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Документ Business model for a sea commercial port as a way to reach sustainable development goals(2017) Nitsenko, Vitalii S.; Nyenno, Iryna M.; Kryukova, Iryna; Kalyna, Tatyana; Plotnikova, Mariia; Ніценко, Віталій Сергійович; Ниценко, Виталий Сергеевич; Ненно, Ирина Михайловна; Нєнно, Ірина МихайлівнаThe aim of the article is to suggest a monitoring tool for a business model to assess performance and meet sustainable development goals and indicators for the sea commercial ports. According to the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda, building resilient infrastructure, promoting inclusive and sustainable industrialization and fostering innovation is one of the seventeen goals set forward. We assume that added value is the key aim of any business model creation, while business model itself is recommended to be based on multidimensional innovation and complementary assets of business.The multidimensional innovations include: market innovation, product innovation and process innovation. The introduction part here presents the description of the business model development roadmap. For the specific case of a trade port case the business model rests on four blocks: the system for added value generation, value suggestion, clients and financial model. The complementary assets’ list is presented for such a sea commercial port. Qualitative and quantitative indicators of the sea trade port business model performance are tracked down. Business model sustainable development for a sea commercial port is described. Value added is considered as the indicator of sustainable development on both micro- and macrolevels.Документ Cистема показників для аналізу інноваційно діяльності підприємства(Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова, 2018) Буденюк, Анастасiя Анатолiївна; Нєнно, Ірина Михайлівна; Ненно, Ирина Михайловна; Nyenno, Iryna M.В cучacниx умoвax впpoвaджeння eфeктивниx iннoвaцiйниx тexнoлoгiй дoзвoляє, з oднoгo бoку, пiдпpиємcтву oдepжaти кoнкуpeнтнi пepeвaги: пoкpaщити кoнкуpeнтну cитуaцiю нa pинку cвoгo пpoдукту тa фiнaнcoвий cтaн, якicнo пiдвищити виpoбничий пoтeнцiaл тa пoтeнцiaл пepcoнaлу тoщo, a з iншoгo – вимaгaє знaчнoгo чacу тa pecуpciв. Щoб зaбeзпeчити виcoку eфeктивнicть iннoвaцiйниx зaxoдiв cьoгoднi зpocтaє актуальність cиcтeмнoгo, cвoєчacнoгo тa кoмплeкcнoгo aнaлiзу iннoвaцiйнoї дiяльнocтi пiдпpиємcтвa.Документ Cистемне мислення для управління змінами та розвитку авіаційної галузі(2020) Нєнно, Ірина Михайлівна; Nyenno, Iryna M.; Ненно, Ирина Михайловна; Грінченко, Юрій Леонідович; Hrinchenko, Yurii L.; Гринченко, Юрий ЛеонидовичЗовнішні екстерналії впливу на авіаційну галузь потребують впровадження системного підходу до її розвитку, постановки менеджменту через м’які та жорсткі технології управління змінами. Метою статті є розробка змістовної моделі розвитку авіаційної галузі України через управління змінами в ній. У процесі дослідження використано такі загальнонаукові методи: інформаційний пошук, причинно-наслідковий та системний аналіз, візуалізація, метод аналогій. Результати. Встановлено необхідність переходу від еволюційного до інверсійного розвитку галузі для впровадження необхідних змін. Обґрунтовано, що ефективне втілення стратегії розвитку залежить не тільки від результатів цієї стратегії, але й від вияву інтелектуальних складових і використання інноваційних технологій через реалізацію раціонального вибору в умовах обмеженості уваги. В якості інструментарію запропоновано використовувати системну технологію втручання, яка складається з етапів діагностики, проектування та втілення змін. Побудовано причинно-наслідкову схему регресу авіаційної галузі України Визначено заходи державного управління у формах структурного, інституційного та контекстного впливу на індивідуальному, груповому, міжгруповому та організаційному рівнях розвитку галузі. Перспективи подальших досліджень. Перспективами подальших досліджень є розробка системної карти та моделі державного управління в авіаційній галузі в умовах розвитку її екосистеми.Документ Digital public goods as a means to support affordable and clean energy(2021) Nyenno, Iryna M.; Truba, Vyacheslav I.; Lomachynska, Iryna A.; Mazur, Olena Ye.; Нєнно, Ірина Михайлівна; Труба, Вячеслав Іванович; Ломачинська, Ірина Анатоліївна; Мазур, Олена ЄвгеніївнаThe importance of increasing the level of renewable energy sources is connected with the fact that its share in the total volume of energy consumption is still insufficient. This is why this article focuses on the development of the motivation system aimed at the more active transition to renewable sources consumption in the balanced combination alongside the traditional sources. The research question is whether digital public goods (DPG) may be a mean to support “Affordable and Clean Energy’’ use. The theoretical approach to our research problem is stakeholder’s theory, while the concept applied to the motivation mechanism implementation is the United Nations Organization’s concept of sustainable development goals (SDG). The research design is as follows: study of the actual data of energy structure of the world economy; identification of the current instruments of renewable energy distribution; analysis of the DPG as a perspective form of the sustainable energy behavior introduced [AO1] in the digitalized environment; definition of the energy industry stakeholders; development of the architecture of energy consumption by DPG application to reach SDG “Affordable and Clean Energy”. The main findings of the study are that DPG has been found to be a relevant means for the motivation and support of sustainable energy behavior through the architecture of energy consumption, based on research and development, customer relationship management, corporate social responsibility – sustainable development, technical implementation, and the diversity of traditional and alternative sources of energy.