Ivashko, Larysa M.Івашко, Лариса МихайлівнаMarchenko, M.2024-07-082024-07-082024Marchenko M. Peculiarities of biotechnological sector development in the conditions of war. Economic and financial aspects / M. Marchenko // Збірник тез доповідей студентів, аспірантів та здобувачів – учасників 80-ї звітної конференції Одеського національного університету імені І. І. Мечникова (присвячується 159-й річниці університету). Секція економічних і правових наук (Одеса, 23–25 квіт. 2024 р.) / відп. ред. О. В. Побережець ; ред. кол.: О. І. Донченко, Є. І. Масленніков, А. Л. Святошнюк та ін. – Одеса : Олді+, 2024. – С. 345–348.https://dspace.onu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/38738Acceleration of innovative development, including on the basis of the introduction of high-tech production in all branches of the industrial complex, is a modern economic trend for developed countries. Biotechnology is defined priorities for the coming decades in the forecasts of the World Bank, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, the World Economic Forum, etc. Relatively low effectiveness of implementation of national programs aimed at the development of innovative biotechnologies, as well as uncertainty from a theoretical and methodological point of view regarding the formation of an organizational and economic mechanism for ensuring the development and commercialization of biotechnologies in Ukraine significantly slows down the formation of the sixth technological order and does not allow to quickly and effectively increase competitiveness and investment attractiveness of the state in the world and to reform it basis of the Ukrainian economy as a whole.enbiotechnologyinnovative biotechnologiescommercialization of biotechnologies in Ukrainewar in Ukrainethe Ukrainian biotechnology marketPeculiarities of biotechnological sector development in the conditions of war. Economic and financial aspectsArticle