Bayraktar, Vasyl M.Байрактар, Василь МиколайовичБайрактар, Василий Николаевич2022-09-282022-09-282013Природничий альманах. - 2013. yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, isolated from different grape cultivars, was used for Ethanol production. The biotechnological properties of yeast culture for Ethanol production were determined in wine yeast. Grape pomace was used as the raw material for fermentation. After fermentation completion, the resultant product was distilled (rectified), then used preparation of medicinal herbal spirituous extracts. This article presents the results of analysis of the Ethanol concentration for medicinal spirituous herbs. For Eucalyptus spirituous extract, Ethanol concentration should not be less than 65% for complete extraction of the polyphenols and essential oils. It was determined that the Ethanol concentration for Wormwood should not be less than 65 v/v% to extract glycosides. The Ethanol concentration for Echinacea spirituous extracts should not be less than 41% for complete extraction of pentosans, polyphenols, polysaccharides, and organic acids (caffeic and cichoric acids) from the medicinal herb. The Ethanol concentration for Peppermint extracts should not be less than 81 v/v% to extract essential oils. Ethanol concentration for Calendula extracts should be not less than 65 v/v%, to extract flavonoids, in terms of hyperoside, not less than 0.04%. It was found that the medicinal herbal spirituous extracts preparation using Ethanol produced from grape pomace (spiritus vini) is a new perspective and prospective direction for the pharmaceutical industry.enwine yeastgrape pomaceethanolfermentationSaccharomyces cerevisiaespiritus viniherbal spirituous extractsThe yeast culture Saccharomyces cerevisiae in the biotechnology of ethanol production for use in the pharmaceutical industryКультури дріжджів виду Saccharomyces cerevisiae у біотехнології отримання винного спиру для використання у фармацевтичній промисловостіКультуры дрожжей вида Saccharomyces cerevisiae в биотехнологии получения винного спирта для использования в фармацевтической промышленностиArticle