Перегляд за Автор "Perlova, Olha V."
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Документ Anion Exchange Resin Modified with Nanoparticles of Hydrated Zirconium Dioxide for Sorption of Soluble U(VI) Compounds(2018) Perlova, Olha V.; Dzyazko, Yuliya S.; Halutska, Iryna; Perlova, Natalya O.; Palchyk, O. V.; Перлова, Ольга Вікторівна; Перлова, Ольга ВикторовнаBesides military industry, uranium is also applied to civilian needs. Uranium compounds are employed in geology (to determine age of rocks), as a pigment for paints, in analytical chemistry, and for other purposes [1]. However, produced uranium is mainly consumed by nuclear power plants. Therefore, mining and processing of uranium ores are important practical tasks. Efficient, accessible, and cheap methods for the removal of U(VI) compounds from liquid wastes could provide ecological hygiene in uranium extraction from mineral raw materials. Moreover, the technique has to cover uranium recuperation in order to prevent appearance of toxic ions in sources of water supply. Adsorption and ion exchange present a possibility to decrease the content of U(VI) compounds down to maximum allowable concentration [2]. The following characteristics for materials are required: significant capacity and selectivity toward uranium-containing ions, high sorption rate, and facile regeneration. Currently, attention is focused on change of chemical composition of organic (particularly biopolymers) or inorganic sorbents.Документ Composite ion-exchanger as prospective materials for sorption of uranium(VI) compounds(2016) Perlova, Natalya O.; Perlova, Olha V.; Dzyazko, Yuliya Serhiivna; Sazonova, Valentyna F.; Halutska, I. Yu.; Palchik, Alexey V.; Перлова, Ольга Вікторівна; Перлова, Ольга Викторовна; Сазонова, Валентина Федорівна; Сазонова, Валентина ФедоровнаIn order to obtain organic-inorganic ion-exchanger, the method, which involves reorganization of gel-like cation exchange matrix in non-aqueous media followed by zirconium hydrophosphate precipitation, has been proposed. Reorganization, which is confirmed with standard contact porosimetry and NMR 23Na spectroscopy, means a narrowing of nanosized transport pores of the polymer.Документ Cорбція сполук скандію та ітрію цирконій-кремнеземним наносорбентом(Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова, 2023) Перлова, Ольга Вікторівна; Овчаренко, А. О.; Ширикалова, А. О.; Perlova, Olha V.; Ovcharenko, A. O.; Shуrykalova, A. O.Встановлено деякі фізико-хімічні закономірності сорбційного вилучення сполук скандію та ітрію з розбавлених водних розчинів цирконій-кремнеземним наносорбентом (питома поверхня 900-1000 м2/г, радіус пор 3,5-7,6 нм, вміст ZrO2 29 %). Встановлено, що досліджуваний сорбент ефективно (> 99%) вилучає скандій та ітрій при рН 8 – 10 (Sc) і 9 – 10,5 (Y), при витраті сорбенту 0,4 г/дм3 і часі сорбції 240 хв (Sc) та 210 хв (Y). Сорбція перебігає у змішанодифузійному режимі і підпорядковуються моделі псевдодругого порядку. Ізотерми сорбції описуються моделями Фрейндліха, Фрумкіна-Фаулера-Гуггенгейма і Дубініна-Радушкевича. За даних умов дослідів сорбційна ємність сорбенту складає 7,65 мг Sc/г і 17,09 мг Y/г.Документ Effect of Porosity on Ion Transport Through Polymers and Polymer-Based Composites Containing Inorganic Nanoparticles (Review)(2019) Dzyazko, Yuliya S.; Volfkovich, Yurii; Perlova, Olha V.; Ponomaryova, Ludmila; Perlova, Natalya O.; Kolomiets, Evgen; Перлова, Ольга Вікторівна; Перлова, Ольга ВикторовнаThe development of nanotechnologies gives a new impulse to chemistry of polymer ion exchange resins and membranes, which are related to nanomaterials. When they are in contact with water or other polar solvent, the system of nanopores is formed. First, this feature has been found for homogeneous perfluorinated membranes (PFMs) of Nafion type [1, 2]. Then, it was proved for other polymer ion exchange materials (heterogeneous membranes and resins) [3, 4]. The nanopores are hydrophilic; they provide ion transport and ion exchange ability of swollen polymers. Their porous structure involves also hydrophobic pores; their size is from several tens of nanometers to several tens of microns. Both hydrophilic and hydrophobic pores are available for any inorganic modifier: the filler affects functional properties of the composite. The most intensive work in the field of practical application of organic-inorganic ion exchange materials has been started since the 2000s [5]. The necessity of investigations was caused by requirements of technologies for alternative energy and separation.