09. Факультет міжнародних відносин, політології та соціології
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Перегляд 09. Факультет міжнародних відносин, політології та соціології за Назва
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Документ Analysis of the structure of the population of Ukraine in 2015-2016 and intensification of the internal and external migration(2017) Maslii, Natalia D.; Маслій, Наталя Дмитрівна; Маслий, Наталья ДмитриевнаMovement of people has always been the driving force in the social and political development of the world. Nowadays, the population migration has acquired the features of a global phenomenon. According to UN reports, there are about 250 million international migrants in the world in 2015.Документ Analysis of trade in German, Polish, and Czech ICT sectors(Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова, 2020) Yani, A.; Tsevukh, Yuliia O.; Цевух, Юлія ОлександрівнаNowadays information and communication technologies (ICT) play an important role in development of the most economies in the world. ICT grows faster than any other sector and bring higher productivity in manufacture, transport, trade, services, finance, medicine, science, education, and other sectors. Also it should be taken into account that the rapid development of ICT leads to significant changes in management by emerging new business-models and communication between people by providing access to information almost in any point of the world. This especially obvious in the European Union economy, where the ICT sector represents 3.6% of value added in GDP. In 2019 4% of total employment or more than 9.4 million specialists (EU-28) were employed in ICT [2]. The main issues of the ICT sector development have been analyzed by researchers from different countries: D. Adler, E. Alampay, B. V. Ark, M. Berma, K. C. Cheong, V. Folea, G. D. Graaf, M. Haghshenas, R. Inklaar, H. Kasimin, F. Khalili, M. Kuppusami, W. Y. Lau, R. H. McGuckin J. V. Reenen, I. Seki, B. Shanmugan, A. Yousefi, and other scientists.Документ Assessment of transportation impact on regional development: case study of Ukraine(2021) Maslii, Natalia D.; Маслій, Наталя Дмитрівна; Маслий, Наталья ДмитриевнаAn important consequence of development of transport complex of country is a growth of economic and social well-being of population. Focus on optimally functioning transport should be considered as an important factor in sustainable economic development, and deviations from optimal values as an indicator of additional reserves for growth. Defining national economic interests is one of the main tasks of Ukraine's development. In order to develop independently, and at the same time on the basis of partnership and cooperation, it is necessary to develop transport provision for the regions and interregional integration to form a whole transport space. The author's approach in considering this problem using general scientific and special methods of scientific research made it possible to investigate these processes. The article describes a methodological approach to the study of the transportation in the regions of Ukraine on the basis of intermodality and multimodality using forms of scientific - technical and static analysis, which will contribute to the implementation of the state policy of interregional integration, taking into account freight transportation using various types of transport. A scientific and applied approach has been proposed for determining the interdependence of the gross regional product per person on the freight turnover by kind of transport by using the methodological tools of the system analysis theory in order to identify transport regions and efficiently locate multimodal terminals (transport hubs), which will contribute to the implementation of effective instruments to promote interregional integration and regional economic integration, information, education spaces into a single transport space, overcoming interregional alienation and the introduction of effective instruments of state support for interregional integration, will contribute to the implementation of interregional programs and projects.Документ Ban the bomb by… banning the bomb? A Ukrainian response(2017) Sinovets, Polina A.When the UN First Committee voted in October to initiate conferences at which a treaty banning nuclear weapons would be negotiated, a country such as Ukraine might have been expected to vote in favor. At the end of the Cold War, after all, Ukraine had inherited the world’s third-largest arsenal of nuclear weapons from the Soviet Union – but Kiev gave them up. Ukraine also joined the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) as a nonnuclear weapon state, and it remains a treaty member in good standing. Moreover, Ukraine is threatened to its east by one of the world’s two largest nuclear powers – and does not benefit from the nuclear deterrence capacity of the other. So Ukraine voted in favor of banning the Bomb – right?