Yani, A.Tsevukh, Yuliia O.Цевух, Юлія Олександрівна2020-11-032020-11-032020Yani A. Analysis of trade in German, Polish, and Czech ICT sectors / A. Yani, Y. Tsevukh // Добробут націй в умовах європейської інтеграції : зб. наук. пр. Десятої міжнар. наук.-практ. конф. – Одеса, 2020. – С. 76–77.https://dspace.onu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/29429Nowadays information and communication technologies (ICT) play an important role in development of the most economies in the world. ICT grows faster than any other sector and bring higher productivity in manufacture, transport, trade, services, finance, medicine, science, education, and other sectors. Also it should be taken into account that the rapid development of ICT leads to significant changes in management by emerging new business-models and communication between people by providing access to information almost in any point of the world. This especially obvious in the European Union economy, where the ICT sector represents 3.6% of value added in GDP. In 2019 4% of total employment or more than 9.4 million specialists (EU-28) were employed in ICT [2]. The main issues of the ICT sector development have been analyzed by researchers from different countries: D. Adler, E. Alampay, B. V. Ark, M. Berma, K. C. Cheong, V. Folea, G. D. Graaf, M. Haghshenas, R. Inklaar, H. Kasimin, F. Khalili, M. Kuppusami, W. Y. Lau, R. H. McGuckin J. V. Reenen, I. Seki, B. Shanmugan, A. Yousefi, and other scientists.eninformation and communication technologiesPolandCzech RepublicGermanyAnalysis of trade in German, Polish, and Czech ICT sectorsArticle