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Документ 6th International Conference on Environmental Micropaleontology, Microbiology, and Meiobenthology (EMMM-2011)(Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2013) Янко-Хомбах, Валентина Венедиктівна; Афанансєва, М. С.; Алєксєєв, Олександр С.; Проніна-Нестелл, Галина П.; Вукс В. Я.; Янко-Хомбах, Валентина Венедиктовна; Афанасьева, М. С.; Алексеев, Александр С.; Пронина-Нестелл, Галина П.; Вукс, В. Я.; Yanko-Hombach, Valentyna V.; Afanasieva, M. S.; Alekseev, Alexander S.; Pronina-Nestell, Galina P.; Vuks, V. Ja.The study of microorganisms is an indispensable element of fundamental research in the fields of ecology, microbiology, and micropaleontology and the role of microorganisms as indicators of contamination and ecological changes in modern and ancient marine and freshwater basins constantly increases.Документ A REFINED MODEL OF SEDIMENTATION ON THE NORTHWESTERN BLACK SEA SHELF IN LATE NEOEUXINE AND HOLOCENE.(Rosselkhozakademiya Printing House, 2007) Konikov, Yevhenii G.The primary goal of the research presented in this paper is to understand the periodicity of sedimentation processes on the northwest shelf and to construct a mathematical model, as well as a detailed reconstruction of sea-level changes in the Black Sea in Late Neoeuxine and Holocene. In our publications devoted to this problem (Konikov 2007; Konikov et al . 2007), it has been proven that to resolve this problem with success, the measurements of physical and mechanical properties of bottom sediments, as well as chemical composition and salinity of pore waters, can be used.Документ Acute toxicity of heavy metals for benthic epiphytic foraminifera Pararotalia spinigera (Le Calvez) and influence of seaweed-derived DOC(1995-10) Янко-Хомбах, Валентина Венедиктівна; Бреслер, Володимир М.; Янко-Хомбах, Валентина Венедиктовна; Бреслер, Владимир М.; Yanko-Hombach, Valentyna V.; Bresler, Vladimir M.The acute toxicity of cadmium, copper, and mercury to the benthic epiphytic foraminiferan Pararotaha spinigera (Le Calvez) was investigated using seven different vital cytophysiological and cytochemical methods. The ability to enzymatically hydrolyze the fluorogenic substrates fluorescein diacetate or fluorescein dibutyrate was the most sensitive method of LC50 value determination. The LC50 (24-h) values for cadmium, copper, and mercury determined by this assay with fluorescein diacetate was 0.56, 1.4, and 0.07 pM, respectively. The content of seaweed-derived dissolved organic carbon (DOC), measured by absorbance at 436 nm, produced a dramatic increase of LC50 values for the heavy metals in a dose-dependent manner. “Intact” epiphytic foraminifera attached to seaweeds are less sensitive to acute toxicity of cadmium, copper, and mercury than are “detached” foraminifera.Документ Aeolian processes and forms development on coast of Ukraine(1999) Vykhovanets, Galina V.The length of the Black and Azov Seas within Ukraine are 2835 km, from the Danube delta in the West to the Kryvaya spit in the East. Aeolian processes and relief forms are spread on sandy spits, barriers, terraces. They occupy almost 703 km of Ukrainian shore length, or 43.2% in total. Acute sediment deficit and prevailing of seaward winds by energy determine the small size of aeolian forms, their spreading as separate hearths and discontinuous ridges. As spits and barriers are very narrow (up to 100-250 m), aeolian forms being very low (usually 1-2 m, maximum not over 5 m high). During gales, 1-2 times a year waves overflow the spit or barrier on their dorsal side. Such phenomenon determines very close interaction of all elements on accumulative form surface, in contrast to these coasts where dunes are high and of great width. Besides the total sediment deficit, direction of prevailing winds and accumulative forms sizes, aeolian processes are influenced by composition and humidity of sediments, thickness of dry sand layer, density and height of vegetation, the distance of wind momentum over sandy surface, duration and reoccurence of wind action. Sediment supply in the coastal zone very often does not influence the size of coastal dunes: retreating shores can have in themselves bigger shore dunes than accumulative ones.