Мікробіологія і біотехнологія
Постійне посилання зібрання
ISSN 2076-0558
eISSN 2307-4663
eISSN 2307-4663
Науковий журнал «Мікробіологія і біотехнологія», заснований у 2007 році, висвітлює результати наукових досліджень у галузі мікробіології і біотехнології, об’єктами яких є прокаріотні (бактерії, архебактерії), еукаріотні (мікроскопічні гриби, мікроскопічні водорості, найпростіші) мікроорганізми та віруси.
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Документ Ability of Lactobacillus plantarum ONU 12 and Bacillus megaterium ONU 484 to stimulate growth of wheat seedlings and to form biofilms(Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова, 2018) Tverdokhlib, Veronika S.; Limanska, Nataliia V.; Krylova, Kateryna D.; Ivanytsia, Volodymyr O.; Твердохліб, Вероніка Сергіївна; Ліманська, Наталія Вікторівна; Крилова, Катерина Дмитрівна; Іваниця, Володимир Олексійович; Твердохлеб, Вероника Сергеевна; Лиманская, Наталия Викторовна; Крылова, Екатерина Дмитриевна; Иваница, Владимир АлексеевичDevelopment of biological preparations for organic agriculture should include the study of interactions of microorganisms – the components of biopreparations, with representatives of natural microbiota of agrocoenoses. As a microorganism – typical representative of epiphytic and soil microbiota, species Bacillus megaterium has been selected. Aim. The study of effect of Lactobacillus plantarum ONU 12 and Bacillus megaterium ОNU 484 on germination and growth of wheat seedlings. Materials and Methods. Seeds of wheat Triticum aestivum L. were inoculated with suspensions of bacteria B. megaterium ОНУ 484, L. plantarum ОНУ 12 and their mixture was germinated in hydroponics and soil under green house conditions. Germination of seeds, mean length of roots and height of seedlings were compared. Capability of these microorganisms to form biofilms was studied: inoculated seedlings were dyed with 0.1% acridin orange and observed with a magnification х600. Results. Simultaneous inoculation with bacteria L. plantarum ONU 12 and with the representatives of soil microbiota B. megaterium ОNU 484 didn’t decrease the stimulation effect of lactobacilli. Opposite, the highest stimulation effect on plants both in hydroponics and in soil caused the treatments with the mixture L. plantarum ONU 12 + B. megaterium ONU 484 and with the strain B. megaterium ONU 484 alone. In hydroponics mean length of roots increased in 8.0 – 16.9%, mean height of seedlings – in 8.8 – 24.3%. In soil germination of seeds increased in 7.0%, mean height of seedlings – in 7.6%, mean root length – in 13.1%. Lactobacilli and bacilli in the mixture were able to form biofilms with a developed matrix. Conclusions. In presence of representative of soil microbiota B. megaterium ONU 484 phytostimulation the activity of lactobacilli increased. Strain B. megaterium ONU484 also showed stimulation activity when applied separately.Документ AMOUNT OF ENDOPHYTIC MICROBIOTA IN GRAPEVINE SHOOTS(Одеський національний університет, 2016) Marynova, І. І.; Ivanitsa, V. Yu.; Limanska, Nataliia V.; Маринова, І. І.; Іваніца, В. Ю.; Ліманська, Наталія Вікторівна; Маринова, И. И.; Иваница, В. Ю.; Лиманская, Наталия ВикторовнаThe aim of the investigation was to evaluate the amount of grapevine endophytic microbiota using different nutritional media. Materials and methods. Endophytic microbiota from wooden shoots of grapevine Vitis vinifera L. cv Arkadia was isolated on the eight nutritional media with different compositions. Results. The highest amounts of bacteria were isolated on YEM, YMA and TY nutritional media. The distinctive features of YMA and YEM media was the presence of mannitol, and of TY – the increased concentration of yeast extract. Conclusion. Amount of microbiota representatives from grapevine shoots reached from (6.4±0.3) х 104 to (2.0±0.4) х 107 CFU/сm3 depending on the nutritional medium and decreased from October to December at least in one range.Документ Analysis of biosynthetic gene clusters of Bacillus velezensis ONU 553 in silico(2024) Vasylieva, Nataliia Yu.; Kishynska, М. О.; Shtenikov, Mykola D.; Васильєва, Наталія Юріївна; Кішинська, М. О.; Штеніков, Микола ДмитровичМетою роботи був аналіз кластерів генів асоційованих з біосинтезом вторинних метаболітів (BGC) Bacillus velezensis ONU 553 з використанням біоінформатичних методів. Методи. Ідентифікацію виду проводили з використанням сервера TYGS; для розрахунку ANI (Average Nucleotide Identity) використовували EzBioCloud. Аналіз наявності кластерів генів, бактеріоцинів проводили за допомогою antiSMASH, Bagel4, відповідно. Результати. Показано, що за результатами ідентифікації, філогенетичного аналізу та ДНК-ДНК-гібридизації (DDH), проведеної in silico штам Bacillus velezensis ONU 553 відноситься до оперативної групи B. amyloliquefaciens (OGBa). В геномі дослідженного штаму виявлені послідовності, що ідентифіковані як можливі фаги та CpG-острівки. Ідентифіковано 12 кластерів біосинтетичних генів (BGC) з використанням інструменту antiSMASH. Визначено кластер нового метаболіту (регіон 11). Показана наявність двох кластерів генів бактеріоцинів в геномі Bacillus velezensis ONU 553, які на підставі гомології корового гена віднесені до uberolysin/carnocyclin та антимікробного пептиду LCI. Висновки. Підтверджена належність Bacillus velezensis ONU 553 до групи B. amyloliquefaciens (OGBa). Визначені кластери генів, які відповідають за синтез сурфактинів, полієнових антибіотиків, антимікробних пептидів, макролідних антибіотиків та бактеріоцинів. Отримані результати свідчать, що B. velezensis ONU 553 є перспективним для використання в галузі «Блакитної біотехнології» для розробки нових препаратів з антимікробною та антифунгіцідною активністю.