Документ Evaluation Methodology for the Insurer Development Capital(2011) Nyenno, Iryna M.; Ненно, Ирина Михайловна; Нєнно, Ірина МихайлівнаIn such a way, the suggested methodology helps to create the multilateral financial evaluation of the level of insurer capitalization for the purpose of perspective development. The generalization of the different approaches is made and the integrated system for evaluation discovered. The methodology has theoretical and practical value – for a concrete data of the insurer.Документ Indicators and measurement of integrated risk management in sea ports(Одеський національний політехничний університет, 2015) Nyenno, Iryna M.; Нєнно, Ірина Михайлівна; Ненно, Ирина МихайловнаThe qualitative and quantitative indicators of measuring of risks are generalized in the article, in particular, indexes of the expected value, standard deviation and covariance, net present value under risk. Qualitative estimation is structured on financial operations with bankruptcy probability evaluation. A model which vizualizes the results of scale-grades method on the financial and measuring of bankruptcy probability of the models of Lis, Springeyt, G. Conan and M. Holder.Документ Indicators and Metrics of the Sea Ports’ Enterprise Risk Management.(Одеський національний політехнічний університет., 2015) Nyenno, Iryna M.; Нєнно, Ірина Михайлівна; Ненно, Ирина МихайловнаThe qualitative and quantitative indicators of measuring of risks are generalized in the article, in particular, indexes of the expected value, standard deviation and covariance, net present value under risk. Qualitative estimation is structured on financial operations with bankruptcy probability evaluation. A model which vizualizes the results of scale-grades method on the financial and measuring of bankruptcy probability of the models of Lis, Springeyt, G. Conan and M. Holder.Документ Joint Value as a Measure of Sea Trade Port Stakeholder Effect(2019) Nyenno, Iryna M.; Rekova, Natalia; Minakova, Svetlana; Нєнно, Ірина Михайлівна; Ненно, Ирина МихайловнаThis article is devoted to an efficiency measurement of the maritime industry presented through the joint value of industry stakeholders. A list of factors contributing to the efficiency of the state maritime policy and factors in the development of the maritime industry were defined and separated into four groups: group 1 (infrastructural factors): Renewal of port infrastructure; coastal infrastructure of sea stations; ecological and physical safety; and convenience in reaching the port of departure of a cruise ship; group 2 (management factors): The effectiveness of management mechanisms; the level of automatization and effective communications technologies; the coordination of various types of transport; and the efficiency of port services; group 3 (marketing factors): Tariff policies (tariff amounts, number of port fees, flexibility of the price policy); and competition in the ports; group 4 (service factors): Attractiveness of logistics conditions; the development of international tourism; the development of sea leisure; the development of merchant shipping, shipbuilding, ship repair, and instrument making in the port; and the simplification of port entry procedures. The joint value was considered to be a category at both a macroeconomic and microeconomic level, and it was combined with a multivariate regression model performed on the basis of the statistical analysis and data processing system Statistica 8.0. The complex combination of the results of the multifactorial linear model of the joint value created in the maritime industry led to the conclusion that the best alternative to the development of the port industry in Ukraine is the scenario of state modernization and corporatization in the port business model.Документ Managerial future of the Artificial Intelligence(2023) Nyenno, Iryna M.; Truba, Vyacheslav I.; Tokarchuk, Liudmyla M.; Нєнно, Ірина Михайлівна; Труба, Вячеслав Іванович; Токарчук, Людмила МихайлівнаThe developed concept for Artificial Intelligence (AI) introduction to the management system is concerned with a range of ethical, social, environmental and legal issues. Management system as a form of organising chaos and complexity becomes the only platform to design business and to make it sustainable irrespective of location and personalities engaged. At the time of the world economy demand for social actors, activism in the necessary transition of management oriented to reach the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) is a crucial factor to form the new management digitized system. Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Investing managed assets as a part of all corporate assets. ESG initiative was a proposal of the UN to promote principles for a sustainable economy. Companies with better ESG performance can increase shareholders’ value by managing risks related to emerging ESG issues, namely bring the corporation to have energy transition experience. Different approaches of millennials to managing enterprises show their higher interest than that of predecessors to introduce ESG standards and tasks to the day-to-day management. Millennials are more interested in social values than in the investment return. Even the future of investments is dependent on the basic idea that investors are not short-termist but tend to be loyal to a project about which they have more relevant information. So, they may support new AI-based management in the case it becomes an efficient platform to design a human-oriented enterprise. This study aims at showing what the relationship of the management structure and process should be in order to manage the AI progress. Understanding of management content and work with the AI representation is of strategic importance.