Документ Aminostratigraphy of coastal sedimentary sequences, Kerch Strait, northeastern Black Sea(S.n., 2008) Янко-Хомбах, Валентина Венедиктівна; Кадурін, Сергій Володимирович; Чепалига, Андрій Леонідович; Ніколас, В. А.; Мюррей-Уоллес, К. В.; Чівас, А. Р.; Янко-Хомбах, Валентина Венедиктовна; Кадурин, Сергей Владимирович; Чепалыга, Андрей Леонидович; Николас, В. А.; Мюррей-Уоллес, К. В.; Чивас, А. Р.; Yanko-Hombach, Valentyna V.; Kadurin, Serhii V.; Chepalyga, A. L.; Murray-Wallace, C. V.; Nicholas, W. A.; Chivas, A. R.The principal methods used to constrain the timing of sea-level and environmental changes for the Last Interglacial sedimentary sequences have been Uranium-series and luminescence dating. An alternative to these, used with success in studies on Australian coastal sedimentary sequences, is the amino acid racemization geochronological technique. Recent technological (Bruckner et al., 1991) and methodological developments (Kaufman and Manley, 1998; Hearty et al., 2006) now allow for calibrated age determinations on suitable skeletal carbonates including individual foraminifers and ostracods.Документ An Experience of Studying Artificial Ground Terraces as a Means of Coastal Protection(1994) Shuiskyi, Yurii D.; Шуйский, Юрий Дмитриевич; Шуйський, Юрій ДмитровичThe planning of a rational use of coastal natural resources is meant to create favourable conditions for economic activities. It must provide for a stable functioning of the natural coastal system and of various man-made objects there. At present the majority of the world coasts are being destroyed, and, consequently, the shorelines retreat. Therefore, coastal protection is a problem of great priority. A new protective method was proposed near Port Yuzhniy on the Black Sea. It used artificial ground terraces. This paper reports the results of their study and estimates their efficiency.Документ Ancient landslide (Olbia) on the right (west) shore of Dnieper-Bugsky liman(Astroprint, 2006) Konikov, Yevhenii G.; Pedan, Halyna S.; Kravchuk, Anna O.; Педан, Галина СергіївнаThe ancient city of Olbia is situated on the paleo-slope of a landslide.The Upper City sits on the plateau,with absolute elevations of 38-42 m (Fig. 8).The Lower City is on the upper landslide terrace,which is 40-85 m wide and has an elevation of 6.5-12.5 m.The surface of the plateau,slope,and terrace are covered by diluvium and cultural layers totaling on average 4-6 m in thickness.Part of the Lower City and the port are currently submerged beneath waters of Bugsky Liman and are located on the lower landslide terrace.Документ ANCIENT WRITTEN SOURCES ABOUT BLACK SEA LEVEL CHANGES AND COASTLINE DYNAMICS: AN ATTEMPT AT AN OVERVIEW(Rosselkhozakademiya Printing House, 2007) Seplyarskaya, A.The Black Sea is a genuine and unique child of nature. It may be argued that descriptions in ancient sources of the nature, economy, and ethnography of the northern coast of the Black Sea are quite reliable. The Greek colonization of this region was large in scale and demanded accurate geographical knowledge. In the ancient geographies, the northern Black Sea coast is represented by more extensive historical evidence than any other part of Western or Eastern Europe. To begin, it must be said that Greeks were skillful navigators. They knew the shores of Black Sea very well - recall the myth about the roaming of Odysseus in the land of the Cimmerians, ancient inhabitants of the Black Sea coast (Kun, 2005). For 6000 years - a short period of history - the Black Sea has been known by several names. It was the Axine (Herodotus, Strabo, Polybius etc.), Scythian (Herodotus, Strabo), Euxine, Russian (Russian chronicles and Arabian sources), Blue, and even the Holy Sea. At the time, the Black Sea was unfamiliar, strange, severe, and dangerous for the Hellenes.Документ Anthropogenic impact on the shores and the bottom of the Jebriyan bay in the Northwestern part of the Black Sea(2021) Shuiskyi, Yurii D.; Vykhovanetz, Galina V.; Organ, Ludmila V.; Moto, Mukete Theophilus N.; Шуйський, Юрій Дмитрович; Шуйский, Юрий Дмитриевич; Вихованець, Галина В.; Орган, Людмила В.; Мото, Мукете Теофiлус Н.The Jebriyan Bay is located in the northern part of the Kiliya Danube Delta, at a junction of the delta cone and the indigenous coast. This is a zone of very high anthropogenic impact on the Danube Biosphere Reserve. The two opposite shores of this bay are fundamentally different. Along the northern shore, the Northwest coastal sand sediment flows discharge from the Cape of the Great Fontanne to the Jebriyan Bay. That is why the northern coast of the bay is made up of sandy forms of coastal topography (marine accumulative terrace and spit). The southern coast is deltaic; composed of a mixture of muddy, siltstone and sandy sediments. The area of the bay is limited to isobaths –11 m and is about 80 km2. The bottom of the bay has