Reut, Viktor V.Vaisfeld, Natalia D.Zhuravlova, Zinaida Yu.Реут, Віктор ВсеволодовичВайсфельд, Наталя ДанилiвнаЖуравльова, Зінаїда ЮріївнаВайсфельд, Наталья ДаниловнаЖуравлева, Зинаида Юрьевна2019-10-162019-10-162019International Conference on Multi-scale Computational Methods for Solids and Fluids (4 ; 2019 ; Sarajevo) plane problems of elasticity for a semi-strip in a static statement were investigated by many authors. However many unresolved issues remain especially for a dynamic statement of the problem. As for the static statements, for example, the problem for a symmetrically loaded semi-strip fixed by its short edge was reduced to the Fredholm integral equation of the first kind in. The static problem for an elastic semi-strip loaded by its short edge in three configurations was solved in. The solving of the dynamic problems is usually done with the help of Laplace’s transformation. However, the inversion of this transformation is enough complicated, so some authors use a numerical inversion or an asymptotic analysis of the derived solution in the transformation’s domain. The Laplace’s transform was used for the stress state evaluation of an elastic half-strip under a nonstationary load applied to its boundary and the solution is expanded into a Fourier series in. Dynamic stress in an infinite elastic strip, containing two circular cylindrical cavities, of equal radii, were explored under the assumption of plane strain in. In the Laplace’s transform domain, boundary conditions at the plane surfaces and those at the circular cavity were satisfied with the Fourier transformation and the Schmidt method respectively. The application of an asymptotic method for the investigation of the non-stationary stress-deformable state under the impact at the semi-strip’s edge was studied in. The analysis of the solution of the approximate asymptotic equations derived by the symbolic Lurie method and the exact solution in the Fourier-Laplace’s transform domain was conducted there.ennonstationary loadsemi-stripplane problemsstatic statementA wave field of a semi-strip under a nonstationary loadArticle