Chaikovska, Maryna P.Chushankova, ValeriiaЧайковська, Марина ПетрівнаЧайковская, Марина Петровна2019-11-082019-11-082019"Ştiinţă, educaţie, cultură", conferinţă ştiinţifico-practică internaţională (2019; Комрат). Conferinţa ştiinţifico-practică internaţională "Ştiinţă, educaţie, cultură" = Международная научно-практическая конференция "Наука, образование, культура", посвященная 28-ой годовщине Комратского государственного университета: сб. ст. – Комрат: КГУ, 2019 purpose of this study is to classify and determine the effects of globalization. The opportunities and challenges for organizations caused by globalization proliferation were analyzed. The determinants of the impact of globalization on internal relationships in the company were identified. The directions of the impact of globalization on global communications were identified. Emerging trends and problems in the context of globalization were identified.englobalizationglobal marketsglobal marketingglobal marketing opportunitiesglobal marketing threatsCharacteristics, main opportunities and threats of global marketingArticle