a gentle relief, made up of smooth outlines, with an average depth of 6.2 m. The shape of the transverse profile of the underwater slope is mostly convex. The natural system of the bay was affected by fishing, recreation, shipping and industrial sand production on coastal accumulative landforms. Coastal fishing uses a system of fixed bottom seines and small motorized floating equipment. Recreational facilities are designed to serve about 350 thousand people during the warm period each year. The impact of shipping was expressed in the construction and operation of the seaport of Ust- Dunaysk, together with suitable canal and the technical canal between the sea and the branch of the delta breakthrough the system of the large Ochakov branch. The ladle port had an area of about 1.5 km2, a maximal depth of 16 m, and an average depth of 13.7 m. The trough was connected to the Ochakov branch of the Danube Delta by a technical canal with a depth of 4 m. Vessels could enter the harbor of Ust- Danube through an access navigation channel with a depth of 11–12 m and a bottom width of 125 m. The port was used for the transshipment of large containers, general forest cargo from ocean vessels (displacement of 60–100 thousand tons) on regular sea lines from the countries of Southeast Asia to the Black Sea, to the Danube and further to the countries of Central Europe and to the ports of the North and the Baltic Seas. But it was unfortunate that the port construction site did not last as expected. Between 1980–2010 the harbor and approach canal of Ust- Dunaysk were filled with Danube river sediments. The example of Jebriyan Bay has shown that when executing any type of sustainable nature management project, it is very important to take into account the natural milieu.Документ Approaches to the study of cheniers along the coastline of the Soviet Union(1989) Shuiskyi, Yurii D.; Шуйский, Юрий Дмитриевич; Шуйський, Юрій ДмитровичWith the very extensive coastline in the north and northeast and the relatively shorter coastlines in the south, cheniers in the USSR can occur in a great variety of climatological conditions ranging from subarctic to subtropical. Cheniers in the USSR have been studied since approximately 1900, the investigations being mainly concerned with the palaeogeographical aspects. Since the 1960’s, investigations have focussed on contemporary morphodynamics. Chenier formation appears to depend largely on the relative influence that marine and fluvial factors have on the formation of marginal deltaic plains. Research in this field is briefly reviewed.Документ Archaeological Introduction(Astroprint, 2006) Smyntyna, Olena V.; Сминтина, Олена Валентинівна; Смынтына, Елена ВалентиновнаThe NWBS region(Fig. 1b)is rich in archaeological resources(Tsetskhladze, 2001).It holds some of the most significant evidence of human prehistory and history in the region,much of which was closely associated with the "cradle of civilization" in the Near East,The NWBS region can be counted among the world's very best outdoor laboratories for studying the adaptation of Anatomically Modern Humans [АМН],who occupied and used the land for more than 40,000 years.Long-abandoned archaeological sites and historic landscapes of the NWBS region give us important insights into the ways human activities and the environment have been linked together through time, and how cultural practices (e.g., overkill of bison by the Late Paleolithic/Early Mesolithic hunters: Stanko, 2006) contributed to substantial environmental change,leading to subsequent changes in human economy.The earliest traces of human presence have been found in the Lower Dniester region (site of Jolubets next to the village of Labushna,Kodyma district, Odessa region, ca. 600 ky BP) and are referred to the latest phases of the Acheulian industry.Since that time, occupation in this region shows no breaks, with a continuous sequence of sites and settlements attributable to all subsequent archaeological periods.