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Результатів на сторінці
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Документ Aліментні правовідносини: види та правова природа(Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова, 2014) Труба, Вячеслав Іванович; Труба, Вячеслав Иванович; Truba, Vyacheslav I.Стаття присвячена висвітленню питань класифікації аліментних правовідносин, визначенню правової природи таких відносин. Доводиться важливість для побудови системи аліментних правовідносин такого критерію їх поділу, як суб’єктний склад. Стверджується теза про поєднання публічних і приватних засад в сімейно-правовому механізмі аліментування, метою якого є забезпечення ефективного застосування законодавства, покращання якості сімейно-правових відносин.Документ Challenge as a guarantee of the protection of rights of the participants of commercial courts proceedings(Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова, 2015) Stepanova, Tetiana V.; Степанова, Тетяна Валеріївна; Степанова, Татьяна ВалерьевнаBased on analysis of national procedural law the analysis of the challenge as a guarantee of defense of rights for participants is carried out in the economic legal proceedings. Direct connection of the challenge and the level of protection of rights for the participants of economic process is examined in the article. The right of the challenge of judge is an inalienable right of participants of the legal proceedings. It means that a person has the opportunity to express incredulity to a judge or other participant of legal proceedings, disagreement with his participation in the case. In the Economic Procedural Code of Ukraine (hereinafter — the EPC of Ukraine) e, in contrast with other procedural branches, possibility of challenge is foreseen only for a judge and a court expert. The possibility of challenge not only of a judge and of a court expert but also of defense counsel and representative, court clerk, prosecutor, specialist and translator will give the additional guarantees of defense of rights for the participants of process. It is suggested to select the subjects of realization of separate procedural rights and to expand their circle.Документ Child-support alimony as the issue of legislation and practice(Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова, 2015) Zilkovska, Liudmyla M.; Зілковська, Людмила Михайлівна; Зилковская, Людмила МихайловнаThe article is devoted to issues about legislative regulation improvement on support maintenance by the way of alimentation of children which were adopted by other persons. There were made conclusions about the necessity of legislative consideration the possibility of deprivation of parental rights of one of the parent and adopter and alimony collection for child maintenance from both of them.Документ Court protection guarantees of foreign citizens’ property rights(Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова, 2014) Karmazina, Kateryna Yu.; Bondarenko, K. V.; Кармазіна, Катерина Юріївна; Бондаренко, К. В.; Кармазина, Екатерина Юрьевна; Бондаренко, Е. В.The article is dedicated to the issue of the specifics of legislative regulation and practice of foreign citizens’ protection of their constitutional property rights in Ukrainian courts. The problem is analyzed in terms of the issue of foreign investments protection guarantees as one of the directions of current reforms in Ukraine.Документ Genocide as an international crime and problems of its recognition(Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова, 2014) Zykin, Anatolii S.; Yehiazarian, A. A.; Зикін, Анатолій Сергійович; Єгіазарян, А. А.; Зыкин, Анатолий Сергеевич; Егиазарян, А. А.The article is dedicated to the issue of the role of genocide in international law. The authors study the problems of recognizing the genocide as international crime. They consider different scientific approaches to meaning of genocide in international law: from the classic understanding of it, its appearance as a crime to becoming a disputable issue in its recognition based on examples from the XX century. Moreover, in the paper some international tribunals’ activity is considered. The conventions’ classification in the context of international law is also done.Документ Improvement of interpretation of legal norms and contemporary law enforcement activity(Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова, 2015) Plavych, Volodymyr P.; Plavych, Serhii V.; Плавич, Володимир Петрович; Плавич, Сергій Володимирович; Плавич, Владимир Петрович; Плавич, Сергей ВладимировичThis article is devoted to the problem of improvement of interpretation of legal norms and law enforcement. The author revealed an interesting methodology of the hermeneutical analysis of legal texts. The article substantiates the possibility of creation of expert systems, which would be able to predict the potential ways of movement of the subject towards one or another aim in a particular regulatory framework.Документ International courts in the international lawmaking process(Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова, 2014) Nihreieva, Olena O.; Нігреєва, Олена Олександрівна; Нигреева, Алена АлександровнаThe article is dedicated to the issue of role of international courts in international lawmaking process. The author studies the problem of recognizing international judicial bodies as international lawmaking subjects. She considers different scientific approaches to meaning of judicial decisions for lawmaking process in international law: from the classic understanding of them as subsidiary means for the determination of rules of law to a new vision of international courts’ judgments as international law sources. Moreover, in the paper some international tribunals’ activity is considered and the international lawmaking capacity of their majority is stressed. The courts’ classification in the context of international lawmaking is also done.Документ Issues of copyright enforcement in the digital environment: P2P Networking and Darknet(Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова, 2017) Yeliferov, D. O.; Єліферов, Д. О.; Елиферов, Д. А.This article will provide a basic overview of the P2P Networking, its development into darknet, and the legal aspects and means of copyright enforcement will be analyzed. Furthermore, the correlation between copyright and right of privacy in digital environment will be shown. Finally, the available options of copyright protection and Technological Protection Measures will be discussed.Документ Justice as category of law(Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова, 2015) Korchevna, Liubov O.; Корчевна, Любов Олександрiвна; Корчевная, Любовь АлександровнаIn the article some of the theories and principles of justice that exist in the legal and public management thought were considered. The paper deals with the legal doctrines of well-known law theorists such as O. Heffe and J. Rawls, in particular, the contract theory of law and justice, their common essential characteristics and their differences.