08. Факультет математики, фізики та інформаційних технологій
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Перегляд 08. Факультет математики, фізики та інформаційних технологій за browse.metadata.type "Article"
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Документ A nonlinear multidimensional gravitational model R+R-1 with form fields and stabilized extra dimensions(Madrid : Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Instituto Miguel Asín,, 2007) Saidov, T.; Zhuk, AlexanderWe studied multidimensional gravitational models with scalar curvature nonlinearity of the type R−1 and with form fields (fluxes) as a matter source. It is assumed that the higher-dimensional space–time undergoes Freund–Rubin-like spontaneous compactification to a warped product manifold. It is shown that for certain parameter regions the model allows for freezing stabilization of the internal space near the positive minimum of the effective potential, which plays the role of the positive effective cosmological constant. However, the parameters of model should be fine tuned to obtain the observable dark energy.Документ A NOTE ON THE GUROV-RESHETNYAK CONDITION(2002) Korenovskyi, Anatolii O.; Lerner, А. К.; Stokolos, А. М.; Кореновський, Анатолій Олександрович; Кореновский, Анатолий АлександровичAn equivalence between the Gurov-Reshetnyak GR(ε) and Muckenhoupt A∞ conditionsises tablished. Our proof isextremely simple and worksfor arbitrary absolutely continuous measures.Документ A wave field of a semi-strip under a nonstationary load(2019) Reut, Viktor V.; Vaisfeld, Natalia D.; Zhuravlova, Zinaida Yu.; Реут, Віктор Всеволодович; Вайсфельд, Наталя Данилiвна; Журавльова, Зінаїда Юріївна; Вайсфельд, Наталья Даниловна; Журавлева, Зинаида ЮрьевнаThe plane problems of elasticity for a semi-strip in a static statement were investigated by many authors. However many unresolved issues remain especially for a dynamic statement of the problem. As for the static statements, for example, the problem for a symmetrically loaded semi-strip fixed by its short edge was reduced to the Fredholm integral equation of the first kind in. The static problem for an elastic semi-strip loaded by its short edge in three configurations was solved in. The solving of the dynamic problems is usually done with the help of Laplace’s transformation. However, the inversion of this transformation is enough complicated, so some authors use a numerical inversion or an asymptotic analysis of the derived solution in the transformation’s domain. The Laplace’s transform was used for the stress state evaluation of an elastic half-strip under a nonstationary load applied to its boundary and the solution is expanded into a Fourier series in. Dynamic stress in an infinite elastic strip, containing two circular cylindrical cavities, of equal radii, were explored under the assumption of plane strain in. In the Laplace’s transform domain, boundary conditions at the plane surfaces and those at the circular cavity were satisfied with the Fourier transformation and the Schmidt method respectively. The application of an asymptotic method for the investigation of the non-stationary stress-deformable state under the impact at the semi-strip’s edge was studied in. The analysis of the solution of the approximate asymptotic equations derived by the symbolic Lurie method and the exact solution in the Fourier-Laplace’s transform domain was conducted there.Документ Abundances of neutron-capture elements in red giant stars(Madrid : Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Instituto Miguel Asín,, 2007) Gorbaneva, Tatyana I.The neutron-capture element abundances in the 52 red giants with metallicities spanning the range −0.6 < [Fe]/[H] < 0.25 are found. High-resolution spectra (R = 42000; S/N > 100) for the investigated stars were obtained with the ELODIE spectrograph of the 1.93m telescope at the Observatoire de Haute Provence (France). The determination of elemental abundances was carried out with the local thermodynamic equilibrium assumption by the model atmosphere method; for Ba and Eu the hyperfine structure was taken into account. The dependences of the neutron-capture element abundances on metallicity are presented.Документ Advanced laser photoionization technology for separating the long-lived actinides isotopes(Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова, 2014) Glushkov, Oleksandr V.; Lepikh, Yaroslav I.; Ambrosov, S. V.; Fedchuk, Oleksandr P.; Лепих, Ярослав Ильич; Лепіх, Ярослав ІллічUsing a modem nuclear-energy cycle is connected with several known serious risks and problems. The key first reason is connected with content of the dangerous radio nuclides, which are contented in the working nuclear fuel. One of the possible solutions is using y-neutron transmutation method or others.Документ An Arbitrary Oriented Crack in the Box Shell(Birkhlluser Verlag Basel / Switzerland, 2000) Migdalski, V. I.; Reut, Viktor V.; Реут, Віктор ВсеволодовичStresses are considered in the box shell formed by two semi-infinite plates joined at right angles. The plates are similar but their thicknesses are different. The crack is an arbitrarily oriented and goes to the shell’s tip. The edges of the crack are loaded in a plane of box shell’s plate. It has been known that numerical methods of solving of stress state problems in the box shell weakened by a crack coming out on the tip possess bad convergence through the necessity of taking into account real singularities near the crack. The problem is solved on the assumption that the plates have small thickness with respect to the length of crack and this makes possible the consideration of problem in an asymptotical formulation, (see Popov, Reut[4]).