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Документ 2022 Russian Invasion of Ukraine through the Prism of International Law: a Critical Overview(2022) Nihreieva, Olena O.; Нігреєва, Олена ОлександрівнаThe research focuses on a legal analysis of some facts and events taking place during the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine through the prism of international law. The article analyzes different facets of the current conflict that trigger such major topics of international law as the threat and use of force, cyberattacks, recognition, international humanitarian law, international criminal law and many others. Special attention is paid to legal reasoning articulated by the Russian Federation in order to justify its aggression against Ukraine, in particular, to the claim of self-defense and the accusations of genocide, dispelling them. Furthermore, the relevance of international humanitarian law for the current conflict and the prospects of bringing to responsibility for the crimes committed on the territory of Ukraine both through the prism of national and international criminal law are explored. Finally, special emphasis is given to the challenges that the Russian aggression against Ukraine poses to international law and the international community as a whole.Документ «5 φ» sustainable development potential of telecommunication enterprise(2017) Demianchuk, Maryna A.; Дем'янчук, Марина АфанасіївнаIntroduction. The sphere of communication and informatization today has a significant impact on the development of the country's economy, especially in the period of its sustainable development. Under the influence of the construction of an information society and globalization transformations, the concept and structure of the potential of telecommunication enterprises are changing. The components of it have the main role in achieving its sustainable development. Aim and tasks. Therefore, the purpose of the work is to substantiate the components of a set of potentials of the sustainable development of telecommunication enterprise and its components, as well as to study the specificities of the impact of this set of potentials on sustainable development of telecommunication enterprise.Документ A domain name and a trademark: a comparison and a relationship according to Ukrainian legislation(2020) Bulat, Nataliia M.; Булат, Наталія Миколаївна; Булат, Наталья НиколаевнаIn the contemporary information society, domain names constitute not only sets of symbols, but also means of Internet sources individualization. In this sense, they are similar to trademarks that are used for goods and services individualization. At the same time, according to Ukrainian legislation, there are some problems concerned with the relationship between a domain name and a trademark. The article presents a comparison of these two objects. It is argued that a domain name and a trademark are separate objects, which, besides similar, have some different qualities. It is also argued that a domain name is as valuable to its holder as a trademark is valuable to its one. That is why a conclusion is made that these two objects should have legal protection in equal measure without any priority.Документ Accounting of transaction expenses of economic entities(2017) Nitsenko, Vitalii S.; Mukoviz, V. S.; Sharapa, O. M.; Ніценко, Віталій Сергійович; Муковіз, В. С.; Шарапа, О. М.; Ниценко, Виталий СергеевичUrgency of the research. Transaction expenses are non-visible, non-obvious costs. They are hidden between other overhead costs of the enterprise and expenses of the period. But, despite the invisibility, transaction expenses can have a significant impact on the costs level and financial results of the enterprise, as well as on unit cost and, ultimately, on the price competitiveness. Target setting. Currently, basis for managerial decisions of enterprise is formed by accounting information. Respectively, to ensure economics growth and crisis overcome, accountancy impartiality, completeness and reliability of financial reports are key elements that needed. Taking into account contradictory socio-economic transformations and the most valuable global trends and that is based on institutional economic theory, a thorough study of the identifying process of transaction expenses, is required. Analysis of recent researches and publications. An issue of transaction expenses is relatively new to our country’s scientific scope. This question is researched by such scientists as S. Arkhiperev, M. Danko, O. Kantsurov, A. Chukhno and some others in theirs work. Uninvestigated parts of general matters defining. Incurrence of the transaction expenses of the enterprise requires comprehensive scientific research as their factors are still unknown at the scientific level. The research objective. To reveal the essence and causes of incurred transaction expenses at the enterprise. The statement of basic materials. This article only reveals methodological features of some transaction expenses, those are possible to detect and estimate through accounting, the ones actually incurred costs recorded in primary documents and disclosed in the financial statements, but are not classified as transaction costs. Conclusions. The main factors of transaction expenses occurrence are uncertain behavior of subjects of economic relations, pursuance of established social norms, ensuring rights and interests implementation and protection of subjects of economic relations and society. Reasons for transaction expenses occurrence predetermined by institutional factors but their extent formed considering market factors.