Документ Managing energy consumption: a case of natural gas as a taxation tool in Ukraine(2019) Goncharuk, Anatoliy; Figurek, Aleksandra; Truba, Vyacheslav I.; Nyenno, Iryna M.; Труба, Вячеслав Іванович; Нєнно, Ірина Михайлівна; Труба, Вячеслав Иванович; Ненно, Ирина МихайловнаEnergy consumption is managed to some degree in different countries. If the government is interested in reducing the energy poverty and increasing the energy consumption, it provides enough energy access for all consumers. However, sometimes, in order to regulate the energy market properly, the government should pursue other goals, i.e., political, economic, or even fiscal. This study aims to figure out how the new natural gas policy of Ukrainian government reflects on the main stakeholders’ incomes and expenses: the profits of domestic gas companies; the expenses of the four main groups of households by income. The article shows the case of unfair taxation of households’ natural gas consumption by the Ukrainian government that was named by the authors as “gas tax.” Analyzing this case using the statistical indicators of dynamics, distribution and structure, it was found out that the honest taxpayers who receive middle incomes (middle class) are in the most disadvantaged position because they are forced to pay the highest price and the largest share of their income for utilities. The paper also includes distinguishing several shortcomings and ethical problems that appear during application of the gas tax in Ukraine: growth of cost inflation, reduction in domestic consumption, reducing the profitability of business; reducing the middle class and increasing the stratification of society, concealment of real incomes and growth of the shadow economy, enhancing injustice and labor migration abroad. All these problems are the arguments for reconsidering gas tax to make it fair and less painful for the economy and households.Документ Matrix forecasting to investigate the capital efficiency of the insurance market: Case of Italy(2020) Dell’Atti, Stefano; Sylos Labini, Stefania; Nyenno, Iryna M.; Ненно, Ирина Михайловна; Нєнно, Ірина МихайлівнаThe article aims to verify whether the matrix forecasting method is valid for predicting the insurance market development trends. The methodology is based on the application of the Franchon & Romanet matrix to the insurance market. Our results indicate that the Franchon & Romanet matrix could be usefully employed in the insurance market to identify the initial market position (calculated as financial development potential distributed through the structure of the capital funds available for insurance and financial activities) and the possible future development strategies. The core limits are concerned with the small use of the matrix methods for performance measurement of the insurance market. No empirical study has been conducted. The application of the matrix is concerned with risk management or rating transition matrices. Despite this circumstance gives originality to our paper, it poses a problem of data collection and limits the possibility to conduct the comparison with other scientific results. The construction of the matrix allows identifying the initial position of a country’s insurance market, to evaluate the possible development strategies and to choose the preferable ones. The originality of the paper consists firstly, in the innovativeness of applying to the insurance sector the tool of matrix forecasting; secondly, in providing a supporting tool to policy-makers decisions.Документ Sea trade port: business-model structure and source of innovation(Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова, 2018) Nyenno, Iryna M.; Ненно, Ирина Михайловна; Нєнно, Ірина МихайлівнаThe article deals with the structure of the business-model, the complementary assets are described on the case of the sea trade port as a foundation of the business-model creation. The complementary assets use are studied in the context of operational strategies to obtain economic rents in the case of sale; the formation of a joint venture, public-private partnerships; signing the concession lease or licensing rights of access to complementary assets.Документ State marine policy regulation: risk management aspects(Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова, 2017) Nyenno, Iryna M.; Нєнно, Ірина Михайлівна; Ненно, Ирина МихайловнаThe article deals with the risks of implementing the state maritime policy. Causes and factors of their occurrence, consequences and indicators of risks'monitoring are consistently presented. Particular attention is paid to the human resource risk. Based on a comparative analysis of privatized and state port administrations, the main distinctive features of this risk’s emergence have been identified. It is determined that the profitability orientation is inherent to the state port administrations to a lesser extent.