Документ Asymptotic behavior of same classes of solutions of the nonautonomous ordinary differential third order equations(2024) Sharai, Nataliia V.; Shynkarenko, Volodymyr M.; Шарай, Наталія Вікторівна; Шинкаренко, Володимир МиколайовичAsymptotic representations of some classes of solutions of nonautonomous ordinary differential third order equations, which are somewhat close to linear equations, are established.Документ Asymptotic behaviour of solutions of third-order differential equations with rapidly varying nonlinearities(2019) Yevtukhov, Viacheslav M.; Sharai, Nataliia V.; Євтухов, В'ячеслав Михайлович; Шарай, Наталія ВікторівнаWe obtain the existence conditions and asymptotic, as t ↑ ω (ω ≤ +∞), representations of one class of solutions of a binomial nonautonomous third-order differential equation with rapidly varying nonlinearity and their derivatives of the first and second order.Документ Atom Force Microscopy of SnO2 Nano Layers(2006) Filevska, Liudmila M.; Smyntyna, Valentyn A.; Hrinevych, Viktor S.The gas sensitivity applied problems solutions need a consideration and detailed investigation of the material's electronic and ionic subsystems' behavior. These systems' behavior at their own turn is tightly connected with the structure and morphology of surfaces. The morphology investigations results are given for the SnO2 layers obtained with the polymers usage.Документ Bending sound in graphene: Origin and manifestation(2016-11-11) Adamyan, Vadym M.; Bondarev, Viktor N.; Zavalniuk, V. V.; Адамян, Вадим МовсесовичIt is proved that the acoustic-type dispersion of bending mode in graphene is generated by the fluctuation interaction between in-plane and out-of-plane terms in the free energy arising with account of non-linear components in the graphene strain tensor. In doing so we use an original adiabatic approximation based on the alleged (confirmed a posteriori) significant difference of sound speeds for in-plane and bending modes. The explicit expression for the bending sound speed depending only on the graphene mass density, in-plane elastic constants and temperature is deduced as well as the characteristics of the microscopic corrugations of graphene. The obtained results are in good quantitative agreement with the data of real experiments and computer simulations.Документ Binary oxides semiconductor transducers for H2S sensors(1997) Smyntyna, Valentyn A.; Vashpanov Yu. A.; Hrinevych, Viktor S.The physical processes of semiconductor and heavy metals oxides sensors on H2S are investigated and possible physical mechanisms of gas sensitivity in the atmosphere of air and nitrogen are considered. Mechanism of adsorbtive-desorbtive sensitivity of heterostuctures to H 2S is connected with conductivity variation caused by the hydrogen atoms diffusion to the boundaries.Документ Box-like Shells with Longitudinal Cracks(2009) Hryshyn, Volodymyr O.; Reut, Viktor V.; Reut, Olena V.; Гришин, Володимир Олексійович; Гришин, Владимир Алексеевич; Реут, Елена Викторовна; Реут, Олена Вiкторiвна; Реут, Віктор ВсеволодовичThe problem of how to determine the stress state of an infinite boxlike shell of rectangular profile is solved. Two cracks are located on opposite sides of the shell and parallel to its edges. On applying a Fourier transform, the problem can be reduced to a system of two integral equations with respect to jumps at the corner of rotation and normal displacements of the crack edges. The system of integral equations is solved by the method of orthogonal polynomials. Dependence of the stress intensity factor on the length of cracks and the geometrical dimensions of the cross-sections of the shell is demonstrated.Документ Characterization of SnO2 Sensors Nanomaterials by Polarization Modulation Method(2016) Hrinevych, Viktor S.; Filevska, Liudmila M.; Smyntyna, Valentyn A.; Stetsenko, Maksym O.; Rudenko, S. P.; Maksymenko, L. S.; Serdeha, B. K.The polarization characteristics for tin dioxide cluster films are studied by the method of modulation polarization spectroscopy. The galvanic conductivity presence in the films is the basis for registration in it the surface plasmon resonances. The spectral characteristics analysis by means of expansion in terms of Gauss components for the Stocks vector Q component of the probe radiation gave the parameters of the revealed resonances. The resonance excitation of polaritons and localized surface plasmons is established. The dispersion characteristics of nonradiative modes of surface plasmons are obtained which matches the cluster film structure. The numerical values comparison for resonances relaxation constants leads to the conclusion of application of one of them in sensors.Документ Characterization of SnO2 Sensors Nanomaterials by Polarization Modulation Method(2016-01) Hrinevych, Viktor S.; Filevska, Liudmila M.; Smyntyna, Valentyn A.; Stetsenko, Maksym O.; Rudenko, S. P.; Maksymenko, L. S.The polarization characteristics for tin dioxide cluster films are studied by the method of modulation polarization spectroscopy. The galvanic conductivity presence in the films is the basis for registration in it the surface plasmon resonances. The spectral characteristics analysis by means of expansion in terms of Gauss components for the Stocks vector Q component of the probe radiation gave the parameters of the revealed resonances. The resonance excitation of polaritons and localized surface plasmons is established. The dispersion characteristics of non-radiative modes of surface plasmons are obtained which matches the cluster film structure. The numerical values comparison for resonances relaxation constants leads to the conclusion of application of one of them in sensors.