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Документ Antagonistic activity of Lactobacillus plantarum against crown gall agent(2013) Limanska, Natalia V.; Korotaeva, Nadiya V.; Biscola, Vanessa; Ivanytsia, Tetіana V.; Basiul, Olena V.; Choiset, Yvan; Merlich, Andrii H.; Kondratiuk, Tetiana V.; Yamborko, Hanna V.; Nazarenko, Hanna M.; Chobert, Jean-Marc; Ivanytsia, Volodymyr O.; Haertle, Thomas; Ямборко, Анна Валентиновна; Ямборко, Ганна Валентинівна; Лиманская, Наталья Викторовна; Ліманська, Наталія Вікторівна; Коротаева, Надежда Владимировна; Коротаєва, Надія Володимирівна; Бискола, Ванесса; Біскола, Ванесса; Иваница, Татьяна Владимировна; Іваниця, Тетяна Володимирівна; Басюл, Олена Владленівна; Басюл, Елена Владленовна; Мерлич, Андрей Геннадиевич; Мерліч, Андрій Геннадійович; Кондратюк, Тетяна В.; Кондратюк, Татьяна В.; Назаренко, Ганна Миколаївна; Назаренко, Анна Николаевна; Іваниця, Володимир Олексійович; Иваница, Владимир АлексеевичThe aim of this work was to study the antagonistic effect of Lactobacillus planlarum on phytopathogenic agrobacteria. Lactobacilli isolated from various plant sources have been identified by microbiological and molecular biological methods and a LAB collection has been formed. Physiological, biochemical, molecular biological and technological properties of the isolated bacteria were characterized.Документ Aнтагоністична активність пробіотичних штамів лактобацил за сумісного культивування(Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова, 2022) Страшнова, Ірина Валентинівна; Ямборко, Ганна Валентинівна; Васильєва, Наталія Юріївна; Strashnova, Iryna V.; Yamborko, Hanna V.; Vasylieva, Natalia Yu.Мета. Дослідити антагоністичні властивості поліштамових композицій і консорціумів, створених на основі пробіотичних штамів бактерій роду Lactobacillus. Методи. Біосумісність досліджували при сумісному культивуванні штамів лактобацил на щільному живильному середовищі MRS. Для створення композицій використовували окремо вирощені добові бульйонні культури у певних співвідношеннях, для створення консорціумів – штами лактобацил у відповідних співвідношеннях культивували разом у MRS бульйоні протягом доби. Антагоністичну активність створених комбінацій щодо 10 тест-культур визначали лунково-дифузійним методом. Результати. За результатами дослідження біосумісності були відібрані штами Lactobacillus spp. 175, М2 і М3, на основі яких створено 7 композицій та 7 консорціумів з певними співвідношеннями бульйонних культур цих штамів. Лактобацили у складі композицій дещо краще проявляють антимікробні властивості, у порівнянні з консорціумами. Найкращу антагоністичну активність щодо усіх тест-штамів мікроорганізмів проявила композиція Lactobacillus sp. М2 + Lactobacillus sp. М3 + Lactobacillus sp. 175 у співвідношенні 1 : 2 : 2. Висновки. Створені на основі пробіотичних штамів Lactobacillus spp. 175, М2 і М3 композиції і консорціуми є активними антагоністами про- та еукаріотичних тест-культур мікроорганізмів. Прояв активності залежить від способу поєднання штамів у комбінації, найкращий ефект досягається при вирощуванні кожного штаму окремо з подальшим змішуванням бульйонних культур. Найбільш антагоністично активною є композиція, створена на основі бульйонних культур Lactobacillus sp. М2 + Lactobacillus sp. М3 + Lactobacillus sp. 175 у співвідношенні 1 : 2 : 2.Документ Bacillus cereus: характеристика, біологічна дія, особливості визначення в харчових продуктах(2017) Пилипенко, І. В.; Пилипенко, Л. М.; Ільєва, О. С.; Ямборко, Ганна Валентинівна; Свіржевський, О. М.; Pylypenko, Inna; Pylypenko, Liudmyla; Ilyeva, Olena; Yamborko, Hanna V.; Svirzhevskyy, O.; Пилипенко, И. В.; Пилипенко, Л. Н.; Ильева, Е. С.; Ямборко, Анна Валентиновна; Свиржевский, А. Н.Наведено характеристику, основні властивості, біологічну дію Bacillus cereus і перелік деяких харчових продуктів, які найчастіше можуть бути контаміновані цими мікроорганізмами. Охарактеризовано класичні та сучасні методи визначення Bacillus cereus. Наведено результати розробленого пріоритетного методу підготовки зразків харчової сировини і продуктів її переробки, що дозволяє визначити мікробіологічні забруднення без тривалого накопичення культур мікроорганізмів. Представлено результати прискореної індикації Bacillus cereus в харчовій рослинній сировині та продуктах її переробки. Методом полімеразної ланцюгової реакції (ПЛР) підтверджено групо-та видоспецифічність методу визначення Bacillus cereus.