Документ Justice as category of law(Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова, 2015) Korchevna, Liubov O.; Корчевна, Любов Олександрiвна; Корчевная, Любовь АлександровнаIn the article some of the theories and principles of justice that exist in the legal and public management thought were considered. The paper deals with the legal doctrines of well-known law theorists such as O. Heffe and J. Rawls, in particular, the contract theory of law and justice, their common essential characteristics and their differences.Документ Law antagonality as a feature of civilized society(Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова, 2014) Bachur, Borys S.; Бачур, Борис Степанович; Бачур, Борис СтепановичThe issue of the law as a factor that influences the formation of civilized society in Ukraine is considered. The positive and negative aspects of such kind of influence are studied. The antagonistic, but not antagonal character of the process is underlined.Документ Legal status of temporarily occupied territories in accordance with international law(Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова, 2014) Plavych, Volodymyr P.; Petrovska, V. S.; Плавич, Володимир Петрович; Петровська, В. С.; Плавич, Владимир Петрович; Петровская, В. С.The article is dedicated to the issue of occupied territories. The authors study the evolution of the international law and how conventions and rules on occupied territories were adopted. The article contains extracts from conventions and protocols, which help to understand the phenomenon of occupation.Документ Loss indemnity as a legal implication of contractual delinquency(Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова, 2014) Sviatoshniuk, Aryna L.; Святошнюк, Арина Леонідівна; Святошнюк, Арина ЛеонидовнаThe legal category of loss indemnity as a legal implication of contractual delinquency was considered in the scientific article. The comparative legal analysis of the category «loss indemnity» in Ukraine and some countries of the European Union was made. Also there was given a definition of «loss indemnity» as a legal implication of contractual delinquency.Документ Main trends in the modern legal integration(Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова, 2015) Streltsova, Yevdokiia D.; Стрельцова, Євдокія Джонівна; Стрельцова, Евдокия ДжоновнаThe article analyzes certain aspects of the modern trends in the development of national legal systems in the conditions of the globalized society. It presents an overview of the challenges, changes, and perspectives concerning the ways for the legal integration. It is suggested that all this aspects relate to a «reset» of legal regulations, which is demonstrated through peculiarities of the development of national legal systems, the development and accomplishment of the ways of their convergence, improvement of the mechanisms of their interaction. In terms of the development of national legal systems it is stated that the basic trends have been shown up through the maintenance of basic rights and interests of an individual; through ensuring democratic principles, strengthening a leading role of private law tools, etc. As to the ways of the modern legal integration it occurs obvious that harmonization and its various forms and methods, acquisition of practices and principles of foreign national legal systems, the extension of national law over the territory of a foreign jurisdiction etc., contribute substantially to such integration. On the agenda there is also an issue of the future development of the so-called global law order.Документ Municipality: constitutional and legal aspects(Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова, 2018) Priieshkina, Olha V.; Прієшкіна, Ольга Василівна; Приешкина, Ольга ВасильевнаThe article is devoted to the study of the legal status of municipal authorities in the system of constitutional and legal relations. The concept of power as a social phenomenon in the development of the state is argued, the significance of which is especially exacerbated during the period of socioeconomic transformations, when economic regimes change and significant transformations occur in the functioning of the political system and the division of state power. The definition of municipal power is given as a special public-law phenomenon, which is implemented through the system of power relations, which are aimed at solving all issues of local-regional significance.Документ Notion of judicial practice(Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова, 2014) Prytchenko, Roman S.; Притченко, Роман Сергійович; Притченко, Роман СергеевичThe issues of understanding of judicial practice are analyzed. Different approaches to the conception are considered. The members of judicial practice are distinguished and the nature of their relationship is established.Документ Priorities of innovative development of the professional management system in Ukraine(Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова, 2015) Kuznietsov, Eduard A.; Кузнєцов, Едуард Анатолійович; Кузнецов, Эдуард АнатольевичIn the article some basic problems of innovative dynamics of Ukrainian management system development are reviewed. There were analyzed the basic elements of the structure of management system, the interaction of processes of management science and practice, the key problems of managerial professionalization. Some upgrading approaches of managerial activity professionalization in Ukraine were proposed.Документ Public policy clause in private international law(Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова, 2014) Nahush, Olha M.; Нагуш, Ольга Миколаївна; Нагуш, Ольга НиколаевнаThe article gives an overview of one of the mechanisms for the protection of ordre public which to prevent the devastating effects of foreign law on national public policy — a public policy clause. The analysis of nature and character of the wording of national norms of different countries shows that provisions aimed at protecting national public policy may be constructed differently. The world practice knows two concepts of clause of ordre public: positive and negative, and the negative concept of public policy clause is dominant in contemporary private international law.Документ Public-private partnership: perspectives for Ukraine(Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова, 2012) Samoilenko, Olha Serhiivna; Самойленко, Ольга Сергіївна; Самойленко, Ольга СергеевнаThe legal nature of the category «public-private partnership», its origin and peculiarities are researched in this article. The author analyses the problem of adaptation of models of cooperation of public and private partners to national economical conjuncture. There are also defined basic approaches to improve institutional and normative base of public-private partnership in Ukraine.Документ Responsibility to protect in the context of opposition to violation of human rights(Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова, 2014) Hryn, Oksana D.; Tyron, O. O.; Гринь, Оксана Дмитрівна; Тирон, О. О.; Гринь, Оксана Дмитриевна; Тырон, А. А.The issues of the responsibility to protect and humanitarian intervention were investigated in this article. The authors also considered the evolution of the conceptions and studied the transformations of responsibilities of human rights violations. The main perspectives and different approaches also were investigated.