Документ Antagonistic activity of actinobacteria isolated from sponges Haliclona spp. Odesa Bay(Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова, 2024) Strashnova, Iryna V.; Mashkova, A. K.; Lisiutin, G. V.; Ivanytsia, Tetіana V.; Страшнова, Ірина Валентинівна; Машкова, А. К.; Лісютін, Г. В.; Іваниця, Тетяна ВолодимирівнаThe marine ecosystem is a promising source for discovering the producers of totally new bioactive compounds. Among the significant biodiversity, actinobacteria also are known by huge antagonistic potential. Aim. To study the antagonistic activity of actinobacteria isolated from marine sponges Haliclona spp. against the strains of indicator prokaryotic and eukaryotic microorganisms. Methods. Antagonistic activity of actinobacteria isolated from marine sponges Haliclona spp. against Staphylococcus aureus АТСС 25923, Micrococcus luteus АТСС 4698, Enterococcus faecalis АТСС 29212, Bacillus subtilis АТСС 6633, Kocuria rhizophila DSM 348, Escherichia coli АТСС 25922, Proteus vulgaris АТСС 6896, Salmonella enterica NCTC 6017, Klebsiella pneumoniae АТСС 10031, Pseudomonas aeruginosa АТСС 27853, Pseudomonas putida KT 2440 and Candida albicans ATCC 18804 were determined in vitro by the block method. Results. Thirteen from fourteen strains of actinobacteria inhibit the growth of at least one strain of the indicator microorganism. The most active strains of actinobacteria were Hal 2 and Hal 14, that significantly inhibit the growth of fifth strains of indicator microorganisms, the spectrum of which were differed. Strain Hal 2 has ability to inhibit the growth of S. aureus ATCC 25923, M. luteus ATCC 4698, E. faecalis ATCC 29212, K. rhizophila DSM 348, P. aeruginosa ATCC 27853 and C. albicans ATCC 18804, strain Hal 14 inhibit all Gram-positive bacteria, including B. subtilis ATCC 6633. K. rhizophila DSM 348, M. luteus ATCC 4698 and P. aeruginosa ATCC 27853 shown the impressive sensitivity to the studied strains of actinobacteria. The growth of P. aeruginosa was inhibited by ten strains of actinobacteria. Four strains of actinobacteria (Hal 2, Hal 4, Hal 5 and Hal 6) inhibit the growth of C. albicans ATCC 18804 with different intensity. All the indicators of the family Enterobacteriaceae and P. putida KT 2440 were resistant to the studied strains of actinobacteria. Conclusions. Strains of actinobacteria isolated from marine sponges Haliclona spp. inhibit the growth of indicator strains of prokaryotic and eukaryotic microorganisms. S. aureus АТСС 25923, M. luteus АТСС 4698, E. faecalis АТСС 29212, K. rhizophila DSM 348, P. aeruginosa ATCC 27853 and C. albicans ATCC 18804 are the most sensitive to the antagonistic action of actinobacteria. Strains of actinobacteria Hal 2, Hal 4 and Hal 14, which suppressed the ability to grow of the large quantity of indicator microorganisms with significant zones of inhibition of the growth, were chosen for further studies of the spectrum and properties of their secondary metabolites.Документ Antagonistic activity of endosporeforming bacteria of deep water the Black Sea sediments(Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова, 2018) Shtenikov, Mykola D.; Ostapchuk, Andriy M.; Ivanytsia, Volodymyr O.; Штеников, Николай Дмитриевич; Остапчук, Андрей Николаевич; Иваница, Владимир Алексеевич; Іваниця, Володимир ОлексійовичAim. The purpose of the work was to study the antagonistic activity of strains of the facultatively anaerobic endosporeforming bacteria, isolated from deep-sea sediments of the Black Sea. Materials and methods. In this work, 250 strains of facultative anaerobic endosporeforming bacteria, isolated from the samples of deep-sea sediments of the Black Sea, were used. Antagonistic activity was determined by the method of radial streaks. As indicators for screening there were used next strains of opportunistic human pathogens – Proteus vulgaris ATCC 6896, Pseudomonas aeruginosa B-329, Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 6538P, Bacillus cereus ATCC 14579, Candida albicans ATCC 10231, Escherichia coli ATCC 25922, Salmonella enterica NCTC 6017, Klebsiella pneumoniae ATCC 10031, Bacillus subtilis ATCC 10774. Results. It is revealed that 32% of all isolated Black Sea strains of facultative anaerobic spore-forming bacteria have been shown to exhibit antagonistic activity of varying degrees of severity in relation to opportunistic microorganisms. There is a certain relationship between species strain, horizon of its origin and its antagonistic activity. Conclusions. The obtained results testify to the promising nature of the strains of endosporeforming bacteria in the Black Sea sediments for the screening of the producers of antimicrobial compounds with activity directed against opportunistic human pathogens.