Документ Biological activity of lactobacilli from different ecological niches of the Southern region of Ukraine(Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова, 2020) Strashnova, Iryna V.; Yamborko, Hanna V.; Vasylieva, Natalia Yu.; Страшнова, Ірина Валентинівна; Ямборко, Ганна Валентинівна; Васильєва, Наталія Юріївна; Страшнова, Ирина Валентиновна; Ямборко, Анна Валентиновна; Васильева, Наталья ЮрьевнаAim of the research was to study the antagonistic activity of lactobacilli isolated from different sources of the Southern region of Ukraine. Methods. The experiments used 13 strains of bacteria of the genus Lactobacillus isolated from different sources. The antagonistic activity of lactobacilli was determined by the well-diffusion method in the agar column using test cultures of pro- and eukaryotic microorganisms. Acid formation of the strains was evaluated by active and titrated acidity when cultured in milk. Results. All tested lactobacilli were active antagonists against gram-negative bacteria Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Salmonella enteritidis and Proteus vulgaris, as well against gram-positive Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus saprophyticus. Lactobacilli showed less antagonistic activity against Bacillus subtilis and Klebsiella pneumonia. Lactobacilli isolated from meat (Lactobacillus spp. M2 and M3) were the most active antagonists. The active and titrated acidity of lactobacilli varied for different strains. Strain Lactobacillus sp. 175 isolated from child feces showed the highest titrated acidity. Using statistical methods (cluster analysis) made it possible to form clusters with high reliability by the level of antagonistic activity of investigated lactobacilli. The environmental factors have a definite influence on the formation of the general activity of lactobacilli strains, but the manifestation of each of the individual features is rather specific and depends on the capabilities of the certain microorganism. Conclusions. In the study of a number of properties that determine the antagonistic activity, five strains (Lactobacillus spp. О1, Б4, 175, М2 and М3) have been selected. They can be recommended for further researches for creation of probiotic preparation and functional foods.Документ Biotechnology of oyster mushrooms fruiting bodies fermentation with Lactobacilli(Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University, 2016) Basiul, Olena V.; Yamborko, Hanna V.; Ямборко, Анна Валентиновна; Ямборко, Ганна Валентинівна; Басюл, Елена Владленовна; Басюл, Олена ВладленівнаLactic acid bacteria freeze-dried starter cultures use in edible mushrooms fruiting bodies fermentation is a promising innovation for microbiological and functional foods industry. So, the research was devoted to Pleurotus ostreatus fruiting bodies fermentation biotechnology development including its microbiota diversity study, lactobacilli effective strain selection and a freeze-dried starter culture creation.Документ Characteristic of bacteriocins produced by lactobacilli(Печатный дом, 2012) Кондратюк, Тетяна В.; Ямборко, Ганна Валентинівна; Ямборко, Анна Валентиновна; Yamborko, Hanna V.; Кондратюк, Татьяна В.; Kondratiuk, Tetiana V.Antagonistic properties of lactobacilli are of great interest of the scientists all over the world and the specialists of different industriesДокумент Correlation between the level of antagonistic activity and the composition of nutrient media(Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова, 2020) Gordievskaya, Т. V.; Vasylieva, Natalia Yu.; Васильєва, Наталія Юріївна; Васильева, Наталья Юрьевна; Yamborko, Hanna V.; Ямборко, Ганна Валентинівна; Ямборко, Анна ВалентиновнаIn our study, we used strain L. vaccinostercus ONU 2 which was isolated from sea sponges. Determination of antagonistic properties was carried out in vitro by a hole-diffuse method [Presti et al., 2015; Servin, 2004; Schillinger, 1989] in relation to opportunistic microorganisms.The following indicator strains were used in the work Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923, Salmonella enteric NCTC 6017, Escherichia coli ATCC 25922, Proteus vulgaris ATCC 6896, Klebsiella pneumonia ATCC 10031, Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 27853, Bacillus subtilis ATCC 6633. To order to determine the components of culture media that enhance the antagonistic activity of strains of lactic acid bacteria, we used a number of culture media that were different in composition in quantitative composition.