Документ Bifurcation Points Analysis Application in Economic Studies(2019) Demianchuk, Maryna A.; Maslii, Natalia D.; Skribans, Valerijs; Дем'янчук, Марина Афанасіївна; Маслій, Наталя Дмитрівна; Демьянчук, Марина Афанасьевна; Маслий, Наталья ДмитриевнаThe article reflects bifurcation points analysis for Ukrainian economy since 2005. Development of Ukrainian economy is atypical both for developed and emerging countries. The case is related with significant changes in politics situation and economic life of Ukraine, including, mass riots, soft revolution, war and annexation of part of the territory. In conditions of instability, the requirements for economists education quality increase. Economists for decision-making must fully understand the situation. The authors of the article shows case study of Ukraine, how to combine traditional mathematical approach and situation observation for analysis of regional development. The research is an example of method of training and practical application of the analysis of the situation in changing conditions.Документ Black Sea Region in World Policy: Actors, Factors, and Scenarios of the Future(Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University, 2020) Koval, Ihor M.; Brusylovska, Olha I.; Gaber, Yevheniia; Sinovets, Polina A.; Maksymenko, Iryna V.; Shelest, Hanna; Udovik, Violetta; Glebov, Sergii V.; Коваль, Ігор Миколайович; Брусиловська, Ольга Іллівна; Габер, Євгенія; Сіновець, Поліна Андріївна; Максименко, Ірина Володимирівна; Шелест, Ганна; Удовік, Віолетта; Глебов, Сергій ВолодимировичPolitical, economic and cultural borders are usually different from geographical ones; this also applies to the Black Sea region. Only six countries border the Black Sea: Bulgaria, Romania, Ukraine, Russia, Georgia and Turkey. But the Charter of the Organization of Black Sea Cooperation (BSEC) was also signed by Albania, Moldova, Azerbaijan, Armenia and Greece. Moldova can be geographically considered a part of the Black Sea region, as it is located between Ukraine and Romania and is close to the Black Sea. Greece is close to the mouth of the Bosporus, which connects the Black and Mediterranean Seas. Armenia does not border the Black Sea, but is located near it. Two other countries are located on the shores of other seas connected to the Black Sea by many waterways: Azerbaijan (via the Caspian) and Albania (via the Adriatic). Therefore, the definition of the Black Sea is based on the signing of the BSEC, which laid the foundation for modern economic and political relations between 11 countries in the region. However, the relevance of this monograph is primarily due to the fact that the BSEC has not become the main field of interaction for the Black Sea states. On the contrary, its current state can be bluntly described as “comatose”. Therefore, this collective monograph is devoted, firstly, to identifying the behaviour of the main systemic and non-systemic actors that determine the development of the regional system of the Black Sea region, and, secondly, to identify factors that affect these actors in order to predict their behaviour in the medium term. The purpose of the monograph is to identify the causes of the decline of the Black Sea regional system. The research dilemma can be formulated as follows: to what extent is this decline the result of the actions of the two regional leaders, Turkey and the Russian Federation, and to what extent is it due to non-systemic actors? Among the tasks is the identification of modern theoretical approaches that most adequately help to build a study of the dynamics of the Black Sea region. Also included in these tasks is the identification of the following features: a) the policy of Turkey and Russia as regional leaders of the Black Sea region, b) the policies of the EU and NATO as the most influential international organizations, and c) the policies of China and Japan as non-systemic actors whose influence on the Black Sea is constantly growing. The concepts of systemic and non-systemic actors are critically important for this monograph. Therefore, a systematic approach was chosen for the study, which in turn provided an opportunity to: 1) consider the object under study (the Black Sea) as a complex system of input and output signals, 2) to establish the connection of the system with its environment (world politics, which is manifested in the politics of major world actors), and to 3) specify the object of study (the Black Sea) as a system that is limited by internally defined relationships between elements. A systematic approach to the phenomenon includes the analysis of: 1) the elements that make up the system, 2) the patterns of the origin and development of the phenomenon, 3) its evolution, 4) the reasons for the changes, and 5) the essence and laws of its development. The application of the systems approach first enabled the division of the Black Sea into a number of subsystems (including lower level systems, such as regional leaders, EU newcomers, New Eastern Europe, and the South Caucasus), and then allowed for an analysis of the harmonization of each subsystem within the overall purpose of the system. It further allowed for a final construction of a systemic hierarchy, and the hierarchy of factors which make up this system and contribute to its functioning. A prominent place in the study is given to the study of direct and feedback relations of the Black Sea with the