Документ Antimicrobial activity of soil bacilli against phytopathogenic microorganisms isolated from affected cereal plants(Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова, 2023) Strashnova, Iryna V.; Andriuschenko, O. V.; Страшнова, Ірина Валентинівна; Андрющенко, О. В.Aim of this study was to investigate the antagonistic effect of bacilli isolated from the surface of plants and the rhizosphere zone of the soil against pathogens of barley and wheat diseases. Materials and methods. The material for the study was affected barley and wheat samples used to isolate phytopathogenic microorganisms, as well as samples of healthy plants and the rhizosphere soil zone used to isolate bacteria of the genus Bacillus. Manipulations for the isolation and investigation the biological properties of both phytopathogens and bacilli were carried out by traditional microbiological methods. The antagonistic activity of the isolated strains of bacilli against phytopathogens was studied by the block method. Results. From samples of affected wheat and barley were isolated microorganisms identified on the basis of the studied biological properties as Fusarium oxysporum, Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, Xanthomonas arboricola and Pectobacterium carotovorum. The largest proportion of strains was represented by the micromycete Fusarium oxysporum – 53.9%. From samples of the rhizosphere soil zone and leaf-stem mass of healthy wheat and barley plants, 86 strains of bacteria of the genus Bacillus were isolated by microbiological methods. Antagonistic activity was inherent in 54 strains of bacilli against 25% of phytopathogens. All pathogenic microorganisms were inhibited with different intensity by 14 strains of bacilli. Conclusion. The most active bacillus strains (Bacillus spp. 6, 9, 13, 21, 50) were selected for further research.Документ Antimycotic activity of the isolates of lactobacteria from water and mussels of Black Sea(Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова, 2023) Merlich, Andrii H.; Kimurzhyi, I. I.; Kovalchuk, R. R.; Shutylo, M. V.; Ivanytsia, Volodymyr O.; Мерліч, Андрій Геннадійович; Кімуржий, І. І.; Ковальчук, Р. Р.; Шутило, М. В.; Іваниця, Володимир ОлексійовичDetermination of the presence of antimycotic activity and its level in thirteen lactobacteria isolates from Black Sea water and mussels. Methods. Antimycotic activity of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) isolates was tested by agar diffusion method in 24-well plates. To determine character of action the plates were incubated for 7 days at 25 °C. Results. For the first time antimycotic activity of marine LAB from Odesa coast was estimated. The majority of the tested isolates of lactobateria exhibited antimycotic activity of high level completely inhibiting (in 100%) as mycelium growth as well as spore formation of Penicillium expansum UKM F-575 and Aspergillus niger UKM F-16706 on second day of the study. Four isolates (M.5.1, M.5.2, M.7.1, M.7.2) showed lower antimycotic activity (from 0 to 75%). Eight LAB isolates from seawater (W.1.1, W.1.2, W.1.3, W.1.4, W.1.5, W.1.дк, W.2.3, W.2.4) and one isolate from mussel liquor (M4.1) completely inhibited mycelial growth and sporulation of P. expansum UКМ F-575 and A. niger UКМ F-16706 even within seven days indicating fungicidal character of action. Conclusions. The most of tested LAB isolates from Black Sea exhibited high antimycotic activity against P. expansum UКМ F-575 and A. niger UКМ F-16706 indicator strains. The most active lactobacteria isolates were W.1.1, W.1.2, W.1.3, W.1.4, W.1.5, W.1.дк, W.2.3, W.2.4 isolated from Black Sea water and M4.1 – from mussel liquor. The character of the revealed antimycotic activity was determined as fungicidal.Документ Aнтагоністична активність пробіотичних штамів лактобацил за сумісного культивування(Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова, 2022) Страшнова, Ірина Валентинівна; Ямборко, Ганна Валентинівна; Васильєва, Наталія Юріївна; Strashnova, Iryna V.; Yamborko, Hanna V.; Vasylieva, Nataliia Yu.Мета. Дослідити антагоністичні властивості поліштамових композицій і консорціумів, створених на основі пробіотичних штамів бактерій роду Lactobacillus. Методи. Біосумісність досліджували при сумісному культивуванні штамів лактобацил на щільному живильному середовищі MRS. Для створення композицій використовували окремо вирощені добові бульйонні культури у певних співвідношеннях, для створення консорціумів – штами лактобацил у відповідних співвідношеннях культивували разом у MRS бульйоні протягом доби. Антагоністичну активність створених комбінацій щодо 10 тест-культур визначали лунково-дифузійним методом. Результати. За результатами дослідження біосумісності були відібрані штами Lactobacillus spp. 175, М2 і М3, на основі яких створено 7 композицій та 7 консорціумів з певними співвідношеннями бульйонних культур цих штамів. Лактобацили у складі композицій дещо краще проявляють антимікробні властивості, у порівнянні з консорціумами. Найкращу антагоністичну активність щодо усіх тест-штамів мікроорганізмів проявила композиція Lactobacillus sp. М2 + Lactobacillus sp. М3 + Lactobacillus sp. 175 у співвідношенні 1 : 2 : 2. Висновки. Створені на основі пробіотичних штамів Lactobacillus spp. 175, М2 і М3 композиції і консорціуми є активними антагоністами про- та еукаріотичних тест-культур мікроорганізмів. Прояв активності залежить від способу поєднання штамів у комбінації, найкращий ефект досягається при вирощуванні кожного штаму окремо з подальшим змішуванням бульйонних культур. Найбільш антагоністично активною є композиція, створена на основі бульйонних культур Lactobacillus sp. М2 + Lactobacillus sp. М3 + Lactobacillus sp. 175 у співвідношенні 1 : 2 : 2.