Документ Floatation–Extraction Recovery of U(VI) by Means of Thin Emulsified Solutions of Trialkylamine in White Spirit(Allerton Press, Inc., 2008) Perlova, Olha V.; Shirykalova, A. A.; Перлова, Ольга Вікторівна; Перлова, Ольга ВикторовнаWe have established expediency and high efficiency of using thin emulsified solutions of trialkylamine in white spirit as floatation collectors of U(VI) during its floatation–extraction recovery from nitrate, sulfate, and carbonate solutions. We have also determined optimal conditions of running the process (the pH, consumption of the collector, floatation time) and depending on the ionic composition of the solution and the pH of the medium its mechanism was suggestedДокумент Flotation Recovery of Rare Earth Metal Compounds from Dilute Aqueous Solutions(Allerton Press, Inc., 2015) Perlova, Olha V.; Chernetska, Viktoriia Volodymyrivna; Перлова, Ольга Вікторівна; Перлова, Ольга ВикторовнаThe possibility of flotation extraction of lanthanum and cerium (III) compounds from diluted sulfate solutions was shown by using finely dispersed solid solutions of different radical phosphine oxide in paraffin. Optimal conditions for conducting the flotation have been determined. The effect of electrolyte additions on the process efficiency was studied. In addition, the mechanism of interaction of rare earth metal compounds with flotation collector was proposedДокумент Formation of Zirconium Hydrophosphate Nanoparticles and Their Effect on Sorption of Uranyl Cations(Springer International Publishing AG, 2017) Perlova, Natalya O.; Dzyazko, Yuliya Serhiivna; Perlova, Olha V.; Palchik, Alexey V.; Sazonova, Valentyna F.; Перлова, Ольга Вікторівна; Перлова, Ольга Викторовна; Сазонова, Валентина Федорівна; Сазонова, Валентина ФедоровнаOrganic-inorganic ion-exchangers were obtained by incorporation of zirconium hydrophosphate into gel-like strongly acidic polymer matrix by means of precipitation from the solution of zirconium oxychloride with phosphoric acid. The approach for purposeful control of a size of the incorporated particles has been developed based on Ostwald-Freundich equation. This equation has been adapted for precipitation in ion exchange materials. Both single nanoparticles (2–20 nm) and their aggregates were found in the polymer. Regulation of salt or acid concentration allows us to decrease size of the aggregates approximately in 10 times. Smaller particles are formed in the resin, which possess lower exchange capacity. Sorption of U(VI) cations from the solution containing also hydrochloride acid was studied. Exchange capacity of the composites is ≈2 times higher in comparison with the pristine resin. The organic-inorganic sorbents show higher sorption rate despite chemical interaction of sorbed ions with functional groups of the inorganic constituent: the models of reaction of pseudo-first or pseudo-second order can be applied. In general, decreasing in size of incorporated particles provides acceleration of ion exchange. The composites can be regenerated completely, this gives a possibility of their multiple use.Документ Ion exchange resin containing nanoparticles of inorganic constituent for sorption of U(VI) anions(Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова, 2017) Perlova, Olha V.; Dzyazko, Yuliya Serhiivna; Rudenko O. S.; Perlova, Natalya O.; Kudelko, K. O.; Перлова, Ольга Вікторівна; Перлова, Ольга ВикторовнаThe patterns of deposition of inorganic ion exchangers (hydrated oxides polyvalent metals) within the anion exchange resin. As can be seen from the TEM studies, nanoparticles exist both innon-aggregated and aggregated forms. Fractal analysis of TEM images was carried out with the aim of establishing an aggregation mechanism.