Шуйський, Юрій ДмитровичShuiskyi, Yurii D.2024-08-052024-08-052024Шуйський Ю. Д. Особливості природних систем світового океану в межах географічної болонки / Ю. Д. Шуйський // Вісник Одеського національного університету. Географічні та геологічні науки. – 2024. – Т. 29, вип. 1(44). – С. 74–92.2303-9914https://dspace.onu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/39004В цій роботі розглядається фундаментальне питання про природні системи Світового океану як частини географічної оболонки, поряд із системами суходолу та берегової зони (прибережно- морської системи). Вони віднесені до екзогенних систем та кожна характеризується власною ієрархічністю, складною взаємодією між собою. Представлена історія досліджень, за якою видно, що основні глобальні риси водної товщі були встановлені ще в 60–80-х роках ХХ ст. Це дозволило проаналізувати горизонтальну та вертикальну диференціацію водного шару. Вона підтверджується фізичними, хімічними, динамічними, гідробіологічними рисами в горизонтальній площині та вертикальною стратифікацією товщі океанічної води. Тому з′явилася можливість запропонувати схему природної систематизації талассогену та співставити її із схемами суходолу та океанічного узбережжя.Statement of the problem. According to theoretical developments in the fields of Oceanography and system-geographic analysis has been proposed hierarchy of natural systems in the water column of the Ocean. The first attempt to correlate landscapes on land and ocean systems was undertaken. Differentiation of the oceanic natural environment, list of systems from the level of the opened ocean aquathory to the level of individual vortices deep sea and offshore shallow waters were elaborated and analyzed. The intended future path of the synchronous study of hierarchical ranks of the coastal zone and water column of the ocean, composed of the geographic shell of the Earth. As a result, significant improvements in Oceanography and Physical Geography we are expecting. Purpose. It was established the fundamental difference in the structure of the waters, and vertical water column in the features of the natural system and its hierarchy in the World Ocean as a separate stage of the geographical envelope of the planetary level, the differences and patterns of development. By the way, the conclusions offer a preliminary outline of further steps to create system views for all parts of the geographic cover, a kind of preliminary plan in the form of the zero – hypothesis. Basic methods. The main material presents the theoretical developments of the researchers whose work is contained in the list of references. It was an original synthesis in which the research object is decomposed into several less complex oceanic parts, with different locations, structures, properties, different dynamics, and interactions between different natural marine systems. Along with this, as a theoretical, applied methods of analysis, comparative-geographical, cartographic, idealization, and abstraction. Results & Discussion. The natural geographical cover of Earth is the largest and complex physiographic exogenous system, which consists of three main subdivisions: a) lands of continents and islands; b) global water layer of the World Ocean; c) the contact environment between a and b – it named a coastal zone of the Ocean. Each of them is characterized by own origin, own sizes, a geographical location on Earth and concerning each of them, the building, a hierarchical number, elements, components, streams of substance and energy and etc. Principles differences between the main global natural surroundings of geographic cover are demanding to fix the separate names for every of subdivisions a, b and c. As a natural law, every geographical object and element has separate name and corresponding conception. In the connection, we have propositions for each of the subdivisions to confer the different geographical denominations. For instance, for natural systems within land of mainland and islands we retained in term «landscape», according to long tradition. That is why, not very long time ago, we named geographical coastal zone systems of different levels as «aquaschafts», and today we named the World Ocean natural systems as a «thalassogens». All of them characterized geographical differentiation by hierarchical lines. Installed fundamental differences in the content major (planetary) levels of geographical cover of the planetary level, differences, and patterns of development. For the first time a hierarchical series of natural systems in the World ocean, ranging from a single ocean and its divisions, and to individual objects at different latitudes and depths. Considerable difficulties emerged during the allocation of oceanic tracts, facies mosaics and separate facies. The first attempt to develop a hierarchical series of thalassogen, compare it with a number of landscapes. In the article, the author expressed several reproofs about benthic storms and great ocean conveyor belt for systematic classification within vertical layer of the Ocean waters. During current years serious arguments absent for applicability analyzed two “ideas” in the investigation of geographical classification of the global talassogenous (oceanic) natural system. The system is very complicated and distinguishes from different systems of lower levels, which form the hierarchical natural line.ukСвітовий океанводна товщагоризонтальна та вертикальна диференціаціясистематикаnatural systemsthe oceanstratificationhierarchical seriesaquasoftthalassogentaxonsОсобливості природних систем світового океану в межах географічної болонкиNatural system peculiarities of the World Ocean within the geographical coverArticlehttps://doi.org/10.18524/2303–9914.2024.1(44).305372551.524.3 + 551.49https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5308-02332415-315X