ДП, 2021.https://dspace.onu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/31446The coronavirus pandemic is driving the need to make changes in the way companies operate. Now many employees are forced to work remotely. Remote work has a number of advantages, but in addition, it carries a number of disadvantages. Together with the general economic, social and epidemiological tensions in the country, this becomes a source of stress for employees. Constant stress can cause burnout.enemotionalstaffquarantine periodWays to deal with the emotional burnout of staff during the quarantine periodArticle