Streltsova, Olena O.Mazuryk, A. A.Стрельцова, Олена ОлексіївнаСтрельцова, Елена Алексеевна2018-05-242018-05-242017Актуальные проблемы теории адсорбции, пористости и адсорбционной селективности: материалы XVI Всероссийского симпозиума с междунар. участием 22-26 мая, 2016 г., Москва, Россия / РАН [и др.].– М.; Клязьма, 2017.– 280 с. aim of the researches was to study the influence of low-molecular alcohols additives on the adsorption of nonionic surfactants from individual aqueous solutions and mixtures, which contain anionic surfactant at the liquid-gas interface and to establish regularities of surfactant flotation extraction from diluted mixed solutions with different compositions.enlow molecular weight alcoholsadsorption of mixtures of tweensodium dodecyl sulfateInfluence of the additives of low-molecular alcohols on the adsorption of mixtures of tween and sodium dodecyl sulfate at the liquid-gas interface and establishment of regularities of flotation extraction of surfactantsArticle