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Галузь і проблематика: У збірнику наведені результати теоретичних і експериментальних досліджень з питань фізики напівпровідників та мікроелектронних приладів, опто- та квантової електроніки, квантової оптики, спектроскопії та фотофізики ядра, атомів, молекул та твердих тіл. Розглянуто нові напрямки розвитку фотоелектроніки, пов’язані із задачами взаємодії надінтенсивного лазерного випромінювання з ядром, атомними системами, речовиною. Повні тексти видання доступні на сайті Нб за посиланням:


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Зараз показуємо 1 - 20 з 265
  • Документ
    Optimized quantum defect method in relativistic theory of spectra of Li-like multicharged ions
    (Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова, 2022) Kvasikova, A. S.; Shpinareva, Iryna M.; Tkach, T. B.; Квасикова, А. С.; Ткач, Т. Б.; Шпінарева, Ірина Михайлівна
    The relativistic theory of radiative transitions using the general relativistic quantum defect approximation (GDA) was also used to study the wavelengths and oscillator strengths for the 1s22s (2S1/2) → 1s23p (2P1/2) transitions in Li-like multicharged ions with a nuclear charge Z= 14-70. and. The obtained results were compared with available theoretical and experimental (summarized) data. An important point is related to the accurate accounting of the complex contributions of the exchange-correlation (polarization) effect and the use of an efficient singlequasi- particle representation based on the general relativistic approximation of the quantum defect, which significantly ensures a physically reasonable agreement between the theory and the experiment.
  • Документ
    Relativistic and correlation effects in Auger spectroscopy of atoms and solids
    (Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова, 2022) Sofronkov, A. S.; Tyurin, Oleksandr V.; Софронков, О. Н.; Тюрін, Олександр Валентинович
    It is presented an advanced, consistent theoretical scheme for determination of the energy and spectral characteristics of the Auger process (decay, transition) in atomic systems and solids with correct accounting for the relativistic and exchange-correlation (relaxation) nuclear effects. As the basic approach to calculating the Auger spectra of solids there is used a consistent theoretical method, based on the S-matrix formalism by Gell-Mann and Low and relativistic many-body perturbation theory formalism. Universal relativistic Dirac-Hartree-Slater method is taken as a theoretical method for calculating the electronic wave functions and energies of the states and transitions. The advanced data on the Auger electron energy for some solids (Ge,Ag) with accounting for the relativistic and nuclear finite size effects are listed.
  • Документ
    On some numerical model to solving dynamical equations of nonrelativistic and relativistic backward-wave tube
    (Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова, 2022) Tkach, T. B.; Kvasikova, A. S.; Shpinareva, Iryna M.; Ткач, Т. Б.; Квасикова, А.С.; Шпінарева, Ірина Михайлівна
    It is developed an effective computational approach to solution the master corresponding system of differential equations, which describe the nonlinear stationary and nonstationary electromagnetic processes in the nonrelativistic and relativistic backward-wave tubes (carcinotrons) with maximal accounting for the different physical factors such as the relativistic effects, effects of dissipation, the presence of a space charge, wave reflections at the ends of the slowing system, stochastic factors by means including the special elements in a whole system etc as well as the detailed investigation of characteristics (dynamical and topological invariants) of dynamics of a carcinotron in automodulation and chaotic regimes with construction the corresponding bi-furcation diagrams. Below in order to further solve the master system of dynamical equations for carcinotron it is presented in brief the realizing numerical scheme, based on the use of the conservative finite-difference schemes of the "predictor-corrector" type and the sweep algorithm.
  • Документ
    Non-linear analysis of chaotic self-oscillations in backwardwave tube
    (Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова, 2022) Тюрін, Олександр Валентинович; Шевчук, Володимир Гаврилович; Білан, І. І.; Tyurin, Oleksandr V.; Shevchuk, Volodymyr G.; Bilan, I. I.
    The paper presents the results of the analysis and modelling of topological and dynamic invariants for the regime of chaotic self-oscillations in the backward-wave oscillator, in particular, the analysis of chaotic time series for the amplitude of the output signal, which is the solution of the equations of the non-stationary nonlinear theory for the O-type backward-wave oscillator (without taking into account space charge, relativistic effects, energy losses, etc.). The main attention is paid to the calculation and analysis of the spectrum of Lyapunov exponents based on the Sano-Savada algorithm. Numerical data of the Lyapunov backward-wave oscillator calculated for the time series of the amplitudes of the output signal are given, which definitely indicate the presence of elements of advanced chaos in the dynamics of the system.