Документ Activities of banks which belong to the foreign banking groups in the Ukrainian financial market(2020) Demianchuk, Maryna A.; Melnik, K.; Дем'янчук, Марина Афанасіївна; Демьянчук, Марина АфанасьевнаIt is clear that foreign capital participation is an important source of economic financing, which plays a significant role in the development of any country, especially in its banking system. Significant amounts of foreign capital are signs of macroeconomic stability and high-level investors’ trust to both legislative and executive authorities. The main globalization processes of the world economy are the interrelationship between individual economies through the mechanism of foreign investment and the creation of general transnational corporations, since any country can’t reach economic stability being isolated from the world economic system.Документ Actual problems of animal protection against mistreat(2020) Striletska, Olena V.; Стрілецька, Олена Валентинівна; Bachur, Borys S.; Бачур, Борис СтепановичWith the acquisition of new status by animals, the issue of protecting them and protecting them from cruel treatment is becoming increasingly important. Human society views animals not only as property, but also as members of families, intelligent beings with a strong emotional attachment to people and their dependence on them. In view of this, the legislation is constantly changing and improving to protect and protect animals against cruel treatment. It should be noted that the new wave in solving the problems of regulatory legal protection of animals begins to intensify in the 60’s of the twentieth century, gradually changing the vector of animal protection to the issue of their well-being. TДокумент Adaptation of the logistics system of food industry enterprises in conditions diversification of activities(2019) Kovtunenko, Kseniya; Filippova, Svetlana; Poberezhets, Olha V.; Kovtunenko, Yuriy; Stepanchenko, Aleksey; Побережець, Ольга Валеріївна; Побережец, Ольга ВалерьевнаUnder conditions of market position complicated maintenance, the enterprise activity diversification strategy of food industry enterprises, which implementation requires the adaptation of all the enterprise’s systems, becomes especially relevant. The most sensitive from among those systems when diversification is the logistics one that, in spite of changes, aiming to maintain competitive advantages, is functionally expected to minimize costs. The aim of this study is to Identifying both advantages and disadvantages of practical measures for the logistics system adaptation under of food industry enterprise’s activities diversification. In the work was suggested that the optimization of logistics system should be completed by its assessment. Since this system doesn’t operate on its own accord and is part of the company, its assessment should be coordinated with the assessment of the effectiveness of the company in general. In the article was revealed that the typical problem for Ukrainian of food industry enterprises is a misalignment between logistics system and the strategy of the company and it is hard to find ways of solving this problem. In the article are presented main reasons why the logistics system needs to be optimized, including: negative trends in the enterprise, the deterioration of its main activity rations; structural changes; the impact of external factors; substantial changes or adjust in the company strategy. Also, in the article is noted that in practice it is very difficult to get maximum benefit from optimization of logistics system. This is due to the lack of open information flows at Ukrainian of food industry enterprises. Some peculiar information about the enterprise is only obtainable by a limited number of people who usually occupy managerial positions and are not involved in primary processing of information, but only coordinate decisions on the basis of reports that are drawn up by their subordinate workers. In addition, some managers and workers are against any change that significantly slows the process of optimization. A special attention should be paid, under of food industry enterprises activity diversification conditions, to the enterprise’s logistics system adaptation to new circumstances that shall ensure reduction of undesirable extra costs, market positions consolidation, and the customer service quality improvement. Advisable is devoting subsequent studies of the problem of the enterprise logistics system function in the conditions of activity diversification to the resource flows direct adaptation using of foreign and domestic companies’ experience.