Документ DETECTION OF PLANTARICIN GENES IN STRAINS OF LACTOBACILLUS PLANTARUM – ANTAGONISTS OF PHYTOPATHOGENIC BACTERIA(Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова, 2015) Limanska, Natalia V.; Babenko, Dmytro O.; Yamborko, Hanna V.; Ivanytsia, Volodymyr O.; Ліманська, Наталія Вікторівна; Бабенко, Дмитро Олександрович; Ямборко, Ганна Валентинівна; Іваниця, Володимир Олексійович; Лиманская, Наталья Викторовна; Бабенко, Дмитрий Александрович; Ямборко, Анна Валентиновна; Иваница, Владимир АлексеевичThe aim of investigation was to detect the presence of genes responsible for bacteriocin synthesis in strains of Lactobacillus plantarum with the clear antagonistic effect against the gram-negative phytopathogens. Methods. To reveal eleven genes involved in plantaricin synthesis the polymerase chain reaction was used. To test the ability to synthesize bacteriocins as antagonistic compounds the experiments with the lawns of test-strains Listeria ivanovii INRA, Rhizobium radiobacter C58, Ralstonia solanacearum B-1109-UCM, Erwinia carotovora ZM1, Rhizobium vitis OНУ 389, R. vitis OНУ 388, R. vitis 379 and R. rhizogenes 15834 were used. Results. In genomes of the tested L. plantarum strains the genes plnD, plnEF, plnG, plnI, plnN were present, but the genes plnA, plnB, plnC, plnW were not revealed. Applying the cultural liquids of lactobacilli on the lawns of the test-strains has shown that the cell-free cultural liquid with the initially low pH (4.1–4.3) caused the zones of growth inhibition on the lawns of all test-strains. The neutralized cell-free cultural liquid did not affect the growth of the test-strains. Conclusion. Although the tested strains L. plantarum ОNU 87, L. plantarum ОNU 206 and L. plantarum ОNU 991 possessed some genes of plantaricin regulon, in the investigations in vitro they caused the inhibition of the phytopathogens and listerias due to the low pH of the cell-free cultural liquids but not due to the synthesis of bacteriocins. The combination of the genes of plantaricin regulon of L. plantarum ONU 206 and L. plantarum ONU 991 resembled that in L. plantarum J23 described in literature.Документ Development of Lactobacillus strains composition for enhancing of antagonistic activity against Salmonella enterica(2019) Gordievskaya, Т. V.; Vasylieva, N. Y.; Ямборко, Анна Валентиновна; Yamborko, Hanna V.; Ямборко, Ганна ВалентинівнаCurrently, the use of antibiotics for the treatment of most diseases leads to the emergence of the so-called "multiple resistance" in pathogens, which significantly reduces the effectiveness of treatment. Therefore, controlling infections through a nonantibiotic approach is urgently needed. The potential use of Lactobacillus to control typhoid fever represents a promising approach, as it may exert protective actions through various mechanisms. Lactobacilli have a long history of safe use, especially in the dairy industry [3]. Different Lactobacillus strains can function as microbial barriers against * gastrointestinal pathogens through competitive exclusion of pathogen binding, , modulation of the host's immune system, and production of inhibitory compounds, . such as organic acid (e.g., lactic acid and acetic acid), oxygen catabolites (e.g., hydrogen peroxide), proteinaceous compounds (e.g., bacteriocins) and etc [4; 5; 7; 10]. Herewith, the combination of different strains among themselves in different proportions allows to achieve the best result.