Ivanitsa, Vitaliy Y.Limanska, Nataliia V.Іваниця, Віталій ЮрійовичЛіманська, Наталія Вікторівна2017-11-272017-11-272016Ivanitsa V. Y. The perspective of the creation of biopreparation of complex action on the basis of the Lactobacillus plantarum / V. Y. Ivanitsa, N. V. Limanska // International scientific conference "Molecular microbiology and biotechnology" : abstracts (Odessa, Ukraine, June 21–23, 2016) / Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University ; Chairman: V. O. Ivanytsia [et al.]. – Odessa, 2016. – P. 15–16.https://dspace.onu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/11541In terms of modern agricultural biotechnologies there exists an interest to creation biopreparations of complex action that have several kinds of useful activity (antibacterial, growth-stimulating, fungicidal, positive effects on indicators of soil fertility) (Siraeva Z., 2012). Moreover, an important aspect of developing bacterial biopreparations for plant protection is optimization of nutrient medium, which will allow the strain show the most efficient growth-stimulating activity for plant and antagonistic effect against the phytopathogens.enLactobacillus plantarumbiopreparationantibacterialThe perspective of the creation of biopreparation of complex action on the basis of the Lactobacillus plantarumArticle