  • Документ
    Influence of technological conditions of synthesis on the formation of photoluminescence spectra of CdS QDs
    (Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова, 2022) Smyntyna, Valentyn A.; Skobeeva, Valentyna M.; Verheles, Klara O.; Сминтина, Валентин Андрійович; Скобєєва, Валентина Михайлівна; Вергелес, Клара Олександрівна; Смынтына, Валентин Андреевич; Скобеева, Валентина Михайловна; Вергелес, Клара Александровна
    The purpose of the work is to study the influence of technological conditions of synthesis on the formation of photoluminescence spectra of CdS QDs. This article presents the results of the effect of pH on the luminescence of colloidal CdS QDs. A qualitative agreement was shown between the luminescence spectra of CdS QDs, both obtained at different pH values during synthesis, and CdS QDs subjected to treatment after synthesis. It was shown that the luminescence spectrum can be changed both by changing the synthesis conditions and by changing the acidity of colloidal CdS QDs. It are presented the results influence of two parameters of synthesis process of quantum dots sulfide cadmium ( CdS QD) on the spectrum luminescence, namely, the acid-base balance of the growth solution and the correlation of reaction components (cadmium and sulfur salts). Carried out the syntheses in which the pH solution was changed in the interval of values from 2 to 10. There were also synthesized CdS QD with different ratios of the initial components. The results obtained by evidence of the fact that the technological process has a significant impact on the formation of bands luminescence CdS QDs . In both cases, the luminescence spectrum had three bands that are localized at λ1 = 462 ÷ 493 nm, λ2 = 555 ÷ 598 nm, λ3 = 660 ÷ 711 nm. The observed features of the effect of these technological factors on the spectrum luminescence of CdS QDs are explained by the fact that, in the synthesis, the concentration of cadmium and sulfur ions is a determining parameter. In the first case, the ion concentration is controlled by the pH value of the solution, and in the second, by the initial concentration of Cd (NO3) 2 and Na2S.
  • Документ
    Gas sensitivity of some nanoparticles ensembles in porous glass
    (Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова, 2022) Doicho, Ihor K.; Filevska, Liudmila M.; Hrinevych, Viktor S.; Дойчо, Ігор Костянтинович; Філевська, Людмила Миколаївна; Гріневич, Віктор Сергійович; Дойчо, Игорь Константинович; Филевская, Людмила Николаевна; Гриневич, Виктор Сергеевич
    The importance of substances’ surface development suitable for sensor technology by dispersing them to the level of nanoparticles’ ensemble within a certain matrix has been demonstrated. It has been proven that the best matrix for the formation of the specified ensemble of nanoparticles is porous silicate glass. Methods of formation of ensembles of nanoparticles of some compounds in porous glass are briefly considered. The applicability of the mentioned systems for sensors is demonstrated by the example of their luminescent response sensitivity to the presence of ammonia or HCl vapours in the environment.
  • Документ
    The study of homogeneous and heterogeneous sensitized crystals Of cadmium sulfide. Part V. Inhomogeneous alloying
    (Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова, 2022) Kulikov, S. S.; Brytavskyi, Yevhen V.; Borshchak, Vitalii A.; Zatovska, Nataliia P.; Kutalova, Mariia I.; Karakis, Yurii M.; Куликов, С. С.; Бритавський, Євген Вікторович; Борщак, Віталій Анатолійович; Затовська, Наталія Петрівна; Куталова, Марія Іванівна; Каракіс, Юрій Миколайович
    The technology of CdS semiconductor crystals processing in the corona discharge is developed. It is established that as a result of this exposure, the samples acquire alternating spectral sensitivity. The observed phenomenon is explained by the emergence of a saddle of the potential barrier in the surface region of the element, the unusual properties which can allow the creation of a new type of device.
  • Документ
    SnO2 and ZnO films structured using polymers for ammonia detection
    (Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова, 2022) Filevska, Liudmila M.; Філевська, Людмила Миколаївна; Филевская, Людмила Николаевна; Chebanenko, Anatoliy P.; Чебаненко, Анатолій Павлович; Чебаненко, Анатолий Павлович; Hrinevych, Viktor S.; Гриневич, Виктор Сергеевич; Гріневич, Віктор Сергійович; Smyntyna, Valentyn A.; Сминтина, Валентин Андрійович; Смынтына, Валентин Андреевич; Irkha, V. I.; Ірха, В. І.; Ирха, В. И.