Документ The energy policy risk management system model: theories and practices(2020) Nyenno, Iryna M.; Selivanova, Natalia; Korolenko, Natalya; Truba, Vyacheslav I.; Нєнно, Ірина Михайлівна; Ненно, Ирина Михайловна; Труба, Вячеслав Іванович; Труба, Вячеслав ИвановичThe article aims to study the determinants of the energy policy implementation process from risks and danger perspectives by building the risk management system model. The research methodology is based on the application of the risk map to the energy policy. Our results confirmed that the risk map could be applied in the energy industry to identify the risks and to implement the energy policy risk management system model which will prevent critical uncertainties and risk structure, identified from the risk map as well as bring the energy industry to the future state by implementing scenarios and strategies, developed by the World Energy Council. The research limitations are that the main limits are concerned with the lack of the evaluation results of the energy policy risks aimed for the system management of the changes which these risks may introduce. No empirical study has been conducted. The application of the risk map is related in a major part to the enterprise level with financial and technical purposes of changes. In the research we made an attempt to develop the managerial recommendations for the regulators on how to make a transitions of risks to opportunities of introducing and managing changes in the framework of the energy policy risk management system model. The originality/ value of the paper consists firstly, in the innovativeness of applying the tool of matrix forecasting to the energy sector; secondly, in providing a supporting tool to policy-makers and managers decisions.Документ Theory and methodology of Business-Model Formation(2018) Nitsenko, Vitalii S.; Nyenno, Iryna M.; Levinska, Tetyana; Ніценко, Віталій Сергійович; Ниценко, Виталий Сергеевич; Нєнно, Ірина Михайлівна; Ненно, Ирина МихайловнаThe main aim of the research is to open the content of the effective business-model management, first the business-model content analysis approach application. After this the complementary assets and multidimensional innovation were put as a basis to form the enterprise business-models. The complementary assets access formation for the sea trade port is developed through the different strategies. Generic and specialized complementary assets list was presented. Business-model formation through multidimensional innovation is supported by the operational activities list. The business-model described as a mechanism to create and store of added value with the appropriate directions for strategic decisionsДокумент Universities’ role for knowledge triangle of “Education- Research-Innovation”: perspectives of tempus project Uni4inno 2010-2012(Букаєв В.В., 2010) Nyenno, Iryna M.; Escarre, Roberto; Juriga, Clemens; Scheinberg, Sari; Ненно, Ирина Михайловна; Нєнно, Ірина МихайлівнаThe call for universities to take up their role in the knowledge society by providing excellence in research and teaching, and to enhance knowledge generation as well as trans¬fer, is a topical issue of European political agendas since more than a decade, and a central subject of the Bologna and Lisbon Processes. To reinforce the knowledge triangle of Education-Research-Innovation, COM (2007)182 recommends universities to „create condi¬tions for successful technology transfer through adequate staffing of knowledge transfer offices, promoting entrepreneurial mindset, promoting interactions between academiaДокумент Багатомірна інновація як базис формування бізнес-моделей підприємств(2017) Нєнно, Ірина Михайлівна; Ненно, Ирина Михайловна; Nyenno, Iryna M.У статті визначено роль інновації у формуванні бізнес-моделей підприємств. Розкрито доцільність використання технологічного брокерства та технологічного аудиту під час формування бізнес-моделей. Порівняно застосування відкритої та закритої інновацій у бізнес-моделі. Надано визначення багатомірної інновації. Запропоновано алгоритм оцінки ідеї з потенціалом багатомірної інновації. Обгрунтовано підхід до використання багатомірної інновації як основи формування бізнес-моделі. Представлено підхід до генерації інновацій із використанням їхньої мережевої природи через технологічний аудит та технологічне брокерство. Розроблено групу показників оцінки ефективності та очікуваних результатів стратегії технологічного брокерства.Документ Бар'єри впровадження кредитно-модульної системи в учбовий процес(Букаєв В.В., 2009) Neumann, Frank; Nyman, Ingid; Adame, Miguel Angel; Potoniec-Medon, Urzsula; Nyenno, Iryna M.; Нєнно, Ірина Михайлівна; Ненно, Ирина МихайловнаДокумент Бізнес-модель розвитку морського торговельного порту(Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова, 2016) Нєнно, Ірина Михайлівна; Ненно, Ирина Михайловна; Nyenno, Iryna M.Досліджено термінологічний апарат бізнес-моделі. Конкретизовано конструктивне визначення бізнес-моделі. На прикладі морських торговельних портів України розраховано елементи декомпозиції показ- ників бізнес-моделі: оборотні та необоротні активи, довгострокові та короткострокові зобов’язання, виручка, прибуток від фінансової та операційної діяльності. Визначено тип бізнес-моделі типового морського торговельного порту України.Документ Виміри транснаціоналізації(Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова, 2014) Нєнно, Ірина Михайлівна; Ненно, Ирина Михайловна; Nyenno, Iryna M.У статті розглядаються підходи до оцінки впливу транснаціоналізації. Доведено, що додана вартість, як показник участі в процесі створення продукту чи послуги в експортно-імпортної діяльності розглядається міжнародними торгівельно- економічними організаціями з різних методологічних позицій з метою трансфор- мації її виміру.