Dzhydzhora, Yevhen V.Джиджора, Євген ВолодимировичДжиджора, Евгений Владимирович2019-03-182019-03-182017Spheres of culture the article there is researched the place of mineya as a type of hymnographic book among other liturgical reports in the literature of Kyivan Rus’ of the 11th – 13th centuries. Kyivan Rus’ hymnography is part of the Eastern Christian clerical literature. The structure of the Kyivan-rusian mines reflects the literary traditions of Syriac, Greek and Bulgarian anthemology. Mineya is represented by the largest number of lists in the literature of Kyivan Rus’ of 11th – 13th centuries among other liturgical books.Kyivan Rus’ literatureminetriodeoctoichistyhirarMineya in the corps of Kyivan Rus’ hymnographic collection 10th - 13th centuriesМінея у корпусі Києворуських гимнографічних збірок XI - XIII столітArticle