EU, NATO, China and Japan, which constitute the environment of the regional system under study. Additional research methods were chosen, namely the prognostic method and the case study method; the selection of these methods provides for an opportunity not only to investigate individual cases, but also to apply the acquired knowledge in further scientific research on other cases. Scenario construction is a means of forecasting, which is used to predict the development of political events. This establishes a logical sequence of events, based on an existing or given situation. The scenarios focus on the connections between events and on the critical points where the effects can actually have an impact on the situation. Therefore, a study of the Black Sea’s place in world politics would be incomplete without trying to provide potential scenarios for the coming decades. The monograph focuses on the various developing relations in the Black Sea region, which over the years have been researched by the staff of the Department of International Relations of the Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University. Accordingly, the work is structurally divided into eight sections, each of which covers a separate area of the foreign policy of international and national actors. The work is designed for everyone who is interested in foreign policy and international relations – from students to experts.Документ Borderland groups between political centres: national influence and local practices and in Bessarabia(2018) Koch, Svitlana V.; Коч, Світлана ВадимівнаThe article considers the conditions, under which ethnic groups form the necessity in lobbying of group socio−economic and political interests. The attention is focused on the leading role of ethnic groups in the processes of integration and disintegration of the region, regional policy of national development. The process of acquisition of subjects` of socio−economic and political relations function by local ethnic groups both within the State and in the international arena is demonstrated on the example of ethnic groups of Bessarabia in Ukraine and Moldova. The paper illustrates the acquisition of active capacity by ethnic groups while protecting cultural and social rights, as well as participation in global international processes. This problem acquires the special relevance in regard with the developed institutional and integrational crisis in Ukraine at the end of 2013 − beginning 2014. The “Ethnic map” at this conjuncture acquired additional functions as by the side of ethnic groups and in the managerial political projects of leading geopolitical players in the region (Romania, Moldova, Ukraine, Russia, Turkey, etc.).Документ Comparative analysis of financial-economic indicators and the dynamics of external sectors of Estonia and Denmark(Ужгородський нац. ун-т, 2018) Yakubovskyi, Serhii O.; Kyfak, A. O.; Yugay, K. S.; Якубовський, Сергій ОлексійовичThe article is devoted to the analysis of the dynamics of economic and financial indicators of Denmark and Estonia in the period of 2000–2017. On the basis of the data analyses, changes in the international investment positions of the countries are found. The paper presents the results of the econometric studies of the impact of various economic indicators on the dynamics of the current accounts. Based on the experience of the studied countries, recommendations for Ukraine are suggested.Документ COVID-19 and Maintaining Public Health within Student Community: Moral Difficulties Faced by Students(2021) Paulava, Volha; Kamenska, Tetiana H.; Terzi, Olena; Borshch, Viktoriya I.; Каменська, Тетяна Григорівна; Борщ, Вікторія Ігорівна; Каменская, Татьяна Григорьевна; Борщ, Виктория ИгоревнаThe research was aimed to develop a set of recommendations on maintaining public health within student community. For the practical achievement of the research goal, there were studied: students’ self-perceived health status and their physical and moral reaction to COVID-19; their thoughts while onlooking relatives’ reaction in the conditions of self-isolation, and students’ opinion on new interaction with tutors in frame of online education. This part of the research was carried out from November, 2020 till May, 2021. Respondents were the students of South region of Ukraine, who study disciplines with some risk for public health system, namely, future seafarers and medical workers. In our work we drew on theoretical and practical conclusions made by the American, European and Ukrainian researchers of public health system and of cooperation between a teacher and a student in the conditions of COVID-19 pandemic. The theoretical aspect devoted to specification of such concepts as "public health", "public health within student community", is connected with the practical one, and allows to elaborate the unique research tooling and to reflect its components during a sociological poll with the help of questionnaire analysis. Application part of work is based on an empirical social research of transformations of students’ feelings and opinions under the influence of pandemic, drawing on the analysis of moral difficulties that the students of higher educational institution faced in terms of sudden and drastic change to a remote format of learning being fully separated from an educational group. Recommendations and conclusions are made by the authors in order to safeguard public health within student community.