Документ Kinetics of Sorption of Uranium (VI) Compounds with Zirconium–Silica Nanosorbents(Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2014) Perlova, Olha V.; Sazonova, Valentyna F.; Perlova, Natalya O.; Yaroshenko, N. A.; Перлова, Ольга Вікторівна; Перлова, Ольга Викторовна; Сазонова, Валентина Федорівна; Сазонова, Валентина ФедоровнаThe kinetics of sorption of uranium(VI) compounds from sulfate and carbonate solutions using four samples of mesoporous zirconium–silica nanosorbents obtained by bitemplate (solubilization) synthesis was studied. The sorption equilibrium set in time and the kinetic characteristics of sorption were shown to depend on the sorbent (its composition, specific surface area, dispersity, and pore size), the temperature, and the composition and pH of the solution from which uranium compounds are sorbed. The sorption kinetics was described by a first order equation. The limiting stage of the process was found to be the external diffusion of uranium containing particles to the sorbent surface.Документ New sorbents for removal of uranium(VI) compounds from diluted aqueous solutions(2015) Perlova, Natalya O.; Sazonova, Valentyna F.; Perlova, Olha V.; Dzyazko, Yuliya Serhiivna; Polykarpov, A. P.; Перлова, Ольга Вікторівна; Перлова, Ольга Викторовна; Сазонова, Валентина Федорівна; Сазонова, Валентина ФедоровнаNew sorbents for removal of uranium(VI) compounds from diluted aqueous solutionsДокумент Organic-inorganic ion-exchanger containing zirconium hydrophosphate for removal of UO2+/2 cations from water(2016) Dzyazko, Yuliya Serhiivna; Perlova, Natalya O.; Perlova, Olha V.; Volfkovich, Yurii Myronovich; Trachevskii, Vladimir Vasylevych; Sosenkin, Valentin Evseevich; Palchik, Alexey V.; Sazonova, Valentyna F.; Перлова, Ольга Вікторівна; Перлова, Ольга Викторовна; Сазонова, Валентина Федорівна; Сазонова, Валентина ФедоровнаOrganic-inorganic materials based on gel-like strongly acidic resin containing zirconium hydrophosphate have been synthesized. The synthesis method allows us to control purposefully composition of the inorganic constituent as well as a size of incorporated particles (up to 0.2–1 mm), which consist of nanoparticles (10–20 nm). Fractal analysis of SEM and TEM images of the composites gives fractal dimension of the aggregates of ≈2.5. Thus, the DLA model can be applied to the particle formation indicating diffusion of the nanoparticles as a rate-determining stage of zirconium hydrophosphate precipitation inside the polymer.Документ Organic-inorganic ion-exchangers for sorption of uranium(VI) compounds from model solutions. Effect of synthesis condition(2015) Perlova, Olha V.; Perlova, Natalya O.; Dzyazko, Yuliya Serhiivna; Sazonova, Valentyna F.; Panchyna, G. L.; Menchuk, Vasyl V.; Менчук, Василь Васильович; Менчук, Василий Васильевич; Перлова, Ольга Вікторівна; Перлова, Ольга Викторовна; Сазонова, Валентина Федорівна; Сазонова, Валентина ФедоровнаOrganic-inorganic ion-exchangers for sorption of uranium(VI) compounds from model solutions. Effect of synthesis conditionsДокумент Peculiarities of U(VI) sorption on composites containing hydrated titanium dioxide and potassium-cobalt hexacyanoferrate(II)(2021) Perlova, Olha V.; Dzyazko, Yu. S.; Malinovska, A. A.; Palchik, A. V.; Перлова, Ольга Вікторівна; Перлова, Ольга Викторовна; Дзязько, Ю. С.; Маліновська, О. О.; Пальчик, О. В.As opposed to polymer sorbents, inorganic materials are stable against ionizing radiation. This gives a possibility to use them for the removal of radionuclides from water. As a rule, highly selective inorganic sorbents are obtained in a form of finely dispersive powder. This makes it difficult to use them in practice. Here the composites based on hydrated titanium dioxide containing K2Co[Fe(CN)6] have been developed. The modifier was inserted into partially (hydrogel) and fully (xerogel) formed oxide matrices. Modifying of hydrogel followed its transformation to xerogel provides the formation of potassium-cobalt hexacyanoferrate(II) nanoparticles (up to 10 nm), which are not washed out in aqueous media due to encapsulation in hydrated oxide. A number of the methods for sample characterization were used in this work: transmission electronic microscopy for vizualization of embedded nanoparticles, optical microscopy to measure granule size, FT-IR spectroscopy, X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy for chemical analysis of the samples, potentiometric titration to estimate ion exchange properties, and spectrophotometric analysis of the solution to determine U(VI) concentration. The features of U(VI) sorption from nitrate and sulfate solutions are considered: the effect of the