Документ Classic and Topologic Dimensional Effects in SnO2 Thin Films Detected by Surface Plasmon Resonance Technique(SciTechnol, 2013) Hrinevych, Viktor S.; Filevska, Liudmila M.; Maximenko, L. S.; Matiash, I. E.; Mischuk, O. N.; Rudenko, S. P.; Serdeha, B. K.; Smyntyna, Valentyn A.Internal reflection features caused by the surface plasmon resonance in nanoscale films containing defect tin dioxide clusters in the stoichiometric dielectric matrix are studied by means of polarization modulation of electromagnetic radiation. The angular and spectral characteristics of reflectances Rs2 and Rp2 of s- and p-polarized radiation and their polarization difference ρ=Rs2–Rp2 are measured in the wavelength range λ=400-1600 nm. The obtained experimental characteristics ρ(θ, λ) (θ is the radiation incidence angle) represent the optical property features associated with the film structure and morphology. Surface plasmon polaritons and local plasmons excited by s- and p-polarized radiation are detected; their frequency and relaxation properties are determined. The technique employed for studying surface plasmon resonance in tin dioxide films is appeared to be structurally sensitivДокумент Congruential generators on pseudorandom numbers(International conference dedicated to the 120-th anniversary of Stefan Banach (2012; Lviv). Abstracts of reports, 17-21 Sept. 2012, 2012-09) Tran The Vinh; Varbanets, Pavlo D.; Варбанець, Павло Дмитрович; Варбанец, Павел ДмитриевичДокумент Counting people in public buildings by video surveillance(2020) Hryhorian, K.; Volkov, K.; Mazurok, Ihor Ye.; Мазурок, Ігор Євгенійович; Мазурок, Игорь ЕвгеньевичIn the event of an emergency in public buildings, it is important for rescue services to know how many people were in the incident area. For example, the analysis of rubble and ruins in which victims may be located must be carried out with high speed and special precautions. When rescue operations are completed and there are no more people under the rubble or in the fire zone, other technical means can be used with less urgency and caution. This work is devoted to solving the problem of recognition and pairwise identification of incoming and outgoing people according to CCTV cameras at the inputs and outputs.Документ Coupled scalar fields in the late Universe: the mechanical approach and the late cosmic acceleration(IOP Publishing Ltd and Sissa Medialab srl, 2016-09-28) Burgazli, Alvina; Zhuk, Alexander; Morais, Joao; Bouhmadi-L´opezc, Mariam; Kumar, K. SravanIn this paper, we consider the Universe at the late stage of its evolution and deep inside the cell of uniformity. At these scales, we consider the Universe to be filled with dustlike matter in the form of discretely distributed galaxies, a minimally coupled scalar field and radiation as matter sources. We investigate such a Universe in the mechanical approach. This means that the peculiar velocities of the inhomogeneities (in the form of galaxies) as well as fluctuations of other perfect fluids are non-relativistic. Such fluids are designated as coupled because they are concentrated around inhomogeneities. In the present paper we investigate the conditions under which a scalar field can become coupled, and show that, at the background level, such coupled scalar field behaves as a two component perfect fluid: a network of frustrated cosmic strings with EoS parameter w = −1/3 and a cosmological constant. The potential of this scalar field is very flat at the present time. Hence, the coupled scalar field can provide the late cosmic acceleration. The fluctuations of the energy density and pressure of this field are concentrated around the galaxies screening their gravitational potentials. Therefore, such scalar fields can be regarded as coupled to the inhomogeneities.Документ Definition of boundary values of thickness of chrome Coverings of piston rings(Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National University, 1994) Sokolov, A. D.; Reut, Viktor V.; Shukhat, A. A.; Mil'man, A. L.; Реут, Віктор ВсеволодовичAn approach to the definition of adhesion and cohesion stresses that appear in a piston ring after chroming and its mounting on the piston, its performance in a motor, and corresponding conditions of the critical thicknesses of the covering on the basis of a representation of the ring as a two-layer beam is described.Документ Development of image compression methods for basic operations of the second computer architecture level(2021) Sharipova, Ilnara V.; Шаріпова, Ільнара ВільївнаThe article summarizes the situations when the features of the representation of numbers in the computer significantly affects the results of data processing in general and images in particular. Arrays of numerical data of test digital images were obtained with the help of on-board cameras of modern small-sized noncommercial drones. It is concluded that in the case of describing the original numerical data as well as Double the implementation of compression procedures in the C++ programming language. This choice is the best for further practical implementation image compression by the drone’s computer for different methods. Image compression by the drone’s computer in real time can be used by method with zonal-threshold selection of coefficients of fast two-dimensional Haar transformation.