Документ Decentralization vs centralization: scenarios of regional development of Ukraine in the context of internal stability establishment(2020) Uzun, Yuliia V.; Koch, Svitlana V.; Узун, Юлія Вадимівна; Коч, Світлана ВадимівнаThe work aims to analyze scenarios for the development of regional policy in Ukraine in conditions of decentralization and centralization trends confrontation in the country. The main problem is the establishment of structural completeness of the decentralization reform in Ukraine, which should involve the implementation of administrative-territorial, budgetary and political decentralization. An important task is also to determine the effectiveness of devolution, delegation, deconcentration, deregulation, and divestment, which are manifestations of the decentralization process and collectively determine the quality of reform. Based on the methodology of system analysis and the concept of “balance of relations,” as well as using a historical and comparative method in investigating the improvement of approaches to leading public policy, and a structural-functional method for analysis of territorial-political system as a decentralized and multi-level, the paper proposes an analysis of the balance of inter-level relations in the country, the effectiveness of reforms, decentralization and trends for further development. The work indicates that since 2014, administrative and territorial optimization and enlargement of communities have become the main result of the decentralization reform. The discussion of political decentralization remains extremely disturbing and is blocked as “separatism,” as well as attempts to resolve the conflict in the Donbas by political means through the adoption of the Steinmeier Formula are demurred as “capitulation.” The economic crisis, which coincided with the pandemic, can aggravate the negative perception of reform, the development of which remains possible within the framework of three development scenarios: “Euro-optimistic,” “inertial” and “blocking.”Документ Demography as history”: methods of studying the past (II)(2023) Ganchev, Alexander; Uzun, Yuliia V.; Ганчев, Олександр; Узун, Юлія ВадимівнаThe article provides specifics to an attempt at theoretical and methodological comprehension of historical and demographic reconstructions in the contexts of both “cliometrics” and “social history”. The characteristics of the specific toolkit are described and the technique of cognitive procedures is revealed. The methodology of demographic research is in line with the typological analysis of microsocial units of human activity (family, clan, community). The review and the description of specific methods are carried out in accordance with the general historiographic experience and the practice of the specific quantitative modelling of the population growth processes in a particular region. These studies are based on the identification and digital processing of formulary sources of the 19th – early 21st centuries. The article proposes a toolkit to improve the external and internal criticism of these types of sources. Special attention is paid to specific historical and demographic methods of identification and interpretation: coefficients, indices, and indicators. We fit them into the contours of historical science and expose their heuristic value and potential. This understanding contributes to the development of additional meanings in the humanities. The tested specific methodology is presented as potential for further extrapolations to sociocultural environments and historical periods. Overall, the paper highlights the issue of the prospects and possibilities of historical and demographic research in the context of studying the past of communities, as well as the issues of mutual influences of social institutions and practices, on the one hand, and population reproduction factors, on the other.Документ Development Prospects of Banking Sector in Central and Eastern European Countries in Terms of Financial Integration(2021) Chumachenko, Darya; Derkach, Tatyana; Babenko, Vitalina; Krutko, Marharyta; Yakubovskyi, Serhii O.; Rodionova, Tatiana; Якубовський, Сергій Олексійович; Якубовский, Сергей АлексеевичThis study examines banking transformations in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) under conditions of economic liberalization, dependence between economic development of countries and efficiency of their banking systems. The comparative method and methods of economic-mathematical modeling were applied. Considering the positive correlation between financial structure and economic growth, confirmed by literature findings, the development of the financial sector can become a crucial factor in convergence for the new EU members. Analysis revealed lower depth of financial sector in Central and Eastern European countries region in comparison to the Eurozone, but higher efficiency and growth rates. Regression models confirmed the significant causality between financial sector expansion and economic growth of CEE countries, but extremely high foreign market shares in the banking sector of region create prerequisites for financial shocks transmission through contagion channel in case of economic instability in the countries of banks’ origin.