Документ Additional opportunities for the systematization of the marketing research for resource conservation practice(2018) Nitsenko, Vitalii S.; Mardani, Abbas; Ihor, Kuksa; Sudarkina, Lyudmila; Ніценко, Віталій Сергійович; Ниценко, Виталий СергеевичEconomic development of agricultural enterprises can provide the implementation of measures aimed at industrial resources conservation. Apart from the need for significant one-time investments that accompany resources’ economy at enterprises, there are no methodological grounds for assessing the effectiveness of the technology of rational resource use. The goal of the research is to develop methodical tools to determine technical and economic parameters for an advanced system of resource-saving measures. The period under investigation is 2014–2016, the number of enterprises under analysis is 96. To define the rules of choosing solutions on the base of games theory, taking into account information and expectations of agrarians, the analysis is performed based on the Laplas, Bayes, Sewidzh and Hurwitz criteria. Calculated values of the enterprises’ potential advantages, rep-resented as an attribute for analytical grouping, allowed to define optimal strategies for designing a policy of production resources conservation. The demonstration partition of the whole set of enter-prises is performed according to the suggested methodology. The data obtained as a result of criteria estimation allows us to draw conclusions about the most probable actions of grain producers in the situation of uncertainty, which enables us to identify typical effectiveness parameters of the system and to assess the prospects of the resource conservation policy.Документ Additional opportunities for the systematization of the marketing research for resource conservation practice(2018) Nitsenko, Vitalii S.; Mardani, Abbas; Kuksa, Ihor; Sudarkina, Lyudmila; Ніценко, Віталій Сергійович; Ниценко, Виталий СергеевичEconomic development of agricultural enterprises can provide the implementation of measures aimed at industrial resources conservation. Apart from the need for significant one-time investments that accompany resources’ economy at enterprises, there are no methodological grounds for assessing the effectiveness of the technology of rational resource use. The goal of the research is to develop methodical tools to determine technical and economic parameters for an advanced system of resource-saving measures. The period under investigation is 2014–2016, the number of enterprises under analysis is 96. To define the rules of choosing solutions on the base of games theory, taking into account information and expectations of agrarians, the analysis is performed based on the Laplas, Bayes, Sewidzh and Hurwitz criteria. Calculated values of the enterprises’ potential advantages, rep-resented as an attribute for analytical grouping, allowed to define optimal strategies for designing a policy of production resources conservation. The demonstration partition of the whole set of enter-prises is performed according to the suggested methodology. The data obtained as a result of criteria estimation allows us to draw conclusions about the most probable actions of grain producers in the situation of uncertainty, which enables us to identify typical effectiveness parameters of the system and to assess the prospects of the resource conservation policy.Документ Administrative and legal principles of activity of ip-court: foreign experience and implementation in Ukraine(2021) Reznik, Oleg; Fomenko, Andrii; Mykolenko, Oleksandr I.; Denysenko, Serhii; Kibets-Pashutina, Daria; Миколенко, Олександр Іванович; Миколенко, Александр ИвановичThe authors identify the legal framework and features of the functioning of IP courts in some foreign countries, in particular, in Germany, Austria, Great Britain, Sweden, and Poland. It has been established that, in most states, specialized courts have been established to resolve intellectual property disputes, ie IP courts (in some countries - the Intellectual Property Court, in others - the Patent Court). It has been found that proceedings in this category of cases in many countries are usually carried out in accordance with the rules of civil procedure, ie in accordance with the rules of civil procedure, while in Ukraine proceedings in intellectual property are governed by the rules of commercial procedure. The preconditions for the establishment of an IP court in Ukraine are highlighted. Normative documents of the current Ukrainian legislation are determined, the provisions of which enshrine the administrative and legal principles of the Intellectual Property High Court. Attention is focused on the factors that determine the urgent need for the introduction of IP-court in Ukraine, as well as the prospects of this judicial body are formulated.Документ Advantages and disadvantages of using artificial intelligence in management(2022) Rudiak, D. A.; Жмай, Олександр Володимирович; Жмай, Александр Владимирович; Zhmai, Oleksandr V.The development of management today predetermines the comprehensive use of technology. This trend is evident at all levels, which naturally affects the organization of work processes in enterprises. Management organizations, as well as the HR sphere, are seeing firsthand the importance of digital innovations, in particular artificial intelligence (AI), and AI‑enabled human resources management is becoming increasingly relevant. Artificial intelligence is a wide range of algorithms and machine learning tools that can quickly acquire data, identify patterns, optimize or predict trends [3]. These types of algorithms do not rely on «intuition,» as humans do, but work very quickly and can analyze millions of sources of information and classify them in seconds.