Скляренко, Ольга НиколаевнаСкляренко, Ольга МиколаївнаSkliarenko, Olha M.2015-10-212015-10-212014Мова: Науково-теоретичний часопис з мовознавстваhttps://dspace.onu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/7367Мова: науково-теоретичний часопис з мовознавства / ОНУ ім. І.І. Мечникова. – Одеса: Астропринт, 2014.В статье представлен типологический анализ антропонимов и сложных топонимов (композитов), которые производны от форм повелительного наклонения глаголов в славянских, романских и германских языках. Установлены черты сходства между единицами, формирующими особую императивную модель имён собственных в индоевропейских языках.У статті представлено типологічний аналіз антропонімів і складних топонімів (композитів), які є похідними від форм наказового способу дієслів у слов’янських, романських і германських мовах. Встановлено риси схожості між одиницями, що формують особливу імперативну модель назв в індоєвропейських мовах.The article is devoted to the analysis of anthroponyms and compound place-names of the imperative model in Slavoniс, Romanic and Germanic languages. Some typologically similar features have been revealed. There are two distinct formations in English: 1) «Verb + Noun» (John Wakedogge); 2) «Verb + Adverb» (Gilbert Gofaire). Anthroponyms and compound place-names of the model «Verb + Noun», the first component having the form of the imperative (imperative mood), exist in many languages. In conclusion it should be noted that their way of development is typologically similar: Drinkwater has its parallel in the French Boileau and is to be compared with Bevin, Bivins ( bei vin = ‘drink wine’), a suitable nickname for an Englishman whose favourite drink was wine and not the more usual ale. In France, where wine was the normal drink, A. Dauzat takes Boivin to be a nickname for a heavy drinker. Whether these ‘imperative names’ in English are indigenous or imported from France is a difficult problem. There is certainly evidence of French influence which later becomes more obvious in the appearance of French and English doublets but there seems no reason to doubt that some, at least, of these names are of English origin. They occur early and often in the Romance languages and Otto Jespersen is of the opinion that such formation as pick-pocket, make-peace, turn-coat, catch-penny seem to be modeled on the French formations. Having arisen in the sphere of common nouns, they penetrated into onomastics where they exist and function according to onomastic laws. As so often, surnames compel us to revise this view for imperative names are found much earlier and are much more numerous than common nouns of similar formation. Imperative names are strikingly various and versatile as to the lexical meaning of their components. Some names we can explain literally, but what the name actually meant to the man’s contemporaries we do not know, whilst others are a complete mystery. They may be regarded as a new trend in onomastic word-formation.ruимперативная модельтопонимойконимантропонимкомпозитімперативна модельтопонімойконімантропонімimperative namesword-formationanthroponymcompound modeltoponymoikonym«Императивные конструкции» в ономастике (типологический аспект)«Імперативні конструкції» в ономастиці (типологічний аспект)«Imperative model» in onomastics (typological aspect)Article