Документ Eastern european regional cooperation after crimea: the art of the possible(2015) Maksymenko, Iryna V.; Максименко, Ірина ВолодимирівнаRussia’s policy towards Ukraine did not simply change the system of international relations, rebuilding the relations between its key elements. Moscow’s actions in Crimea and eastern Ukraine have urged the need for sub-regional cooperation. Regionalization is one of the key trends in international relations. The author examines factors that stimulated sub-regional cooperation on the European continent (Central and Eastern Europe, South-Eastern Europe, the Black Sea region), the impact of the current global and regional processes on regional interaction, as well as the question of whether the Russian-Ukrainian crisis has raised the issue of a sub-regional security system formation due to a sharper sense of insecurity among states of CEE, SEE and the Black Sea region The factors that facilitate or hamper efficiency of regional cooperation are studied as well.Документ Economic restructuring and industrial clustering policy in Vietnam(Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова, 2021) Khuiien, Le Tkhi Min; Nikolaiev, Yurii O.; Ніколаєв, Юрій ОлеговичTill now, Vietnam has not any industrial clustering policy. Following analysis will illustrate for the point. Due to the lack of international level large domestic firms or global competive domestic firms, attracting foreign investments plays an crucial role toward Vietnamese economy. Therefore, among the four types of industrial clusters mentioned above, the second type should be developed in Vietnam.Документ Energy safety of Ukraine: Russian factor(2017) Brusylovska, Olha I.; Брусиловська, Ольга ІллівнаA number of political events in Ukraine at the end of 2013 and early in 2014 led to the frequent use of the term “the Ukrainian crisis”. It had impact not only on Ukraine’s interaction with the EU and the RF, but also in reviewing of the interstate cooperation of the Western countries and their allies with the RF. As a result of sanctions imposition against the RF because of annexation of Crimea, in 2015 the Russian government took the decision to amend the energy strategy for the period until 2035, in order to maintain the strategic development of the Russian energy sector. To that the majority of countries it was explained as a try to conduct the diversification of energy structure, to develop the not-carbohydrate energy sources and to use nonconventional kinds of fuel. The energy resources are used by Russia as one of the tools of conducting hybrid war against Ukraine and the energy infrastructure became an object of foreign conquest. In future, Russia will try to use its monopoly position in relation to the possession and producing of energy resources as to bring pressure upon both, Ukraine and the EU. In long-term Ukraine and the EU have a diversification opportunity in respect of the energy resources through the development of the nuclear energy production, a use of the alternative energy sources, a technological modernization of the energy sector for extraction of slate gas, a rebuilding of the transport and energy infrastructures.Документ The engagement of EU in the creation of subjects of international law: Kosovo case(2013) Brusylovska, Olha I.; Брусиловська, Ольга ІллівнаThe theory that has had an impact on the theoretical frames of the present topic was produced by a famous American sociologist Amitai Etzioni (“From Empire to Community: A New Approach to International Relations”). This topic has the aim to analyze the EU politics toward Kosovo independence, and get the answer: Can the European Union act efficiently when acting independently from other international actors? Involvement of EU in Kosovo problem was strengthening from the beginning of 2005. In mid-March 2007 Ahtisaari presented to the Secretary General a plan in the form of a short “Report” and a lengthy “Comprehensive Proposal”. Ultimately, Kosovo is, and will remain until resolved, a European problem. Failure to act would also discredit the EU’s CFSP (Common Foreign and Security Policy) and its efforts to project itself as a credible international actor in conflicts elsewhere. The new international presences in Kosovo described in the “Comprehensive Proposal” of Ahtisaari. It includes ICR, ICO, EULEX, IMP, and ISG, which will review the mandate of theses presences after two years. EULEX, the EU’s biggest ever ESDP operation, was agreed in February 2008. The EU states which have recognized Kosovo interpret the decision on EULEX (Joint Action Plan, 4 February 2008) to mean that EULEX will work together with the Kosovar institutions and authorities. The opposite point said that EULEX did not prejudge the status issue and was thus consonant with UNSCR 1244. EULEX reached full operational strength on the 6th of April 2009. Among the main achievements we can see: 1) EULEX