Документ Agricultural cooperation as a basis for ensuring food and environmental security in Ukraine: legal aspects(Ужгородський національний університет, 2024) Khrishcheva, Oleksandra G.; Хріщева, Олександра ГеоргіївнаThe article examines the legal aspects of the agricultural cooperation, which is important for the economic and social development of the state, especially in war and post-war times, as the basis for ensuring food and environmental security in Ukraine. The concepts of “sustainable agriculture”, “food security” and “environmental security” are considered. It has been established that at the present stage limited attention is paid to the issue of implementing sustainable agriculture as a priority direction for achieving food and environmental security of Ukraine. It was determined that in order to implement sustainable agriculture, it is necessary to harmonize social, ecological and economic factors in the agrarian sector of the economy of Ukraine, especially in the field of agricultural cooperation. It is emphasized that there is an insufficient level of synergy between the environmental and agrarian policies of the state, environmental factors are not sufficiently integrated into the system of agrarian relations, into cooperative legislation, particularly in the context of the agricultural cooperation. In conditions of European integration processes, the specialized Law of Ukraine “On Agricultural Cooperation” is not fully oriented towards ensuring sustainable agriculture: it does not contain the term “sustainable agriculture” or provisions on environmental protection, food and environmental security. The Law of Ukraine “On Cooperation” also does not cover environmental aspects. In the course of the study, it was substantiated that a necessary condition for the proper implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals, the introduction of sustainable agriculture in Ukraine in the field of the agricultural cooperation is the strengthening of the legal framework, the creation of an appropriate legal field that will reflect the focus of agricultural cooperation on achieving sustainable agriculture, as well as ensuring food and environmental security. In this context proposals for improving the cooperative legislation of Ukraine are made in the article.Документ Agricultural cooperation in Ukraine: history of formation and functioning(2022) Khrishcheva, Oleksandra G.; Хріщева, Олександра Георгіївна; Масін, Віктор Миколайович; Masin, Viktor M.The formation and functioning of the agricultural cooperation in Ukraine has a long history. The accumulated historical experience needs the comprehensive research, generalization and dissemination to determine the priority vectors of the agricultural cooperation development in Ukraine at the present stage, identify the shortcomings in the process of its development, and timely correction and non-repetition of similar mistakes of the previous agricultural policy.Документ AMS системи як інструмент управління цифровим маркетингом членських організацій(2022) Литвиненко, Катерина Олександрівна; Lytvynenko, Kateryna O.Модель членських організацій базується на залученні нових членів, а також на утриманні існуючих учасників. Загальне зростання може відбутися лише тоді, коли обидві частини спостерігають позитивний зріст. Отже, з точки зору маркетингу, унікальність моделі членської організації полягає у тому, що члени асоціації є одночасно і клієнтами, тобто споживачами продуктів і послуг, а також і співробітниками компанії, тобто внутрішніми споживачами: працюють в комітетах, висувають свої кандидатури на обрані посади в Раду директорів, формують наглядову раду, що контролює фінансовий перерозподіл внесків та витрат, тощо.Документ Analysis of basic conditions for implementation of decentralization reform in Ukraine and Poland(2019) Savastieieva, Oksana M.; Савастєєва, Оксана Миколаївна; Савастеева, Оксана Николаевна; Butenko, Viktoriia V.; Бутенко, Вікторія Василівна; Бутенко, Виктория Васильевна; Zhuravlova, Tetiana O.; Журавльова, Тетяна Олександрівна; Журавлева, Татьяна Александровна; Fic, Daniel; Фіц, Даніель; Фиц, ДаниэльThe article examines the current state of implementation of the decentralization reform in Ukraine, which highlights the issues of the formation of the chosen European integration vector of development, the fundamental basis of which was the need to implement the decentralization reform of the administrative and territorial system of Ukraine and the institution of local self - government. By choosing foreign experience in conducting such a reform, the experience of Poland became a model. An analysis of the Polish form of decentralization and the election of Ukraine of a definite decentralization model is underway. The comparison of the main parameters of the economic development of Ukraine and Poland in the beginning of individual stages of the decentralization reform, which is taken as the main indicator of the dynamics of GDP, inflation. The main factors that influence the process of decentralization, in particular the Ukrainian economy as a whole, are determined. Separate problems that the reformers face in the process of decentralization of the administrative - territorial system of Ukraine. The prospects for developing the expediency of choosing a Polish decentralization experience for implementation in domestic conditions have been formed.Документ Analysis of China's international trade in the first 9 months of 2022(2022) Zhmai, Oleksandr V.; Жмай, Олександр ВолодимировичThe current year has become one of the most difficult and unpredictable in the XXI century. Even 2020, when the world was quarantined from the corona-virus pandemic, apparently did not change the national economies and foreign trade relations of countries around the world so dramatically. In this regard, it is of interest to analyze the foreign economic activity of China, whose economy, according to some estimates, is the largest in the world today.