Документ Diversity of the species of thermostable mesophilic bacteria from raw vegetable materials and cans with signs of damage(Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University, 2016) Vatipko, R. A.; Babynina, M. O.; Yamborko, Hanna V.; Ямборко, Анна Валентиновна; Ямборко, Ганна Валентинівна; Ватіпко, Росіна Андріївна; Ватипко, Росина Андреевна; Бабиніна, Марина Олександрівна; Бабынина, Марина АлександровнаThe work presents the analysis of the microbiota of vegetable raw materials, zoned in Ukraine and grown in Odesa region (carrot, zucchini, eggplants) and mushroom preserves with signs of damage.Документ EFFECT OF LACTOBACILLUS PLANTARUM ON TUMOR FORMATION CAUSED BY RHIZOBIUMRADIOBACTER(Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова, 2014) Limanska, Natalia V.; Korotaeva, Nadiya V.; Yamborko, Hanna V.; Ivanytsia, Volodymyr O.; Ліманська, Наталія Вікторівна; Коротаєва, Надія Володимирівна; Ямборко, Ганна Валентинівна; Іваниця, Володимир Олексійович; Лиманская, Наталья Викторовна; Коротаева, Надежда Владимировна; Ямборко, Анна Валентиновна; Иваница, Владимир АлексеевичThe aim of investigation was to study the effect of Lactobacillus plantarum bacteria and their metabolites on tumor formation in Kalanchoe daigremontiana Mill, plants experimentally inoculated with crown gall agents Rhizobium radiobacter. Methods. Leaves of test plants were inoculated with the cultures of bacteria R. radiobacter C58 and three Lactobacillus plantarum strains or their cell-free supernatants (CFS) with primary low pH (4.1—4.3) and with neutralized pH (6.5) in a ratio 1:1. After 45 days amount of samples with tumors and weight of tumor tissues were evaluated, and formation of necroses were checked out. Results. Lactobacilli and their supernatants effected tumor formation differently depending on the variant of treatment. Inhibiting activity in a case of all three investigated L. plantarum strains was exhibited by CFS with primary pH (4.1-4.3). Lactobacilli injected in plant tissues simultaneously with the pathogen decreased the amount of crown galled samples both in a case of low initial pH of cultural liquid (strain L. plantarum ONU 87 decreased in 86%, strain L. plantarum ONU 206 - in 95%), and in a case of neutralized pH of cultural liquid (strain L. plantarum ONU 87 decreased in 75%, strain L. plantarum ONU 206 - decreased in 94%). Bacteria of the strain L. plantarum ONU 991 didn’t exhibit the inhibiting activity in cases of the treatments with cultures of lactobacilli and with the neutralized supernatant. At the same time, the overnight cultures of all strains showed clear antagonistic activity in vitro. Injecting the cultures of lactobacilli and their supernatants both with low and neutral pH resulted in 'wide zones of necrosis comparing to that obtained after the injection of tissues with sterile distillated water with the same pH. Conclusion. Lactic acid bacteria L. plantarum differ in the level of inhibition of tumor formation caused by R. radiobacter. Strain L. plantarum 206 was the best antagonist in these investigations: both the amount of infected samples and weight offormed tumors significantly decreased in all -variants of the treatments. Inhibiting activity of metabolites from the cultural liquid of lactobacteria probably is explained not only with the action of organic acids, but also with the action of bacteriocins and other products of metabolism.Документ EFFECT OF LACTOBACILLUS PLANTARUM ONU87 IN MIXTURE WITH AUTOLYSATE OF ERWINIAS ON FORMATION OF TUMORS CAUSED BY RHIZOBIUM RADIOBACTER C58(Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова, 2013) Korotaieva, Nadiia V.; Kondratiuk, T. V.; Basiul, Olena V.; Krylova, K. D.; Yamborko, Hanna V.; Ivanytsia, Volodymyr O.; Limanska, Natalia V.; Коротаєва, Надія Володимирівна; Кондратюк, Тетяна В.; Басюл, Олена Владленівна; Крилова, К. Д.; Ямборко, Ганна Валентинівна; Іваниця, Володимир Олексійович; Ліманська, Наталія Вікторівна; Коротаева, Надежда Владимировна; Басюл, Елена Владленовна; Крылова, Е. Д.; Ямборко, Анна Валентиновна; Иваница, Владимир Алексеевич; Лиманская, Наталья Викторовна; Кондратюк, Татьяна В.The aim of the research was to investigate the effect of mixture of Lacto-bacillus plantarum ONU87 and autolysate of Erwinia carotovora ZM\ cells containing macromolecular bacteriocins and bacteriophages on the pathogenesis of the crown