was able to reestablish control of border crossing to Serbia in the north; 2) EULEX judges had commenced holding sessions in the District Court House in the North Mitrovica. These judges are widely respected by local colleagues; 3) EULEX is investigating widespread corruption at the highest levels (ministries, government institutions). These raids should exert a positive effect in deterring corruption. But at the same time the EULEX similar to UNMIK was much too passive, and we can see a lot of problems. Answering on the main research question - can the European Union act efficiently when acting independently from other international actors - we should conclude that it is almost impossible. Lack of coordination between different international actors remains one of the most serious problems for the Kosovo future. But it does not mean, of course, that the EU made a big mistake then it was evolved in decision of this problem. In fact, there was no alternative to strengthen their presence in Kosovo, integral part of Europe.Документ English for Academic Communication(Олді Плюс, 2023) Бігунова, Наталя Олександрівна; Набока, Олена Миколаївна; Онищук, Ірина Юріївна; Bihunova, Natalia O.; Naboka, Olena M.; Onyshchuk, Iryna Yu.Методичні вказівки призначені для здобувачів другого (магістерського) рівня вищої освіти спеціальностей 035.10 «Прикладна лінгвістика» та 291 «Міжнародні відносини, суспільні комунікації та регіональні студії», які вивчають обов’язкові дисципліни «Наукова комунікація іноземною мовою» та «Academic English». Основна мета вказівок – надати методичну допомогу здобувачам вищої освіти у підготовці та вивченні зазначених дисциплін під час практичних занять та у процесі самостійної роботи.Документ Europe’s nuclear woes: Mitigating the challenges of the next years(2017) Kühn, Ulrich; Shetty, Shatabhisha; Sinovets, Polina A.As long as the relationship between Russia and the West continues to be confrontational, the urgent task will be to stabilize and manage the confrontation. For NATO, this primarily means balancing deterrence and assurance measures to its easternmost allies without entering a new arms race. NATO should step up its efforts to foster talks with Russia on current military threats and on arms control, possibly by seeking reconstitution of the NATO-Russia Council as a crisis management forum and mechanism for dialog, dealing with dangerous military incidents and better communicating each side’s intentions. As for the Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty crisis and the interlinked issue of the European missile defense, US officials should consider face-saving options to reassure Russia that Western missile defense installations have no offensive capabilities – provided that Russia convinces the new US administration that it has returned to compliance with the INF Treaty. Over the mid- to long-term, NATO and Russia must initiate a serious and open dialogue about the two core issues at stake – the freedom and sovereignty of states to seek alliance membership and the (contradicting) Russian interest of maintaining a sphere of influence over its “near abroad.” A well-prepared conference – akin to the 1975 Helsinki Summit, with various preceding rounds of consultations at ambassadorial level, and including the nonaligned states in Europe – might be a way to kick-start the discussion.Документ Fighting fakes in the Polish mass media after February 24, 2022(Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова, 2023) Tkachenko, Dariia; Malakhiti, Andrii V.; Малахіті, Андрій ВасильовичSince the beginning of the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine, fake and disinformation content about the war in Ukraine began to appear on social networks. At the same time, the Media Monitoring Institute confirms that the number of materials published by Polish editors, journalists or public figures, which contain warnings about false information, also increases by almost three times more than such content. IMM estimated that every Pole in the year 15 between March 1 and 13 of this year may have come across alarming disinformation messages at least twice.Документ Fintech Німеччини та України: тенденції, перспективи та інвестиції(2022) Маслій, Наталя Дмитрівна; Яцкевич, І. В.; Maslii, Natalia D.; Yatskevych, InnaВизначено, що розвиток партнерських взаємовідносин між Україною та Німеччиною за рахунок розвитку FinTech сприяє збільшенню кількості та обсягів фінансових послуг та розвитку цифрових фінансів. У роботі обґрунтовано, що фінансовий ринок зазнає суттєвої трансформації за рахунок розвитку мережі Інтернет та FinTech, що сприяє формуванню нового витка еволюції ринку фінансових послуг як в Україні так і в різних країнах світу та розвитку взаємовідносин між країнами у наданні фінансових послуг. У роботі досліджено потенціал взаємовідносини між Україною та Німеччиною з надання фінансових послуг за рахунок розвитку FinTech, який сприяє збільшенню кількості та обсягів фінансових послуг та розвитку цифрових фінансів. Партнерські взаємовідносин між Україною та Німеччиною при інвестуванні ринку фінансових послуг за рахунок FinTech можливі за рахунок інвестицій, що обґрунтовано кореляційно-регресійним аналізом.