Документ Analysis of digital indicators of the convergence of behavioral and informational trends of society management in the framework of the societal concept of influencer marketing(2022) Chaikovska, Maryna P.; Shkeda, Oleksandr O.; Чайковська, Марина Петрівна; Шкеда, Олександр ОлександровичThe article is devoted to the analysis of features, factors and indicators of behavioral and informational tendencies within the societal concept of influencer marketing in the conditions of digitalization of society. The problem of methodological substantiation of adaptive choice of tools of influence and identifiers of consumer attitudes from the point of view of globalization is considered. It is proved, that since modern concepts of marketing management are based on societal principles, influencer marketing should exist in the rhetoric of social and ethical interests of society. It was found that the indicator of these interests could be social events that reflect real social values. One of these events, which was conducted on the Reddit platform as a social experiment called "r/place", was analyzed. The analysis of the experiment revealed behavioral and informational trends that could be used to build a marketing strategy of influence in the context of the societal concept of marketing management. Based on behavioral factors, a model of brand influence on society and the societal system as a whole is built, information objects with the potential of influencers are identified.Документ Analysis of ECHR decisions about the legal regime of medical privacy(2020) Valakh, Viktoriia V.; Валах, Виктория Владимировна; Валах, Вiкторiя Володимирiвна; Сытников, Денис Михайлович; Ситніков, Денис Михайлович; Sytnikov, Denys M.In the light of the process of European integration, which is also reflected in the sphere of health care, medical privacy concept occupies an important place. The article is devoted to the analysis of decisions of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) and international legal norms, which establish the legal regime of health secrecy, and considers cases of lawful disclosure of doctor-patient confidentiality under the current legislation. With the help of formal-logical, comparative-legal and systemic methods the provisions on the legal regime of health secrecy were analyzed according to the decisions of the ECHR. In the result there were made the conclusion that the right to information, which is a part of health secrecy, is a right to privacy. It was also concluded that the ECHR, on the one hand, supported a regime prohibiting the disclosure of health secrecy, and, on the other, developed criteria that should be met by laws providing for the lawful disclosure of health secrecy.Документ Analysis of motivational mechanisms for improving management efficiency(Олді+, 2023) Radchenko, Oleksandr P.; Tao, Tao; Радченко, Олександр ПетровичIn the context of the contemporary challenges posed by globalization, rapid technological changes, and unstable market conditions, the importance of effective management in organizations of varying sizes and fields of operation has become increasingly paramount. Within this framework, motivational mechanisms play a crucial role in boosting productivity and enhancing managerial efficiency.Документ Analysis of organizational and economic approaches to management and chartering parameters in conditions of uncertainty of vessel work(ГО «Європейська наукова платформа», 2024) Kramskyi, Serhii O.; Zakharchenko, Oleg; Darushin, Oleksandr; Manita, Oleksandr; Крамський, Сергій Олександрович; Захарченко Олег Володимирович; Дарушин, Олександр Володимирович; Маніта, Олександр ОлександровичMaritime transport in Ukraine is in a state of permanent turbulence of the business environment, and therefore the recovery of the market of complex transport services and sea transportation under the influence of military operations in Ukraine is prone to significant fluctuations. In the present conditions, when researching international holdings in the field of shipping, the activities of which are aimed at maximizing the current financial indicators. The authors of the study conducted an analysis of the functioning of various forms and types of charter contracts between subjects of the business environment in maritime transport. Aspects related to long-term planning of fleet chartering of shipping companies are considered, taking into account economic trends, the state of the freight market and the dynamics of military influence on economic processes in Ukraine. The authors considered the organizational and economic mechanism of formation of freight strategies for shipping companies. Therefore, the organizational and economic mechanism of freight marine vessel is for shipping companies to implement a development strategy in order to preserve the existing positions of the freighting and shipowner on the market. Thus, there is a need to review the organizational and economic approaches that regulate the freighting of ships and the need to improve the system of indicators of the efficiency of the chartering of sea vessels by shipping companies in the context of the strategic goals of transport safety.