Streltsova, Yevdokiia D.Стрельцова, Євдокія Джонівна2015-04-102015-04-102014Римське право і сучасність : матеріали Міжнар. наук. конф. , 6 черв. 2014 р., м. Одеса / Одеська нац. юрид. акад. – Одеса : Фенікс, 2014. body of law regulating maritime matters has evolved from the codes, customs and usages of seafaring nations since time immemorial to the maritime law as it is today. Many nations had contributed to the formation of its rules, but which nation was the first to formulate them it is yet not clear. In order to get closer to the real state of the things, a number of scholars offer to study the history of Maritimelaw, taking into consideration five periods of its development: from the ancient times to the year 1000; the years 1000 to 1360; the years 1360 to 1660; the years 1660 to 1840; from 1840 to the present.enThe Roman law’s impact on the development of the modern maritime lawArticle