sorbent dosage and solution composition was in a focus of attention. The influence of the modifier is the most pronounced at pH 4, when U(VI) is in a form of one-charged cations (UO2OH+): the removal degree of U(VI) is close to 100 %. This positive effect of the selective constituent is expressed in a presence of an excess of NO3 –, SO4 2– and Na+ ions. The model of chemical reaction of pseudo second order has been applied to sorption. Both pristine sorbent and composite are most completely regenerated with a 0.1 M KOH solution the regeneration degree is 92 and 96 % respectively. In this case, the half-exchange time is minimal and equal to 23 min (initial hydrated titanium dioxide) and 47 min (composite). Desorption obeys the model of particle diffusion: the diffusion coefficients for ions being exchanged are (1.7–7.6)10–13 m2s–1.Документ Polymer ion-exchanger modified with zirconium hydrophosphate for removal of uranium (VI) from water(2016) Dzyazko, Yuliya Serhiivna; Perlova, Natalya O.; Volfkovich, Yurii Myronovich; Perlova, Olha V.; Palchik, Alexey V.; Sosenkin, Valentin Evseevich; Sazonova, Valentyna F.; Перлова, Ольга Вікторівна; Перлова, Ольга Викторовна; Сазонова, Валентина Федорівна; Сазонова, Валентина ФедоровнаSignificant uranium content in water sources is due to the ingress of mine water, wastes of nuclear power plants, mining and mineral processing plants. The content of this element in water is strictly limited (0.015 mg dm-3 or less) due to its toxicity. Adsorption and ion exchange are the most suitable methods to reduce U(VI) content in water down to required level. Organicinorganic resins containing zirconium hydrophosphate (ZHP) were proposed for removal of toxic ions from water [1, 2]. The purpose of this work is to establish the interrelation between structure of the ZHP-containing composites and sorption of U(VI) ions. Another tasks are to ascertain a possibility to remove U(VI) compounds from water and to use the ion-exchangers many times. Method of standard contact porosimetry [3, 4] was applied to investigations.Документ Purposeful formation of inorganic particles in ion exchange and inert polymers(2018) Dzyazko, Yuliya S.; Ponomaryova, L. M.; Perlova, Olha V.; Volfkovich, Yu. M.; Перлова, Ольга Вікторівна; Перлова, Ольга ВикторовнаMain regularities for precipitation of inorganic modifiers inside ion exchange (weakly and strongly acidic as well as strongly basic; flexible and rigid) and inert polymers are considered. The Ostwald-Friendlich equation was applied to obtain the relations, which allows us to determine the conditions for purposeful formation of one or other particles (non-aggregated nanoparticles, aggregates and agglomerates). The obtained composites were investigated with methods of transmission and scanning electron microscopy, standard contact porosimetry, 31P NMR spectroscopy. In the case of embedded phosphate compounds, the spectra show 2 signals that are attributed to hydro- and dihydrophosphate groups (aggregated particles) or several signals (single nanoparticles).Документ Removal of the Uranium(VI) compounds from model solutions with sorbents of different nature(2016) Perlova, Natalya O.; Perlova, Olha V.; Dzyazko, Yuliya Serhiivna; Sazonova, Valentyna F.; Halutska, I. Yu.; Перлова, Ольга Вікторівна; Перлова, Ольга Викторовна; Сазонова, Валентина Федорівна; Сазонова, Валентина ФедоровнаThe problem o f uranium compounds removal from aqueous solutions remains valid for many years. To solve tliis problem, tire sorption methods дге used widely. A search o f sorbents, which would combine availability, cheapness, possibility of regeneration, absorption efficiency in a wide range of pH temperature, and concentration, is an important task. The aim o f this work was to establish an efficiency of sorbents of different nature towards removal of uranium compounds from model solutions.Документ Removal of Uranium(VI) from model solutions with fibrous ion-exchangers under dynamic conditions(2017) Perlova, Olha V.; Zhekova, C.; Menchuk, Vasyl V.; Polikarpov, A.; Менчук, Василь Васильович; Менчук, Василий Васильевич; Перлова, Ольга Вікторівна; Перлова, Ольга ВикторовнаPurification of natural and anthropogenic waters formed during the processing of poor uranium-containing ores from natural radionuclides, in particular, Uranium(VI) compounds, is an actual environmental problem. One of the main methods for removal of Uranium compounds from diluted aqueous solutions is sorption, so it is important to search for effective sorbents. Perspective sorbents are fibrous ion-exchangers FIBAN. Earlier [1-4], we showed that fibrous ion-exchangers FIBAN effectively remove Uranium(VI) compounds from model solutions under static conditions.