    The electrophysical properties in air and in the atmosphere with ammonia vapor content of nanosized films of ZnO and SnO2 structured in the process of production using poly mers were studied. The investigated electrophysical properties of those films in air and in an atmosphere with ammonia vapors showed the presence of significant changes in the conductivity of both types of films. The nature of these changes is somewhat different. In ammonia vapors, the current in a zinc oxide film is many times greater than in air. And the tin oxide film in ammonia vapor becomes more high-resistant in comparison with its resistance in air. It was found that the conductivity of both types of films is controlled by intercrystalline potential barriers. However, upon contact with ammonia vapors, these barriers decrease in the zinc oxide films, while the opposite process is observed in the tin dioxide film. The reversible nature of the processes of ammonia molecules interaction with oxide films is observed in both cases. Both for ZnO and for SnO2 the sensitivity to ammonia is recorded already at room temperature. It was also established that the initial characteristics of both types of films were quickly restored without additional measures. These facts make the studied nanostructured films of ZnO and SnO2 using polymers to be promising material for sensitive elements for ammonia gas sensors.
  • Документ
    Evolution of luminescent properties during storage CdS QDs in air
    (Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова, 2022) Skobeeva, Valentyna M.; Скобеева, Валентина Михайловна; Скобєєва, Валентина Михайлівна; Smyntyna, Valentyn A.; Смынтына, Валентин Андреевич; Скобєєва, Валентина Михайлівна; Kiose, M. I.; Киосе, М. И.; Кіосе, М. І.; Malushin, Nikolay V.; Малушин, Николай Васильевич; Малушин, Микола Васильович
    This paper presents the results of a study of the of CdS QDs and nanostructures of CdS / ZnS QDs obtained by the sol - gel technology in an aqueous solution of gelatin and the effect of storage on their luminescence. An increase in the luminescence intensity was found after storage of the samples in air. It is revealed that the highest growth factor of the luminescence intensity is observed in CdS QDs without a shell. A mechanism has been formulated that affects the luminescent properties of CdS QDs and nanostructures of CdS / ZnS QDs during storage.
  • Документ
    Interaction of TIO2 nanoparticles and proteins Of an immune complex in photoluminescence Based biosensor
    (Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова, 2022) Tereshchenko, Alla V.; Терещенко, Алла Владимировна; Терещенко, Алла Володимирівна; Smyntyna, Valentyn A.; Сминтина, Валентин Андрійович; Смынтына, Валентин Андреевич
    It has been investigated an interaction between nanostructured semiconductor thin layers and immune complex based proteins that is a fundamental issue of the formation of nanobiointerface in the various biosensors, in particular, optical biosensors. In this work, the main aspects of the interaction between photoluminescent TiO2 nanoparticles and Bovine leucosis virus (BLV) protein gp51, used as a model protein, during the formation of photoluminescence based immunosensor have been discussed. The antigens of gp51 were immobilized on the surface of a nanostructured TiO2 thin film formed on the glass substrates. As a result, an increase of the photoluminescence (PL) signal intensity and PL peak shift from 517 nm to 499 nm were observed. An incubation of TiO2/gp51 structure in a solution containing anti-gp51 antibodies resulted in the backward PL peak shift from 499 nm to 516 nm and decrease of the PL intensity. The main reason of the changes in the PL spectra (i.e. PL maxima shifts and PL intensity variations) as a result of BLV protein gp51 adsorption on the surface TiO2 thin film is an electrostatic interaction between negatively charged surface of TiO2 and positively charged atoms and groups provided by the adsorbed gp51 protein due to the presence of partial uncompensated charges within the proteins.
  • Документ
    The study of homogeneous and heterogeneous sensitized crystals of cadmium sulfide. Part IV. Features of the reverse photoexcitation method
    (Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова, 2020) Kulikov, S. S.; Куліков, С. С.; Куликов, С. С.; Borshchak, Vitalii A.; Борщак, Віталій Анатолійович; Борщак, Виталий Анатольевич; Zatovskaya, N. P.; Затовська, Наталія Петрівна; Затовская, Наталия Петровна; Kutalova, Mariia I.; Куталова, Марія Іванівна; Куталова, Мария Ивановна; Karakis, Yurii M.; Каракіс, Юрій Миколайович; Каракис, Юрий Николаевич
    For the first time, a reverse method of studying the spectral distribution curves of the photocurrent was applied, which allows to separate the contribution of equilibrium and nonequilibrium carriers. This publication is a continuation of the reviews [1-3]. In order to preserve the generality of the work, the numbering of sections is selected to be general. Numbers of formulas and figures are presented in sections. References to literature in each review are given individually. Cadmium sulfide crystals are used in our research as a convenient model material. The results obtained on them and the constructed models are also applied to other semiconductor substances.