Документ BIOFILM FORMATION BY PSEUDOMONAS AERUGINOSA STRAINS WITH DIFFERENT LEVELS OF CYCLIC DI-GUANOSINE MONOPHOSPHATE BIOSYNTHESIS(Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова, 2016) Semenets, А. S.; Galkin, Mykola B. ; Filipova, Tetiana O.; Семенець, А. С.; Галкін, Микола Борисович; Філіпова, Тетяна Олегівна; Семенец, А. С.; Галкин, Николай Борисович; Филиппова, Татьяна ОлеговнаAim: Swarming motility and biofilm formation abilities determination in P. aeruginosa PA01 pJN2133, with low c-di-GMP level. Materials and methods. P. aeruginosa PA01 and P. aeruginosa PA 01 pJN 2133 were used as a test-organisms. Bacteria were cultivated in 24-walls Nuclon plates in LB medium at 37 °С for 30–60 min for adhesion determination and for 24 hours for biofilm formation. Determination of planktonic cells amount were carried out spectrophotometrically, biofilm formation – by CV-test, and polysaccharide determination – by alcian blue and congo red staining. Swarming motility, hydrophobicity, and z-potential were carried out by common methods. Results. It was shown that P. aeruginosa PA01 pJN2133 form biofilm with impaired structure and in 3.7 times less intensive than P. aeruginosa PA01. Even on early stages of the biofilm formation mutant strain shows low ahession ability compare to wild type. P. aeruginosa PA01 pJN2133 planktonic cells amount was higher than in wild type strain at all stages of biofilm formation. P. aeruginosa PA01 pJN2133 swarming motility zones diameter was 62 ± 5 mm and it was in 1.4 times higher than at P. aeruginosa PA01 – 43 ± 3 mm. Swarming motility zones morphology were different. It was shown that cells of each strains change its hydrophobicity from logarithmic to stationary phase, but direction of changes was opposite. P. aeruginosa PA01 pJN2133 cells hydrophobicity increase at stationary phase. P. aeruginosa PA01 cells hydrophobicity were higher in logarithmic phase. Cells of each strains have the same z-potential. Conclusions. On the frame of low c-di-GMP amount P. aeruginosa PA 01 pJN 2133 have low adhesion and biofilm formation abilities. Planktonic cells amount and swarming motility intensity are conversely high.Документ Biological activity of lactobacilli from different ecological niches of the Southern region of Ukraine(Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова, 2020) Strashnova, Iryna V.; Yamborko, Hanna V.; Vasylieva, Nataliia Yu.; Страшнова, Ірина Валентинівна; Ямборко, Ганна Валентинівна; Васильєва, Наталія Юріївна; Страшнова, Ирина Валентиновна; Ямборко, Анна Валентиновна; Васильева, Наталия ЮрьевнаAim of the research was to study the antagonistic activity of lactobacilli isolated from different sources of the Southern region of Ukraine. Methods. The experiments used 13 strains of bacteria of the genus Lactobacillus isolated from different sources. The antagonistic activity of lactobacilli was determined by the well-diffusion method in the agar column using test cultures of pro- and eukaryotic microorganisms. Acid formation of the strains was evaluated by active and titrated acidity when cultured in milk. Results. All tested lactobacilli were active antagonists against gram-negative bacteria Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Salmonella enteritidis and Proteus vulgaris, as well against gram-positive Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus saprophyticus. Lactobacilli showed less antagonistic activity against Bacillus subtilis and Klebsiella pneumonia. Lactobacilli isolated from meat (Lactobacillus spp. M2 and M3) were the most active antagonists. The active and titrated acidity of lactobacilli varied for different strains. Strain Lactobacillus sp. 175 isolated from child feces showed the highest titrated acidity. Using statistical methods (cluster analysis) made it possible to form clusters with high reliability by the level of antagonistic activity of investigated lactobacilli. The environmental factors have a definite influence on the formation of the general activity of lactobacilli strains, but the manifestation of each of the individual features is rather specific and depends on the capabilities of the certain microorganism. Conclusions. In the study of a number of properties that determine the antagonistic activity, five strains (Lactobacillus spp. О1, Б4, 175, М2 and М3) have been selected. They can be recommended for further researches for creation of probiotic preparation and functional foods.