Документ Archaeological sources from the Northwestern Black Sea coast and the Great Flood theory: facts and hypothesis(Astroprint, 2006) Smyntyna, Olena V.; Сминтина, Олена Валентинівна; Смынтына, Елена ВалентиновнаSearches for the 'material' or 'anthropogenic' background to Biblical stories and ancient mythology are among the traditional subjects of archaeological study since its earliest phases. One could say even that the origin of field archaeology itself was inspired by the desire to find 'objective' and 'undeniable' proof for Bible events. The first known archaeological excavation was perhaps that connected with an attempt by the Byzantine emperatrice Elena (IV century AD) to find the exact place of Jesus Christ's crucifixion. Elena's success and her further beatification have made this practice attractive for official representatives of the Church (mostly the Catholic Church) as well as for archaeologists for whom financial support from the Church was the only means of their survival. Rapid development of new branches of archaeological study at the end of the 18th - beginning of the 19th centuries, e.g., the origin of Prehistoric and Stone Age archaeology, has contributed to the separation of so-called 'Biblical' and 'secular' versions of archaeology, which are now developing in their own way.Документ Baymouth barrier of Dniestrovsky liman (DLBB)(Astroprint, 2006) Konikov, Yevhenii G.; Kravchuk, Anna O.The baymouth barrier varies in width from 1 km, where it is attached to the east side of the mainland coast, to 70-100 m.A natural inlet,called Tsaregradsky Girlo,occurs in the western part of the barrier,where it acts as a connection between the liman and the sea.The surface of the barrier consists of sandy beach and dune deposits.The absolute elevation of the barrier ranges from 0.5 to 4.5 m. At present,its natural landscape is altered by extensive development.Numerous boreholes reveal deposits of Middle-Late Pleistocene and Holocene age (Fig. 29).The erosional downcutting of the Dniester River valley penetrated 74 m of Neogene deposits. Thickness of the Middle-Late Pleistocene alluvium averages 20-30 m. The Late Pleistocene alluvium (Antsky horizon) corresponds to one of the stages of the Neoeuxinian regression.Based on radiocarbon dating,the age of the alluvium is 17,050 yrs BP (borehole #221).Higher on the outcrop, on the reworked surface of the Neoeuxinian alluvium (-20 to -30 m),lies a layer of the transgressive series of the Neoeuxinian basin. It is 1-2 m thick and consists of organic liman clays with large amounts of plant fragments and peat horizons. The radiocarbon age of these deposits is 9,500 yrs BP.This point marks the beginning of the formation of the modern liman and the mouth of the Dniester River.Документ Baymouth barrier of Tiligul liman (TLBB)(Astroprint, 2006) Konikov, Yevhenii G.; Pedan, Halyna S.; Педан, Галина СергіївнаThe Tilgulsky Liman (known as Deliogolsky Liman before the XVII century CE), which covers an area of -14 km2 and is more than 4 km wide, is located on the border between Odessa and Nikolaev Regions. To the north, the baymouth barrier abuts the Odessa- Nikolaev highway.The mainland shores of the liman form the western and eastern boundaries of the barrier (Fig. 40,42).Its surface is covered by salt-rich soils (solonchak and solonets),solonchak meadows, and partially by steppe xerophyte areas. Large seaward portions of the barrier have been developed for resort complexes, recreation facilities,and motels.The erosional depth of Tiligul River at the mouth of the modern liman reaches approximately 38 m.Документ Benthic foraminifera as indicators of pollution in the north-western part of the Black Sea(Astroprint, 2006) Kravchuk, Anna O.Population growth and the resultant acceleration of domestic,municipal, industrial,agricultural and recreational activity are the primary causes of anthropogenic pollution of the marine realm(Yanko et al., 1999).Such pollution produces numerous obvious biological effects, including diseases in plant and animal species,local or complete extinction of some species,changes in community structure,and loss or modification of habitat,as well as human health complications.The marine environment,as the ultimate destination of virtually all terrestrial runoff,is especially affected by pollution,and the shallow nearshore marine environment is particularly subject to frequent and extensive industrial and municipal pollution.Marine protozoa,especially Foraminifera,play a significant role in global biogeochemical cycles of inorganic and organic compounds,making them one of the most important animal groups on earth.