  • Документ
    The ammonia vapors influence on the electrical characteristics of nanosized tin dioxide films obtained using a polymer
    (Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова, 2020) Chebanenko, Anatoliy P.; Чебаненко, Анатолій Павлович; Чебаненко, Анатолий Павлович; Filevska, Liudmila M.; Філевська, Людмила Миколаївна; Филевская, Людмила Николаевна; Hrinevych, Viktor S.; Гріневич, Віктор Сергійович; Гриневич, Виктор Сергеевич; Smyntyna, Valentyn A.; Сминтина, Валентин Андрійович; Смынтына, Валентин Андреевич; Negrutsa, O. S.; Негруца, О. С.
    In the presented paper the effect of ammonia vapors on the electrical properties of nanosized tin dioxide films obtained using polymers was investigated to assess the possibility of their use as an ammonia sensor’s sensitive element at room temperature. Ammonia vapor leads to a decrease in the conductivity of the studied SnO2 films. This is due to the fact that the adsorbed ammonia molecules increase the height of the intergranular potential barriers, and the surface shut-off bend of the energy bands. The main role in this is played by the processes of physical adsorption of ammonia molecules. The sensitivity of the films to ammonia vapor is in the range of 0.35-0.63 and reaches a maximum at a voltage of 300 V. The processes of adsorption and desorption take place in two stages and are reversible, as evidenced by the calculated time constants of adsorption and desorption.
  • Документ
    Theoretical Аuger spectroscopy of the neon: transition energies and widths
    (Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова, 2019) Efimova, E. A.; Chernyshev, A. S.; Buyadzhi, V. V.; Nikola, Liudmyla V. ; Єфімова, Е. O.; Чернишев, O. С.; Буяджи, В. В.; Нікола, Людмила Валеріївна; Ефимова, Е. А.; Чернышев, А. С.; Буяджи, В. В.; Никола, Людмила Валерьевна
    The combined relativistic energy approach and relativistic many-body perturbation theory with the zeroth order density functional approximation is applied to determination of the energy and spectral parameters of the resonant Auger decay for neon atomic system. The results are compared with reported experimental results as well as with those obtained by semiempirical and ab initio Hartree-Fock methods. The important point is linked with an accurate accounting for the complex exchange-correlation (polarization) effect contributions and using the optimized one-quasiparticle representation in the relativistic many-body perturbation theory zeroth order that significantly provides a physically reasonable agreement between theory and experiment.
  • Документ
    Electrophysical properties of zinc oxide thin films obtained by chemical methods
    (Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова, 2019) Bulyga, Y. I.; Chebanenko, Anatoliy P.; Hrinevych, Viktor S.; Filevska, Liudmila M.; Булига, Ю. І.; Чебаненко, Анатолій Павлович; Гріневич, Віктор Сергійович; Філевська, Людмила Миколаївна; Булыга, Ю. И.; Чебаненко, Анатолий Павлович; Гриневич, Виктор Сергеевич; Филевская, Людмила Николаевна
    The electrophysical characteristics comparative studies were carried out for ZnO films obtained by chemical precipitation from zinc acetate solutions and thermal oxidation of zinc films. The ZnO films showed optical absorption and band gap (2.9 to 3.2 eV) specific for this material, which indicates the presence of crystalline structure in them. The use of polyvinyl alcohol made it possible to obtain samples with the highest values of E g and electrical resistance, which is caused by the nanosize crystallites of the films. The investigated electrophysical characteristics of the ZnO films made it possible to establish the contribution of their own defects and surface states to the conductivity.
  • Документ
    Optical properties of of ZnS:Fe nanochrystalls obtained by colloidal method
    (Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова, 2019) Nitsuk, Yurii A.; Vaksman, Yurii F.; Tepliakova, Iryna V.; Smyntyna, Valentyn A.; Korenkova, Ganna V.; Brytavskyi, Yevhen V.; Ніцук, Юрій Андрійович; Ваксман, Юрій Федорович; Теплякова, Ірина Вікторівна; Сминтина, Валентин Андрійович; Коренкова, Ганна Валентинівна; Бритавський, Євген Вікторович; Ницук, Юрий Андреевич; Ваксман, Юрий Федорович; Теплякова, Ирина Викторовна; Смынтына, Валентин Андреевич; Коренкова, Анна Валерьевна; Бритавский, Евгений Викторович
    Abstract – iron doped zinc sulfide nanocrystals were obtained by colloidal synthesis using gelatin, lactose or polyvinyl alcohol as a stabilizing matrix. The structure of the nanocrystals was determined using X-ray diffraction (XRD). The influence of the concentration effect on the size and properties of ZnS nanocrystals, the optical absorption spectra and photoluminescence spectra were studied, and the types of optical transitions in these nanocrystals were determined.