Документ Characterization of lactobacteria from the Black Sea water and mussels with the potential to produce antibacterial compounds(Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова, 2024) Merlich, Andrii H.; Kalnytska, O. Iu.; Shutylo, M. V.; Kovtun, Oleh O.; Ivanytsia, Volodymyr O.; Мерліч, Андрій Геннадійович; Кальницька, Олександра Юріївна; Шутило, Марина Василівна; Ковтун, Олег Олексійович; Іваниця, Володимир ОлексійовичAim. Characterization of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) from water and mussels of the Black Sea with the potential to produce antibacterial compounds. Methods. The isolation of lactobacteria from water and mussels, their enumeration were performed by standard microbiological methods. Determination of their morphological, tinctorial, cultural, and biochemical characteristics were performed by Gram staining with immersion microscopy, describing the growth in liquid MRS media with and without 6.5% NaCl, catalase test. Genus-specific classic PCR was used for identification of isolated bacteria. To study the antagonistic interactions of the strains the perpendicular streak method was used. Results. In water of the Black Sea from Odesa bay, collected in winter period, 2×10–4.8×102 CFU/ mL of lactobacteria were found, while only in three mussels from seven (42.9%) LAB were detected (1.7×10±0.7 CFU/mL). Thirteen new strains of lactobacteria were isolated and characterized – eight strains from water and five from mussels. Among them, nine strains were identified as Enterococcus sp., one strain – as Lactobacillus sp., and three LAB strains remained unidentified. The new strains Enterococcus W1.1, Enterococcus W1.2, Enterococcus W1.3, Enterococcus W2.3, and Enterococcus М7.1 exhibited antagonistic activity against other closely related strains and Lactobacillus sakei subsp. sakei JCM1157. Conclusions. The Black Sea water and mussels tissue liquor in winter period contain 2×10–4.8×102 CFU/mL and 1.7×10±0.7 CFU/mL of LAB, respectively. The strains Enterococcus W1.1, Enterococcus W1.2, Enterococcus W1.3, Enterococcus W2.3, and Enterococcus М7.1 are potential producers of antibacterial compounds.Документ Deepened genomics-metabolomics characteristics of the bacteria of the Bacillus genus isolated from deep-sea(Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова, 2023) Subota, V. V.; Ostapchuk, Andriy M.; Shtenikov, Mykola D.; Субота, В. В.; Остапчук, Андрій Миколайович; Штеніков, Микола ДмитровичMarine bacteria from the genus Bacillus are attracting increasing attention as a source of large amounts of bioactive metabolites. The biosynthetic potential of marine bacteria from the genus Bacillus is not sufficiently studied. The previous study of authors could not give a complete result, so it was decided to reanalyze the metabolites not identified at that time, taking into account the development of existing databases. Therefore, the work aimed to reanalyze the metabolome already performed on Bacillus velezensis ONU 553, Bacillus pumilus ONU 554, and Bacillus subtilis ONU 559 strains isolated from the Black Sea sediments. Methods. The general genome identification was performed using the online version of the Dictionary of Natural Products database, and search for biosynthetic clusters in genome of Bacillus velezensis ONU 553 - with antiSMASH 7.0. Results and Conclusion. Genomic-metabolic profiling of strains led to the identification of several new biological compounds – 7 and 1 metabolites in Bacillus velezensis ONU 553 and Bacillus pumilus ONU 554 strains, respectively, and to identify biosynthetic clusters of iturin- and helipeptin-like peptides in Bacillus velezensis ONU 553 strain for the first time. A new biosynthetic cluster was found in the Bacillus velezensis ONU 553 strain.Документ DETECTION OF PLANTARICIN GENES IN STRAINS OF LACTOBACILLUS PLANTARUM – ANTAGONISTS OF PHYTOPATHOGENIC BACTERIA(Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова, 2015) Limanska, Nataliia V.; Babenko, Dmytro O.; Yamborko, Hanna V.; Ivanytsia, Volodymyr O.; Ліманська, Наталія Вікторівна; Бабенко, Дмитро Олександрович; Ямборко, Ганна Валентинівна; Іваниця, Володимир Олексійович; Лиманская, Наталия Викторовна; Бабенко, Дмитрий Александрович; Ямборко, Анна Валентиновна; Иваница, Владимир АлексеевичThe aim of investigation was to detect the presence of genes responsible for bacteriocin synthesis in strains of Lactobacillus plantarum with the clear antagonistic effect against the gram-negative phytopathogens. Methods. To reveal eleven genes involved in plantaricin synthesis the polymerase chain reaction was used. To test the ability to synthesize bacteriocins as antagonistic compounds the experiments with the lawns of test-strains Listeria ivanovii INRA, Rhizobium radiobacter C58, Ralstonia solanacearum B-1109-UCM, Erwinia carotovora ZM1, Rhizobium vitis OНУ 389, R. vitis OНУ 388, R. vitis 379 and R. rhizogenes 15834 were used. Results. In genomes of the tested L. plantarum strains the genes plnD, plnEF, plnG, plnI, plnN were present, but the genes plnA, plnB, plnC, plnW were not revealed. Applying the cultural liquids of lactobacilli on the lawns of the test-strains has shown that the cell-free cultural liquid with the initially low pH (4.1–4.3) caused the zones of growth inhibition on the lawns of all test-strains. The neutralized cell-free cultural liquid did not affect the growth of the test-strains. Conclusion. Although the tested strains L. plantarum ОNU 87, L. plantarum ОNU 206 and L. plantarum ОNU 991 possessed some genes of plantaricin regulon, in the investigations in vitro they caused the inhibition of the phytopathogens and listerias due to the low pH of the cell-free cultural liquids but not due to the synthesis of bacteriocins. The combination of the genes of plantaricin regulon of L. plantarum ONU 206 and L. plantarum ONU 991 resembled that in L. plantarum J23 described in literature.