Документ Benthic foraminifera indicate environmental stress from river discharge to marine ecosystems: Example from the Black Sea(2017) Янко-Хомбах, Валентина Венедиктівна; Кондарюк, Тетяна Олегівна; Мотненко, Ірена; Янко-Хомбах, Валентина Венедиктовна; Кондарюк, Татьяна Олеговна; Мотненко, Ирэна; Yanko-Hombach, Valentyna V.; Kondariuk, Tetiana O.; Motnenko, IrenaThe focus of this research was to investigate how the Danube River discharge influences environmental conditions and benthic ecosystems on the Black Sea shelf using foraminifera to delineate affected areas. Specific goals included: (1) to examine the taxonomic composition, quantitative distributions, and test morphologies in foraminiferal assemblages; (2) to correlate them with environmental (oceanographic, geochemical, sedimentological) parameters; (3) to identify the main factors associated with changes in foraminiferal distributions; and (4) to identify assemblages and species that indicate environmental changes along the gradient from delta front to unaffected shelf.Документ Black Sea and Caspian Basins in Late Pleistocene: sea-level changes, climate and early human settlement(S.n, 2008) Dolukhanov, P. M.; Chepalyga, A. L.; Lavrentiev, N. V.; Kadurin, Serhii V.; Larchenkov, Yevhenii P.; Shkatova, V. KThe climate of northern Eurasia during the Middle Wiirm/Valdai 'megainterstadial' (OIS 3), which lasted from c. 58 to 23 ka, was cool and unstable, with at least five milder oscillations (including the 'Bryansk interstadial'). The estimated summer and winter temperatures in Eastern Europe were lower than today by 4-6°C and 4-10°C, and the annual precipitation, as low as 150-250 mm (Frenzel et al.,1992).Документ Black Sea mud volcanoes and their relation to the search for methane gas hydrates and environmental security(2016) Янко-Хомбах, Валентина Венедиктівна; Янко-Хомбах, Валентина Венедиктовна; Yanko-Hombach, Valentyna V.As of today, the number of known offshore mud volcanoes in the Black Sea is 68. The areas possessing the greatest abundance include the northern part of the Black Sea (Sorokin trough, Tuapsinskaya trough, Shatskiy arch) and the Kerch downfold (the area south of the Kerch peninsula). An intensive study of mud volcanoes has been performed in the course of on-shore and off-shore expeditions carried out by Ukrainian scientists since 1990. They brought to light new geological, geophysical, and geochemical data on the properties of mud volcanoes by (1) high resolution hydro-acoustic, seismic-acoustic, and gravity methods, (2) geothermal observations of the thermal regime of the water and uppermost sediments, (3) gravity core sampling of bottom deposits, (4) dredges and buckets, and (5) study of these samples by lithological, geochemical, paleontological, and biological methods.Документ Bol'shaya Akkarzha(Astroprint, 2006) Smyntyna, Olena V.; Сминтина, Олена Валентинівна; Смынтына, Елена ВалентиновнаThis late Palaeolithic settlement was a base camp for bison hunters. It is located on the right bank of the small Akkarzha River (or Akkarzhanskaya ravine),6 km from the shore and 1.5 km to the southwest of Velikodolinskoye village (Ovidiopol district of Odessa region). The settlement was discovered by Kraskovsky in 1955 and excavated later by Boriskovsky (1963), Kraskovsky (1978),and Sapozhnikov (2003). Palynological,stratigraphic,and paleontological analysis of the settlement supplemented by radiocarbon dating enabled researchers to attribute it to the Last Glacial Maximum [19- 18 ky BP] (Sapozhnikov, 2003).Four household complexes (each 15-23 m2) have been uncovered consisting of hearths and,concentrated around them,flint artifacts (about 57,000 pieces in total)and faunal remains(represented exclusively by Bison priscus with only some horse teeth).Peculiarities of the flint industry and lifeways of this site have become the background for delineating a special Akkarzhanskaya Culture of the LGM related to the circle of Gravettian cultures of Europe.Документ Bottom sediment thickness as an indicator of edimentation rate and deposition environment on the northwestern shelf of the black sea(2013) Tuleneva, Nataliia Vitaliivna; Suchkov, Igor O.; Fedoronchuk, Natalya O.; Федорончук, Наталя Олександрівна; Федорончук, Наталья Александровна; Сучков, Ігор Олександрович; Сучков, Игорь АлександровичThe northwestern Black Sea shelf is an outstanding area for research. On one hand, its geomorphological features and geological structure make it possible to trace the course of transgressions, and on the other hand, the place is rich in paleoanthropologic data on the adjoining land surface (Yanko-Hombach, 2011). Detailed reconstructions of its geologic history allow an understanding of the environmental influence on human development, and the results of investigation may be used to search for ancient human settlements within the shelf area now covered by sea. In this work, we present data about the distribution of thicknesses in Holocene sediments (Drevne- and Novochernomorian time) and their connection with the bottom relief of the northwestern Black Sea shelf.