Науково-дослідні підрозділи
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Перегляд Науково-дослідні підрозділи за Ключові слова "Absorption"
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Документ Influence of Technology on the Formation of Luminescence Centers in CdS Quantum Dots(2019) Smyntyna, Valentyn A.; Skobeeva, Valentyna M.; Verheles, Klara O.; Malushin, Nikolay V.; Скобєєва, Валентина Михайлівна; Скобеева, Валентина Михайловна; Сминтина, Валентин Андрійович; Вергелес, Клара Олександрівна; Малушин, Микола Васильович; Вергелес, Клара АлександровнаThe paper describes results of the research on the effect of the synthesis of cadmium sulfide quantum dots by the colloid-chemical method in an aqueous solution of gelatins on their optical and luminescent properties. It was shown that to understand the mechanism of the formation of defects in CdS QDs when they are synthesized in aqueous solutions of salts, it is necessary to take into account the result of the hydrolysis process and the dependence of its products on the pH of the solution. Based on the calculation of the molar concentration of the components of the hydrolysis of the cadmium salt Cd(NO3)2, the conclusion was drawn about the types of intrinsic defects that determine the observed photoluminescence spectrum of CdS QDs.