Документ Effect of Bacillus megaterium ONU 500 on the germination and growth of sunflower seedlings(Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова, 2021) Shvets, Y. A.; Krylova, K. D.; Limanska, Nataliia V.; Швець, Ю. А.; Крилова, К. Д.; Ліманська, Наталія Вікторівна; Швец, Ю. А.; Крылова, Е. Д.; Лиманская, Наталия ВикторовнаThe aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of Bacillus megaterium ONU 500 on the germination and growth of sunflower seedlings. Materials and methods. Sunflower seeds were sown in containers with soil inoculated with a suspension of bacteria B. megaterium ONU 500 in concentration of 106 CFU/ml. After 21 days growth characteristics of seedlings were compared: germination, average height, root length, leaf area, dry weight. Effect of these microorganisms on biofilm formation on roots was investigated with light microscopy. Results. Inoculation of soil with B. megaterium ONU 500 resulted in the positive effect on roots length (increase by 21%), leaf area (increase by 22%) and dry weight of seedlings (increase by 17.8%). No significant effect on germination and plant height was observed. On the roots of plants grown in soil treated with B. megaterium ONU 500 more developed biofilms with well formed matrix were observed, which indicates the stimulation of ability of plant and soil microbiota to form biofilms in presence of bacilli from the studied strain. Conclusion. The investigations demonstrated that bacteria of B. megaterium ONU 500 strain caused a positive effect on development of sunflower seedlings and formation of biofilms on their roots.Документ EFFECT OF ENTEROCOCCUS DURANS BACTERIOCIN ON BACTERIAL WILT AGENT(Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова, 2012) Limanska, Nataliia V.; Choiset, Y.; Korotaieva, Nadiia V.; Sergeeva, Zh.; Chobert, J.-M.; Ivanytsia, Tetіana V.; Haertle, T.; Ліманська, Наталія Вікторівна; Іваниця, Тетяна Володимирівна; Шуазе, І.; Коротаєва, Надія Володимирівна; Сергєєва, Жанна Юріївна; Шобер, Ж.-М.; Іваниця, Володимир Олексійович; Ертле, Т.; Лиманская, Наталия Викторовна; Иваница, Татьяна Владимировна; Шуазе, И.; Коротаева, Надежда Владимировна; Сергеева, Жанна Юрьевна; Иваница, Владимир Алексеевич; Эртле, Т.; Ivanytsia, Volodymyr O.Effect of a bacteriocin produced by Enterococcus durans A5-11 on growth of Ralstonia solanacearum strains and their ability to cause wilt in tomatoes was investigated. Among tested phytopathogenic strains, 33% were sensitive and inhibited as it was shown after spotting bacteriocin on Ralstonia lawns. Minimal inhibitory concentrations and sizes of lysis or inhibition zones varied depending on the strain used for study. The same differences were evidenced for the effect of the bacteriocin on Ralstonia in a liquid medium and when inoculating Lycopersicon esculentum Mill test plants. Treatment of plant roots with the bacteriocin of E. durans A5-11 simultaneously with inoculation with bacteria of a highly susceptible strain R. solanacearum 6189 resulted in diminished number of wilted tomatoesДокумент Effect of Lactobacillus plantarum on growth characteristics of wheat in hydroponics and soil(Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова, 2018) Limanska, Nataliia V.; Sokolova, N. V.; Sudak, A. A.; Galkin, Mykola B.; Ivanytsia, Volodymyr O.; Ліманська, Наталія Вікторівна; Соколова, Н. В.; Судак, А. А.; Галкін, Микола Борисович; Іваниця, Володимир Олексійович; Лиманская, Наталия Викторовна; Галкин, Николай Борисович; Иваница, Владимир АлексеевичThe aim was to study the effect of Lactobacillus plantarum on germination and some growth characteristics of wheat Triticum aestivum L. in hydroponics and soil under greenhouse and field conditions. Materials and Methods. Strains of L. plantarum, their mixtures in a ratio 1:1 had been prepared immediately before the experiment, as well as mixed cultures of these strains which had been cultivated together for at least one week and re-inoculated every two days were used. Before grounding, seeds were inoculated with lactobacilli (in concentrations 1%, 0.1%, 0.01%, 0.001%, 0.0001%, 0.00001%) for an hour. Seed germination, length of the roots and height of the seedlings were calculated as means with standard errors or confidential intervals. Results. Treatment of wheat seeds with individual L. plantarum ONU 12, L. plantarum ONU 311, L. plantarum ONU 355 strains, their mixed cultures grown together and mixtures has increased seed germination in 6.0–40.0% depending on the conditions of germination and inoculum concentration. Under conditions of hydroponics and soil in the greenhouse the best results were shown by inoculums in concentration 103–106 CFU/ml, and under field conditions – in concentration 102–104 CFU/ml. Mixtures and mixed cultures of L. plantarum ONU 12 + L. plantarum ONU 311 and L. plantarum ONU 12 + L. plantarum ONU 355 formed developed biofilms on roots of wheat seedlings. Mean height of seedlings increased in 8.0–41.0%, and the length of the roots increased by 2.4 times in hydroponics and in 6.8 –64.5% in soil. Conclusion. The mixtures and mixed cultures of bacteria L. plantarum ONU 12 + L. plantarum ONU 311 and L. plantarum ONU 12 + L. plantarum ONU 355 could stimulate wheat germination and growth and can be used for development of plant growth promoting bacterial preparations.