Yanko-Hombach, Valentyna V.Arnold, Anthony J.Parker, William C.Янко-Хомбах, Валентина ВенедиктовнаЯнко-Хомбах, Валентина ВенедиктівнаАрнольд, Энтони Дж.Арнольд, Ентоні Дж.Паркер, Вільям К.Паркер, Вильям К.2018-12-112018-12-111999Modern Foraminiferahttps://dspace.onu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/20337Population growth and the resultant acceleration of domestic, municipal, industrial, agricultural, and recreational activity are the primary causes of anthropogenic pollution of the marine realm (Norse, 1993). Such pollution produces numerous obvious biological effects, including diseases in plant and animal species (e.g. Lamb et ai., 1991), local or complete extinction of some species (Vermeij, 1993). changes in community structure (Bresler and Fishelson, 1994; Suchanek, 1993), loss or modification of habitat (Nee and May, 1992), and human health complications. The marine environment as the ultimate destination of virtually all terrestrial runoff, is especially affected by pollution, and the shallow nearshore marine environment is particularly subject to frequent and extensive industrial and municipal pollution.enforaminiferaEffects of marine pollution on benthic ForaminiferaArticle