Borysova, Larysa Ye.Борисова, Лариса ЄвгеніївнаБорисова, Лариса ЕвгеньевнаTrapeznikov, A.2020-12-012020-12-0120204-і економіко-правові студії : матеріали Всеукр. наук.-практ. конф. молодих вчених (Одеса, 13 листоп. 2020 р.). – Одеса : Фенікс, 2020. for banking institutions plays a significant role, influencing the directions of further bank development and the banking sector as a whole. Strategic planning of banks should be based on innovative technologies, as it is the goal and integral component of the further long-term activity of financial markets.ukbankingsectorUkraineInnovative prospects for the development of the banking sector of UkraineArticle