Документ EFFECT OF LACTOBACILLUS PLANTARUM ON TUMOR FORMATION CAUSED BY RHIZOBIUMRADIOBACTER(Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова, 2014) Limanska, Nataliia V.; Korotaieva, Nadiia V.; Yamborko, Hanna V.; Ivanytsia, Volodymyr O.; Ліманська, Наталія Вікторівна; Коротаєва, Надія Володимирівна; Ямборко, Ганна Валентинівна; Іваниця, Володимир Олексійович; Лиманская, Наталия Викторовна; Коротаева, Надежда Владимировна; Ямборко, Анна Валентиновна; Иваница, Владимир АлексеевичThe aim of investigation was to study the effect of Lactobacillus plantarum bacteria and their metabolites on tumor formation in Kalanchoe daigremontiana Mill, plants experimentally inoculated with crown gall agents Rhizobium radiobacter. Methods. Leaves of test plants were inoculated with the cultures of bacteria R. radiobacter C58 and three Lactobacillus plantarum strains or their cell-free supernatants (CFS) with primary low pH (4.1—4.3) and with neutralized pH (6.5) in a ratio 1:1. After 45 days amount of samples with tumors and weight of tumor tissues were evaluated, and formation of necroses were checked out. Results. Lactobacilli and their supernatants effected tumor formation differently depending on the variant of treatment. Inhibiting activity in a case of all three investigated L. plantarum strains was exhibited by CFS with primary pH (4.1-4.3). Lactobacilli injected in plant tissues simultaneously with the pathogen decreased the amount of crown galled samples both in a case of low initial pH of cultural liquid (strain L. plantarum ONU 87 decreased in 86%, strain L. plantarum ONU 206 - in 95%), and in a case of neutralized pH of cultural liquid (strain L. plantarum ONU 87 decreased in 75%, strain L. plantarum ONU 206 - decreased in 94%). Bacteria of the strain L. plantarum ONU 991 didn’t exhibit the inhibiting activity in cases of the treatments with cultures of lactobacilli and with the neutralized supernatant. At the same time, the overnight cultures of all strains showed clear antagonistic activity in vitro. Injecting the cultures of lactobacilli and their supernatants both with low and neutral pH resulted in 'wide zones of necrosis comparing to that obtained after the injection of tissues with sterile distillated water with the same pH. Conclusion. Lactic acid bacteria L. plantarum differ in the level of inhibition of tumor formation caused by R. radiobacter. Strain L. plantarum 206 was the best antagonist in these investigations: both the amount of infected samples and weight offormed tumors significantly decreased in all -variants of the treatments. Inhibiting activity of metabolites from the cultural liquid of lactobacteria probably is explained not only with the action of organic acids, but also with the action of bacteriocins and other products of metabolism.Документ EFFECT OF LACTOBACILLUS PLANTARUM ONU87 IN MIXTURE WITH AUTOLYSATE OF ERWINIAS ON FORMATION OF TUMORS CAUSED BY RHIZOBIUM RADIOBACTER C58(Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова, 2013) Korotaieva, Nadiia V.; Kondratiuk, T. V.; Basiul, Olena V.; Krylova, K. D.; Yamborko, Hanna V.; Ivanytsia, Volodymyr O.; Limanska, Nataliia V.; Коротаєва, Надія Володимирівна; Кондратюк, Тетяна В.; Басюл, Олена Владленівна; Крилова, К. Д.; Ямборко, Ганна Валентинівна; Іваниця, Володимир Олексійович; Ліманська, Наталія Вікторівна; Коротаева, Надежда Владимировна; Басюл, Елена Владленовна; Крылова, Е. Д.; Ямборко, Анна Валентиновна; Иваница, Владимир Алексеевич; Лиманская, Наталия Викторовна; Кондратюк, Татьяна В.The aim of the research was to investigate the effect of mixture of Lacto-bacillus plantarum ONU87 and autolysate of Erwinia carotovora ZM\ cells containing macromolecular bacteriocins and bacteriophages on the pathogenesis of the crown gall. Materials and Methods. As an infectious agent, a strain of Rhizobium radiobacter C58 characterized by its high virulence was chosen. As test-models, carrot roots (Daucuscarota subsp. sativus L.) and plants Ralanchoe daigremontiana Mill were used. Results. The effect of mixture of L. plantarum ONU87 and autolysate of E. carotovora ZM1 on survival of R. radiobacter C58 in vitro has been studied. Amount of vi¬able cells of plant pathogenic bacteria decreased after 4 hours of culturing. Treatment with a mixture of lactobacilli and autolysate of erwinias results in complete inhibition of crown gall pathogenesis on Ralanchoe plants. Treatment of carrot roots with an experimental mixture results in decrease of the amount of infected explants in 14.3%.The mentioned results enabled us to conclude that depending on the sensitivity of the test-objects, treatment with the mixture of L. plantarum ONU87 and autolysate of E. carotovora ZM1 results in complete inhibition of crown gall pathogenesis or decrease of its symptoms.