Streltsova, Olena O.Mazuryk, A. A.Стрельцова, Олена ОлексіївнаСтрельцова, Елена Алексеевна2018-05-172018-05-172013Book of Abstracts II Ukrainian-Polish scient. conf. Membrane and Sorption Processes and Technologies. – Kyiv. – Ukraine – 2-4 desember 2015. properties of surface-active agents (surfactants) mixtures are being studied intensively in the last period of time. Great scientific interest is due to the fact that mixtures allow to control the properties of dispersed systems and processes, occurring in them much more effectively by, than the individual surfactantsenAdsorption of TweensDodecylpyridinium ChlorideMixed SolutionParaffinAdsorption of Tweens and Dodecylpyridinium Chloride from Mixed Solution on ParaffinArticle