Документ Removal of uranyl cations from iron-containing solutions using composite sorbents based on polymer matrix(2017) Perlova, Olha V.; Dzyazko, Yuliya Serhiivna; Perlova, Natalya O.; Sazonova, Valentyna F.; Halutska, I. Yu.; Перлова, Ольга Вікторівна; Перлова, Ольга Викторовна; Сазонова, Валентина Федорівна; Сазонова, Валентина ФедоровнаSome technologies of uranium recovery from minerals involve hydrochloric acid where cationic forms of uranyl ions dominate. The work is devoted to development and testing of sorbents for removal of uranium(VI) from liquid wastes containing also an excess of Fe(III) ions. Organic-inorganic ionexchangers based on gel-like strongly acidic resin containing zirconium hydrophosphate have been proposed for this purpose. The theoretical approach, which allows us to control a size of incorporated particles, has been applied to modification of the resin with the inorganic constituent. The results of TEM show that the samples contain mainly aggregates of nanoparticles (300 nm) or simultaneously aggregates (200 nm) and agglomerates (several microns). The synthesized organic-inorganic ion-exchangers contain from 10 to 50 mass. % of zirconium hydrophosphate. Composition and structure of the ion-exchangers affect their sorption properties. Sorption of U(VI) from modeling solutions containing also HCl and Fe(III) ions was researched under batch conditions. The initial pH of the solution was within the interval of 2–4, the sorbent dosage was 2–10 g/dm3. Simultaneous sorption of U(VI) and Fe(III) species was shown to occur, the removal of Fe(III) species is faster and more complete. Increasing of the sorbent dosage and the solution pH results in improvement of the efficiency of uranium (VI) removal and increase of the exchange rate. Sorption degree of uranyl cations reaches about 90 % after 3 h at pH 2 and the sorbent dosage of 10 g/dm3. When the sorbent dosage is 5 g/dm3 and the solution pH is 4 the sorption degree reaches 100 % for the composite containing 10 % of the inorganic constituent. The sorption degree is lower for the materials containing higher amount of zirconium hydrophosphate. The rate of sorption has been found to obey mainly particle diffusion model. The models of chemical reaction of pseudo-first or pseudo-second order can be also applied. The composites show mainly higher sorption capacity towards U(VI) at pH 2, the pristine resin demonstrates higher capacity towards Fe(III) under these conditions. The organic-inorganic ion-exchangers can be recommended for polishing of liquid wastes which are formed during monazite processing.Документ Sorption of Uranium Compounds by Zirconium-Silica Nanosorbents(Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2012) Yaroshenko, N. A.; Sazonova, Valentyna F.; Perlova, Olha V.; Perlova, Natalya O.; Перлова, Ольга Вікторівна; Перлова, Ольга Викторовна; Сазонова, Валентина Федорівна; Сазонова, Валентина ФедоровнаBitemplate (solubilization) synthesis was used to obtain new mesoporous zirconium-silica nanosorbents that can be successfully used to recover uranium compounds from sulfate and carbonate solutions.Документ Sorption Removal of the Uranium(VI) compounds with organic-inorganic ion-exchangers(2016) Perlova, Natalya O.; Perlova, Olha V.; Halutska, I. Yu.; Dzyazko, Yuliya Serhiivna; Palchik, Alexey V.; Sazonova, Valentyna F.; Перлова, Наталья А.; Перлова, Ольга Вікторівна; Галуцька, І. Ю.; Дзязько, Юлія С.; Пальчик, О. В.; Сазонова, Валентина Федорівна; Перлова, Ольга Викторовна; Сазонова, Валентина ФедоровнаOrsaidc-inorgimic composites based on ion exchmage resins containing zirconium hrvdiophospbate (cation-exchanger) and hydrated zirconium dioxide (anion-exchanger) wse applied to removal of soluble U(VI) compounds from modeling solutions. The advantages of the composites over the pristine resins are more significant sorption capacity, higher sorption rate and more facile regeneration.