  • Документ
    (Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова, 2018)
    8 вересня 2018 р. виповнилося 70 років від дня народження зав. кафедрою експери- ментальної фізики Одеського національного університету імені І. І. Мечникова, керівника фізико-технічного центру НАН України та МОН України, радника ректора ОНУ імені І. І. Мечникова, доктора фізико-математичних наук, професора, Заслуженого діяча науки і тех- ніки України, лауреата Державної премії України в галузі науки і техніки СМИНТИНИ ВАЛЕНТИНА АНДРІЙОВИЧА
  • Документ
    The study of cadmium sulfide heterogeneously snsitized crystals. Part II. Relaxation characteristics
    (Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова, 2018) Kulikov, S. S.; Brytavskyi, Ye. V.; Kutalova, Mariia I.; Zatovskaya, N. P.; Borshchak, Vitalii A.; Konopelska, Nataliia V.; Karakis, Yurii M.; Куликов, С. С.; Бритавский, Е. Д.; Куталова, Мария Ивановна; Затовская, Наталия Петровна; Борщак, Виталий Анатольевич; Конопельская, Н. В.; Каракис, Юрий Николаевич; Куліков, С. С.; Бритавський, Є. Д.; Куталова, Марія Іванівна; Затовська, Наталія Петрівна; Борщак, Віталій Анатолійович; Конопельська, Наталія Вікторівна; Каракіс, Юрій Миколайович
    The photoelectric properties of CdS crystals with combined doping are considered. The relaxation of the photocurrent determined by the long-term (months) redistribution of the sensitive impurity is found. The possibility of creating a new type of light sensors with super long memory. The medium-time (minutes) and fast (seconds) relaxation of the photocurrent under excitation by natural and infrared light are studied.
  • Документ
    (Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова, 2018) Ignatenko, A. V.; Glushkov, A. V.; Lepikh, Yaroslav I.; Kvasikova, A. S.; Игнатенко, А. В.; Глушков, А. В.; Лепих, Ярослав Ильич; Квасикова, А. С.; Ігнатенко, Г. В.; Глушков, О. В.; Лепіх, Ярослав Ілліч; Квасикова, Г. С.
    We present the optimized version of the hybrid combined density functional theory (DFT) and the Green’s-functions (GF) approach to quantitative treating the diatomic photoelectron spectra. The Fermi-liquid quasiparticle version of the density functional theory is used. The density of states, which describe the vibrational structure in photoelectron spectra, is defined with the use of combined DFT-GF approach and is well approximated by using only the first order coupling constants in the optimized one-quasiparticle approximation. Using the combined DFT-GF approach leads to significant simplification of the calculation and increasing an accuracy of theoretical prediction.
  • Документ
    (Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова, 2018) Filevska, Liudmila M.; Філевська, Людмила Миколаївна; Филевская, Людмила Николаевна
    The article presents a brief review of luminescence in nanoscale tin dioxide. The luminescence caused by its own defects, the luminescence associated with impurities, the mechanisms of luminescence in tin dioxide are considered. The results of research by various authors presented in this review show the promising use of tin dioxide in optoelectronics and LED technology.
  • Документ
    (Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова, 2018) Lavrenova, T. I.; Borshchak, Vitalii A.; Zatovska, N. P.; Kutalova, Mariia I.; Лавренова, Т. И.; Борщак, Виталий Анатольевич; Затовская, Наталия Петровна; Куталова, Мария Ивановна; Лавренова, Т. І.; Борщак, Віталій Анатолійович; Затовська, Наталія Петрівна; Куталова, Марія Іванівна
    The pasty solder is used in the technology of the installation of electro-radio elements. Such elements can be microcircuits and optical and X-ray images microelectronic sensors with a hard raster [1]. Tinning of such sensor contact surfaces and printed circuit boards, where such sensors are mounted and soldering of the sensors to the plate is a considerable problem due to the need to remove corrosive active paste radical. The advantage of the developed solder is low corrosion activity and high fluxing ability. After soldering, there is no need to clean the surface of the printed circuit board and the contact sensor from paste redicals and chemical reaction products.