gall. Materials and Methods. As an infectious agent, a strain of Rhizobium radiobacter C58 characterized by its high virulence was chosen. As test-models, carrot roots (Daucuscarota subsp. sativus L.) and plants Ralanchoe daigremontiana Mill were used. Results. The effect of mixture of L. plantarum ONU87 and autolysate of E. carotovora ZM1 on survival of R. radiobacter C58 in vitro has been studied. Amount of vi¬able cells of plant pathogenic bacteria decreased after 4 hours of culturing. Treatment with a mixture of lactobacilli and autolysate of erwinias results in complete inhibition of crown gall pathogenesis on Ralanchoe plants. Treatment of carrot roots with an experimental mixture results in decrease of the amount of infected explants in 14.3%.The mentioned results enabled us to conclude that depending on the sensitivity of the test-objects, treatment with the mixture of L. plantarum ONU87 and autolysate of E. carotovora ZM1 results in complete inhibition of crown gall pathogenesis or decrease of its symptoms.Документ Enterotoxin production ability of Bacillus cereus strains from south Ukrainian region(Odessa I. I. Mechnikova National University, 2017) Yamborko, Hanna V.; Marynova, I. V.; Vatipko, R. A.; Babynina, M. O.; Pylypenko, L. N.; Pylypenko, I. V.; Closhka, N. V.; Ямборко, Анна Валентиновна; Ямборко, Ганна Валентинівна; Маринова, И. В.; Маринова, І. В.; Ватіпко, Росіна Андріївна; Ватипко, Росина Андреевна; Бабиніна, Марина Олександрівна; Бабынина, Марина Александровна; Пилипенко, Л. Н.; Пилипенко, Л. М.; Пилипенко, І. В.; Пилипенко, И. В.The objective of this study was to identify and detect emetic toxin- and enterotoxin-producting bacteria among 42 Bacillus cereus strains, isolated from Ukrainian food plant raw materials and products. The detection rate of nheA, hblD and cytK enterotoxin genes among investigated B. cereus strains was 100, 90,0 and 61,9%, respectively. The ces gene encoding emetic toxin was detected in 9,5 % of strains. Our finding revealed that nhe and hbl enterotoxins encoded by nhe and hbl genes were the major toxins among B. cereus tested in this study and enterotoxic type of B. cereus was predominant in South Ukrainian region.Документ Identification of bacillary microbial contaminants and food poisoning agents from Ukrainian plant raw materials and products(2017) Pylypenko, Inna; Pylypenko, Liudmyla; Yamborko, Hanna V.; Ilyeva, Olena; Kotlyar, Evgeniy; Babenko, Dmytro O.; Ямборко, Ганна Валентинівна; Ямборко, Анна Валентиновна; Пилипенко, Інна; Пилипенко, Людмила; Ільєва, Олена; Котляр, Євгеній; Бабенко, Дмитро ОлександровичIntroduction. The characteristics of biological contaminants occurring in plant food products, such as foodborne infections and poisonings, causative agents of spoilage, accelerated indication of potential danger to the consumer are of scientific and practical importance. Materials and methods. A row of widespread and industrially grown kinds of vegetables, fruits, berries and a number of canned and dried products and spices were investigated. Morphological, cultural and biochemical properties of the isolated cultures were studied by conventional methods. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was performed using groupspecific and species-specific primers to bacillary sequences with electrophoresis of PCR products in 1.5% agarose gel. Results and discussion.Bacillary microbial contaminants and potential causative agents of food poisoning and food spoilage, which are common in industrially processed types of vegetable raw materials (vegetables, fruits, berries and products of their processing) in Ukraine, have been investigated. The dominance of the subtilis-licheniformis morphotypes of the order Bacillales among the detected rod-shaped spore-forming microorganisms is a feature of the Ukrainian vegetative raw materials. The composition of microbiota of various types of vegetable raw materials and products of their processing were studied by the complex of their phenotypic and moleculargenetic properties. The long duration and potential inaccuracy of identification of aerobic and facultative-anaerobic spore-forming bacteria by the complex of their phenotypic properties