Chaikovska, Maryna P.Chaykovskyy, O.Чайковська, Марина ПетрівнаЧайковская, Марина Петровна2018-10-202018-10-202018International Scientific Journal INDUSTRY 4.0 cloud computing environments are cost and productivity efficient, they are quickly replacing the traditional centralized systems. These “clouds” inherit a lot of security concerns of the older systems, but also bring the new ones. This paper examines 3 most popular cloud vulnerabilities, as well as a vulnerability intrinsic to the cloud environments. It proposes solutions and classifies the risks.encloud computingdata breachdata losspublic cloudvulnerable interfacesvulnerable interfacescompartmentalizationisolationstrideSecure and efficient cloud computing environmentБезопасность и эффективность в среде облачных вычисленийArticle