Sarakutsa, Mariia O.Rabinovych, Maryna L.Саракуца, Марія ОлександрівнаСаракуца, Мария Александровна2018-09-142018-09-142018Право, економіка та управління: генезис, сучасний стан та перспективи розвитку : матер. Міжнар. наук.-практ. конф., присвяч. 20-річчю економіко-правового ф-ту ОНУ імені І. І. Мечникова (м. Одеса, 14–15 верес. 2018 р.). – ОНУ, 2018. the 2013 Revolution of Dignity and the signature of the ambitious EU-Ukraine Association Agreement, the EU plays ever growing role in supporting political and socio-economic development in Ukraine. For the time being, such support is being exercised on two legal bases: the support to the implementation of the Association Agreement (the application unilateral financial and technical assistance instruments) and 2014 State-Building Contract for Ukraine that combines macro-financial credits and direct budget support instruments (whose total value accounts for 11.2 billion euro).ukdevelopmentpolicylegal foundationsevoluionThe eu’s development policy: legal foundations and the prospects of evoluionArticle