has been showed. The method of preparation of food samples and PCR with group-specific and species-specific primers for speeding-up diagnostics of B. cereus, Paenibacillus polymyxa, P. macerans strains in samples have been tested. Contamination of samples of plant raw materials and products of their processing by epidemiologically significant microorganism B. cereus were examined, and showed levels from 16.7% in fresh fruits to 72.7% in spices from the total number of samples. Conclusions. The bacillary microbial contaminants were identified and a speeded up method of food samples preparation for PCR to detect regulated bacillary microorganisms that affect product safety was tested.Документ Influence of Lactobacillus antimicrobial substances on rhizobium radiobacter c58(Печатний дом, 2011) Basiul, Olena V.; Palii, H. B.; Limanska, Natalia V.; Serhieieva, Zhanna Yu.; Yamborko, Hanna V.; Ямборко, Анна Валентиновна; Ямборко, Ганна Валентинівна; Басюл, Олена Владленівна; Басюл, Елена Владленовна; Лиманская, Наталья Викторовна; Ліманська, Наталія Вікторівна; Палій, Г. Б.; Сергєєва, Жанна Юріївна; Сергеева, Жанна ЮрьевнаCrown gall of dicotyledonous plants infects representatives from 93 families, and this disease is spread almost all over the world. The problem of crown gall is actual also in Ukraine, especially for grape-growing. The causative agents are pathogenic rhizobia. The disease results in decrease of productivity, frost and drought resistance and often causes plant death. Search for effective struggle remedies against pathogenic rhizobia is a perspective trend of biocontrol. It is known that lactobacilli have a wide range of antimicrobial activity by producing lactic acid, hydrogen peroxide, antibiotics and bacteriocinsДокумент Lactobacilli antimicrobial properties regarding to pleurotus ostreatus residential Microbiota(Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова, 2009) Basiul, Olena V.; Gumenjuck, Kathy; Yamborko, Hanna V.; Ivanytsia, Volodymyr O.; Ямборко, Ганна Валентинівна; Басюл, Олена Владленівна; Іваниця, Володимир ОлексійовичFermented by lactic acid bacteria products belong to one of the most spread functional food-stuffs groups. Choosing of Lactobacillus as the starter cultures for the fermented products preparing is regular, because it is caused by the lactobacilli immunomodulative properties. As a part of the normal microbiota, lactobacilli colonize the organism’s cavities, not causing the pathological processes, and interfering with reproduction of opportunistic microorganisms by the lactate production [5]. For today, mushrooms, as the substrate for biological canning has not been adequately investigated. Pleurotus ostreatus occupies particular place among the edible mushrooms – less strict and ecologically benefit for growing mushrooms. The Pleurotus ostreatus nutritious properties in association with lactobacilli immunomodulative properties are the potential direction in the new kinds of functional products design. The mushrooms biological canning or bioprocessing with the using of sourdough represents the optimal method of their preservation. The bacteria of genus Lactobacillus biomass are usually used as a part of the sourdough. In cultivation period mushrooms undergo by the semination of competitive microorganisms – microscopic moulds and bacteria. The lactic acid extracted by lactic acid fermentation is the natural preserving agent inhibited the growth of the spoilage agent as a part of the mushrooms microbiota.Документ Methodology for accelerated monitoring and assurance of sanitary quality and food safety(2017) Pylypenko, Inna; Pylypenko, Liudmyla; Yamborko, Hanna V.; Danylova, Olena; Ямборко, Ганна Валентинівна; Ямборко, Анна ВалентиновнаIntroduction. The microbiological criteria that ensure sanitary quality and safety of food products, methods for identifying regulated microorganisms, and the urgency of accelerated microbiological control of food safety are characterized. Materials and methods. The methodology for assessing the safety of products and the classical and accelerated methods for determining regulated microbiological indicators that identify the presence of heat-resistant pathogens