Документ INFLUENCE OF THE EXOGENOUS QUORUM SENSING AUTOINDUCERS ON PSEUDOMONAS AERUGINOSA RHAMNOLIPIDS BIOSYNTHESIS(Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова, 2013) Abedalabas, Muchlis; Galkin, Mykola B.; Pachomova, E. Yu.; Filipova, Tetiana O.; Абедалабас, Мухліс; Галкін, Микола Борисович; Пахомова, Є. Ю.; Філіпова, Тетяна Олегівна; Абедалабас, Мухлис; Галкин, Николай Борисович; Пахомова, Е. Ю.; Филиппова, Татьяна ОлеговнаThe aim of this investigation was to discover the effect of Pseudomonas aeruginosa exogenic QS autoinducers: N-(3-oxo-dodecanoyl)homoserinlacton (3-oxo-CI2-HSL), N-butiryl-homoserinlacton (C4-HSL), and 2-heptyl-3-hydroxy-4-quinolon (PQS) on P. aeruginosa ATCC 15692 mono- and di-rhamnolipids biosynthesis. Methods. Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 15692 were cultured on Giss medium with 2% glucose at 37 °С for 24 h. The investigations were performed in «plancton-biofilm» system with using of «Nunclon» 48-well plates. Di- and monorhamnolipids separation was conducted by TLC methods onAlugram Sil G/UV254 TLC plates. Di- and monorhamnolipids were eluted separately and their content was determined by the orcinic test. Dirhamnolipids /monorhamnolipids ratio was calculated taking a monorhamnolipids content as 1 unit. There were used in this work homoserinlactones (Sigma Aldrich) and 2-heptyl-3-hydroxy-4-quinolon synthesized in ONU Biotechnological scientific- educational center. Results. It was determined that exogenous 3-oxo-C12-HSL showed no effects on rhamnolipids biosynthesis. In presence of the two others autoinducers: C4-HSL and PQS, rhamnolipids content increases. C4-HSL at the concentrations of 5 and 10 цМ caused increasing of the biosurfactants biosynthesis in 3.4 and 4.1 times. In presence of PQS in 40-80 цМ concentration range a proportional increase in the synthesis was observed. Its level increased in 1.9; 3.3 and 5.2 times in presence of 40, 60 and 80 цМ signaling quinolon concentration respectively. After 24 hours of incubation di- and monorhamnolipids ratio was 2,2:1. In presence of C-HSL it was 2:1 at the concentration of this autoinducer 5 цМ and 2,4:1 at the concentration of 10 цМ N-butiryl-homoserinlacton. Conclusions. PQS greatly increased dirhamnolipids biosynthesis, especially Rha-Rha-Cig-Cig. At PQS concentration of40, 60 and 80 цМRha-Rha-Cig-Cig/Rha-Cig-Cigratio was 3:1, 3,6:1 and 4,5:1, respectively. It was shown that supernatants of bacterial cultures, contained increased amounts of dirhamnolipids, showed the highest emulsifying activity.Документ Kinetics of dirhamnolipids biosynthesis and rhamnosyltransferase 2 activity in the presence of Pseudomonas aeruginosa signal quinolone(Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова, 2014) Abedalabas, Mukhlis; Galkin, Mykola B. ; Pahomova, E. Yu.; Filipova, Tetiana O.; Абедалабас, Мухліс; Галкін, Микола Борисович ; Пахомова, Є. Ю.; Філіпова, Тетяна Олегівна; Абедалабас, Мухлис; Галкин, Н. Б.; Пахомова, Е. Ю.; Филиппова, Татьяна ОлеговнаDiscovery of P. aeruginosa ATCC15692 dirhamnolipids biosynthesis and rham- nosyltransferase 2 activity in the presence of Pseudomonas aeruginosa exogenous quorum sensing signal molecule 2-heptyl-3-hydroxy-4-quinolon (PQS). Methods. Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 15692 were cultured in the Giss medium with 2% glucose at 37 °Сfor 24 h. All the discoveries were performed in «planctonbiofilm» system with using of the «Nunclon» 48-well plates. Dirhamnolipids separation conducted by TLC methods onAlugram Sil G/UV254 'TLCplates. Dirhamnolipids were eluted separately and its content was determined by the orcinol test. Rhamnosyltransferase 2 (RhlC) activity was analysed in P. aeruginosa cell extracts using a rhamnosyltransferase assay specific for the addition of Lrhamnose to monorhamnolipid. 2-heptyl-3-hydroxy-4- quinolon synthesized in ONU Biotechnological scientific-educational center. Results. The synthesis of dirhamnolipids in control culture is activatedfrom the early stationary phase and the content of the biosurfactants is increasedfivefold up 10 to 24 hour - up 0.83 to 4.3 mg/ml. Addition of increasing concentrations of PQS did not affect the growth of P. aeruginosa but increased dirhamnolipids content. After 10 h of growth, there were approximately 4.6 times more biosurfactant in the cultures supplemented with PQS compared with the control. After 24 hours its level in culture medium was 20.68 mg/ml in the presence of 80 μM PQS and 4.3 mg/ml in the absence of PQS. The additions of PQS at the time of inoculation are sufficient to induce RhlC activity during the transition to stationary phase. So, after eight hours in the presence of 40, 60 or 80 μMPQS rhamnosyltransferase 2 activity was higher at 40%, 75% and 93%, respectively. After 24 hours this enzymatic activity was 1.6, 1.8 and 2.1 times higher as compared with the control.