of food diseases are studied. Analytical studies are based on modern literary sources and some of own results. Results and discussion. The characteristics of microbiological criteria and requirements for microbiological safety of food products were given. Analysis of modern requirements for the sanitary safety of food has shown the need for microbiological control for the presence of heat-resistant microorganisms, which are potential pathogens of foodborne diseases. Microbial species traditionally the main assessment of their health status such as Clostridium botulinum, Bacillus cereus, Clostridium perfringens, Staphylococcus aureus were given. Characteristics of the phenotypes and genotypic properties of criterial microorganisms – potential causative agents of foodborne infections and poisonings are given. The study methodology and methods of control of regulated microorganisms showed failure and inaccuracy of their phenotypic diagnosis due to the similarity of morphological and tinctorial properties within the individual groups, the variability of a number of biochemical parameters, weak antigenicity for the immunological diagnosis, the advent of new metabolic features associated with the ability to synthesize genes toxicity by microorganisms, which were traditionally considered to be nonpathogenic, labor-consuming and durable analysis. Genotypic diagnostics of microorganisms using modern molecular genetic methods and methodologies, in contrast to the phenotypic one, ensures the accuracy of identification, the ability to monitor and predict the behavior of pathogens of foodborne infections and toxic infections in products in assessing microbiological risk, allows accelerated microbiological control of food safety, taking into account their specific features of composition and properties, is a reliable method of sanitary control. Conclusions. Molecular genetic diagnosis of pathogens is a promising accelerated method for determining food safety and is relevant especially in the Ukrainian region.Документ Methods of molecular genetic diagnostics of food safety in Ukraine(2017) Yeryganov, K.; Pylypenko, Halyna P.; Yamborko, Hanna V.; Ямборко, Ганна Валентинівна; Ямборко, Анна Валентиновна; Ерыганов, К.; Єринагов, К.; Пилипенко, Галина П.Standardized methods of diagnosing the safety of food and raw materials are classical methods of food microbiology, which are time-taking, based on the phenotypic characteristics of microorganisms and are not always able to diagnose their toxigenic propertiesДокумент PCR - identification of lactobacillus(2011) Basiul, Olena V.; Gorbatyuk, Yu. A.; Palii, H. B.; Limanska, Natalia V.; Serhieieva, Zhanna Yu.; Yamborko, Hanna V.; Ямборко, Анна Валентиновна; Ямборко, Ганна Валентинівна; Басюл, Олена Владленівна; Басюл, Елена Владленовна; Горбатюк, Ю. А.; Палій, Г. Б.; Лиманская, Наталья Викторовна; Ліманська, Наталія Вікторівна; Сергєєва, Жанна Юріївна; Сергеева, Жанна ЮрьевнаSearching for the strains of lactic acid bacteria from Lactobacillus genus with useful properties is a perspective biotechnology area, in particular, for production of fermented dietary and nutrition therapy products.Документ Pretreatment of samples for detection of enterotoxinproducing Bacillus cereus(Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University, 2016) Serhieieva, Zhanna Yu.; Pylypenko, I. V.; Pylypenko, L. N.; Yamborko, Hanna V.; Ямборко, Анна Валентиновна; Ямборко, Ганна Валентинівна; Сергєєва, Жанна Юріївна; Сергеева, Жанна Юрьевна; Пилипенко, Л. Н.; Пилипенко, Л. М.; Пилипенко, І. В.; Пилипенко, И. В.The Bacillus cereus group includes important spore-forming bacteria that present spoilage capability and may cause foodborne diseases. Bacillus cereus is responsible for several outbreaks of foodborne diseases due to its emetic toxin and enterotoxin. Enterotoxins, cytotoxin K (CytK), nonhemolytic enterotoxin (Nhe), and hemolysin BL (Hbl), have been recorded in several diarrheal cases due to food poisoning from B. cereus. These microorganisms are traditionally evaluated in food using culturing methods, which can be laborious and time-consuming, and may also fail to detect bacteria in a viable but nonculturable state.